The Sacred Effusion Volume 2
Reflections On Ziyarat ‘Ashura Of Sayyid Al-Shuhada Al-Husayn B. ‘Ali ('a)
A unique and original piece of research on the sacred supplication of Ziyarat Ashura of Imam Husayn ('a).
The reader will come to appreciate the core reality of the ziyarah being: "to deflect from other than the visited one". The reflections in this publication centre around this theme: if we truly intend Imam al-Husayn (as) then we must realize that he is the very epitome of Islam. The more we revive Islamic values individually and socially, the closer we come to Imam al-Husayn ('a) and therefore our ziyarat gains true meaning.
Link to the first volume: https://www.al-islam.org/sacred-effusion-volume-1-muhammad-m-khalfan
The Sacred Effusion Volume 2
Reflections On Ziyarat ‘Ashura Of Sayyid Al-Shuhada Al-Husayn B. ‘Ali ('a)
Written by Shaykh Muhammad M Khalfan
Foreword by Shaykh Khalil Jaffer
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978 1 9092850 6 4
Copyright © 2013
The World Federation of KSIMC
Smashwords Edition
Published by:
The World Federation of Khoja Shi’a Ithna-Asheri Muslim Communities Registered Charity in the UK No. 282303
The World Federation is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations
Islamic Centre, Wood Lane, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 4LQ United Kingdom
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