The English translation (accompanied with original Arabic text) of the supremely eloquent sermons of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him). Nahjul Balagha contains 240 sermons given by Imam Ali (a), dealing with a wide variety of topics including our existence, relationship with the Almighty, building a God-fearing personality, and the Imam's (a) reflections upon historical incidents.
The Letters and Sayings of Imam 'Ali can be found here: http://www.al-islam.org/nahjul-balagha-part-2-letters-and-sayings
- Nahjul Balagha Part 1, The Sermons
- Preface By the Compiler of Nahjul Balaghah, al-'Allamah ash-Sharif ar-Radi
- Lineage of 'Allamah ash-Sharif ar-Radi and his Life
- Sermon 1: Praise is due to Allah whose worth cannot be described
- Sermon 2: I praise Allah seeking completion of His Blessing...
- Sermon 3: By Allah, the son of Abu Quhafah….
- Sermon 4: Through us you got guidance in the darkness...
- Sermon 5: O people, steer clear through the waves of mischief...
- Sermon 6: By Allah, I shall not be like the badger that ...
- Sermon 7: They have made Satan the master of their affairs...
- Sermon 8: He claims that he swore allegiance ...
- Sermon 9: They thundered ...
- Sermon 10: Satan has collected his group...
- Sermon 11: Mountains may move from their position, but you should not...
- Sermon 12: Does your brother love us? ...
- Sermon 13: You are a woman's army ...
- Sermon 14: Your land is close to the sea ...
- Sermon 15: By God, even if I had found that ...
- Sermon 16: My word is the guarantee of my promise ...
- Sermon 17: Among all the people the most detested before Allah are two persons...
- Sermon 18: When a problem is put before ...
- Sermon 19: How do you know what is for me and what is against me?!
- Sermon 20: Indeed, if you could see ...
- Sermon 21: Your ultimate goal is before you ...
- Sermon 22: Beware! Satan has certainly started….
- Sermon 23: Verily, Divine orders descends ...
- Sermon 24: By my life ...
- Sermon 25: Nothing (is left to me) but Kufah...
- Sermon 26: Verily, Allah sent Muhammad (S) ...
- Sermon 27: Indeed, surely jihad is one of the doors of Paradise ...
- Sermon 28: Surely, the world has turned its back ...
- Sermon 29: O people, who are together with their bodies, but ...
- Sermon 30: If I had ordered it, ...
- Sermon 31: Don't meet Talhah ...
- Sermon 32: O people, we have been born in ...
- Sermon 33: Verily, God sent Muhammad (S) ...
- Sermon 34: Woe to you! I am tired of rebuking you ...
- Sermon 35: Praise belongs to God, even though ...
- Sermon 36: I warn you ...
- Sermon 37: I took up the task ...
- Sermon 38: Doubt is called doubt because ...
- Sermon 39: I am faced with men who do not obey ...
- Sermon 40: A true statement to which a false meaning ...
- Sermon 41: O people, surely loyalty and truthfulness are twins ...
- Sermon 42: O people, what I fear most for you ...
- Sermon 43: My preparations for war with the Syrians ...
- Sermon 44: May God disgrace Masqalah, ...
- Sermon 45: Praise belongs to God, Whose mercy ...
- Sermon 46: My God, I seek Thy refuge ...
- Sermon 47: O Kufah! It is as if I see you ...
- Sermon 48: Praise belongs to God when night ...
- Sermon 49: Praise belongs to God, Who knows the inside ...
- Sermon 50: Verily, the source of misguidance lies in ...
- Sermon 51: They ask you to feed them ...
- Sermon 52: Beware, the world is wrapping itself...
- Sermon 53: The best kind of sacrifice ...
- Sermon 54: Rush towards me ...
- Sermon 55: As to your statement that ...
- Sermon 56: In the company of the Prophet (S)
- Sermon 57: Soon after me, there would be put on you...
- Sermon 58: Storms may overtake you...
- Sermon 59: The place they shall fall ...
- Sermon 60: By Allah! No, not yet….
- Sermon 61: Do not fight the Khawarij after me ...
- Sermon 62: Surely, there is a strong protective shield of Allah...
- Sermon 63: Beware! Surely this world is a place...
- Sermon 64: Fear Allah and anticipate your death by good actions ...
- Sermon 65: Praise be to Allah for Whom one condition does not proceed another...
- Sermon 66: O Muslims! ...
- Sermon 67: Why didn't you argue ...
- Sermon 68: I had intended to send ...
- Sermon 69: How long shall I accord to you the consideration ...
- Sermon 70: I was sitting when sleep overtook me...
- Sermon 71: O people of Iraq ...
- Sermon 72: My God, the Spreader of the surfaces...
- Sermon 73: Didn't he swear me his allegiance after ...
- Sermon 74: You have certainly known that...
- Sermon 75: The Umayyads's knowledge about me...
- Sermon 76: May Allah bless whoever listens to a point of wisdom and retains it…
- Sermon 77: The Banu Umayyah ...
- Sermon 78: My God, forgive me ...
- Sermon 79: Do you think you can tell
- Sermon 80: O people, women are ...
- Sermon 81: O people, zuhd lies in ...
- Sermon 82: How should I describe this house ...
- Sermon 83: Praise belongs to God, Who is high ...
- Enjoining people to Piety
- Caution against this world
- Death and Resurrection
- The limitations of life
- No happiness without Piety
- A part of the same sermon Reminding people of Allah’s bounties
- Preparation for the Day of Judgement
- Warning against Satan
- Part of the same sermon dealing with creation of man
- The lesson to be learnt from those who have passed away
- Alternative Sources for Sermon 83
- Sermon 84: I am surprised at the son of al-Nabighah ...
- Sermon 85: I bear witness that there is no god except Allah ...
- Sermon 86: Allah knows hidden secrets...
- Sermon 87: The most beloved of Allah is he whom...
- The Qualities Of A Faithful Believer
- Sermon 88: Allah did not crush any unruly tyrant...
- Sermon 89: Allah sent the Prophet after...
- Sermon 90: Praise be to Allah who is well-known without being seen...
- Sermon 91: Praise belongs to God, Who is ...
- Description of Allah
- Attributes of Allah as described in the Holy Qur'an
- About Allah's creation
- A part of the same sermon about the greatest perfection in Allah's creation
- A part of the same sermon, containing description of the sky
- A part of the same sermon, containing description of Angels
- A part of the same sermon, in description of earth and its spreading on water
- On the Creation of Man and the sending of the Prophet
- Alternative Sources for Sermon 91
- Sermon 92: Leave me and find someone else ...
- Sermon 93: I have pulled out the eye of revolt ...
- Sermon 94: Exalted is Allah Whom heights of daring cannot approach...
- Sermon 95: Allah sent the Prophet at a time when the people...
- Sermon 96: Praise belongs to God, Who is the First ...
- Sermon 97: Although Allah gives time to the oppressor...
- Sermon 98: By Allah, they would continue like this...
- Sermon 99: We praise Allah for what has happened...
- Sermon 100: Praise be to Allah Who spreads His bounty...
- Sermon 101: Praise be to God, the First ...
- Sermon 102: On that day Allah will collect...
- Sermon 103: O people, look at the world ...
- Sermon 104: God Almighty sent Muhammad ...
- Sermon 105: Then Allah sent Muhammad ...
- Sermon 106: Praise belong to Allah, who established Islam...
- Sermon 107: I have seen….
- Sermon 108: Praise belongs to Allah, Who is Manifest ...
- Sermon 109: Everything submits to Him ….
- Sermon 110: The best means by which seekers of nearness to Allah…
- Sermon 111: So now, certainly I frighten you….
- Sermon 112: Do you feel it when the Angel of Death enters….
- Sermon 113: I warn you of the world….
- Sermon 114: Praise be to Him Who makes….
- Sermon 115: O my God! Surely our mountains….
- Sermon 116: Allah sent him (the Prophet) as a caller towards Truth...
- Sermon 117: You spent no wealth ...
- Sermon 118: You are supporters of Truth and brethren in faith….
- Sermon 119: What has happened to you?....
- Sermon 120: By Allah, I have knowledge of….
- Sermon 121: This is the reward of one who breaks a pledge….
- Sermon 122: Were all of you with us in Siffin?...
- Sermon 123: Whoever among you feels spiritedness of heart….
- Sermon 124: Put the armoured man forward….
- Sermon 125: We did not name people as arbitrators….
- Sermon 126: Do you command me that I should seek…..
- Sermon 127: If you refuse to stop claiming ...
- Sermon 128: O Ahnaf!....
- Sermon 129: O servants of Allah!....
- Sermon 130: O Abu Dharr!...
- Sermon 131: O (people of) differing minds and divided hearts….
- Sermon 132: We praise Him for whatever He takes or gives….
- Sermon 133: This world and the Hereafter have submitted to Him….
- Sermon 134: Allah has taken upon Himself ….
- Sermon 135: O son of the accursed…..
- Sermon 136: Your allegiance to me was not without thinking….
- Sermon 137: By Allah, they did not find any disagreeable thing in me…
- Sermon 138: He will direct desires towards….
- Sermon 139: No one preceded me in inviting people to truthfulness…
- Sermon 140: Those who do not commit sins….
- Sermon 141: O people! If a person knows his broche….
- Sermon 142: He who shows generosity….
- Sermon 143: Beware; the earth which bears you ….
- Sermon 144: Allah deputed prophets ….
- Sermon 145: O people, you are, in this world….
- Sermon 146: In this matter, victory or defeat….
- Sermon 147: Allah sent Muhammad (S) with the Truth…
- Sermon 148: Both of these two….
- Sermon 149: O people! Every one shall meet…
- Sermon 150: They took to the right and the left….
- Sermon 151: I praise Allah and seek His help …..
- Sermon 152: Praise be to Allah who is….
- Sermon 153: He has been allowed time by Allah….
- Sermon 154: He who has an intelligent mind looks to his goal..
- Sermon 155: Praise be to Allah who is such that it is not possible to describe…
- Sermon 156: Whoever can at this time keep himself….
- Sermon 157: Praise be to Allah who made praise the Key…
- Sermon 158: Allah deputed the Prophet (S) at a time….
- Sermon 159: I lived as a good neighbour to you…
- Sermon 160: Allah's verdict is judicious….
- Praise of Allah
- Greatness of Allah
- A part of the same sermon about hope and fear in Allah.
- The example of the Holy Prophet
- The example of Musa (Moses)
- The example of Dawud (David)
- The example of ‘Isa (Jesus)
- Following the example of the Holy Prophet
- The example of himself
- Alternative Sources for Sermon 160
- Sermon 161: Allah deputed the Prophet with a sparkling light….
- Sermon 162: O brother of Banu Asad….
- Sermon 163: Praise be to Allah, Creator of people…
- Sermon 164: The people are behind me…
- Sermon 165: Allah has provided wonderful creations…
- Sermon 166: The young among you….
- Sermon 167: Allah, the Glorified, has sent down a guiding Book….
- Sermon 168: O my brothers! I am not ignorant of what you know….
- Sermon 169: There is no doubt that Allah sent down the Prophet (S) as a guide…
- Sermon 170: If those at your back send you……
- Sermon 171: O My God! Sustainer of the high sky…..
- Sermon 172: Praise be to Allah from whose view one sky….
- Sermon 173: The Prophet (S) is the trustee of Allah's revelation….
- Sermon 174: As for me, I would never be frightened of fighting….
- Sermon 175: O people who are (negligent of Allah but) not neglected (by Allah)…
- Sermon 176: Seek benefit from the sayings of Allah….
- Sermon 177: Your party had decided to select two persons…
- Sermon 178: One condition does not prevent Him….
- Sermon 179: Eyes cannot see Him…
- Sermon 180: I praise Allah for whatever matter He ordine…
- Sermon 181: May Allah's mercy remain away from them…..
- Sermon 182: Praise be to Allah to Whom is the return of all creation…
- Sermon 183: Praise be to Allah Who is recognised without being seen…
- Sermon 184: Keep silent! May Allah disgrace you…
- Sermon 185: Praise be to Allah. He is such that senses cannot perceive Him…
- Sermon 186: He who assigns to Him (different) conditions does not believe in His Oneness….
- Sermon 187: May my father and my mother be sacrificed for those….
- Sermon 188: I advise you, O people, to fear Allah and to praise Him….
- Sermon 189: One belief is that which is firm and steadfast in hearts….
- Sermon 190: I praise Him out of gratefulness for His reward….
- Sermon 191: Praise be to Allah Whose praise is wide-spread….
- Sermon 192: Praise be to Allah who wears the apparel of Honour and Dignity…
- Allah's trial and the vanity of Iblis
- Allah’s trial of His creatures
- Warning against Satan
- Caution against vanity and boasting about ignorance
- Caution against obeying haughty leaders and elders
- Taking lessons from the past peoples
- The humility of the Prophets (peace be on them)
- The Holy Ka’bah
- Caution against rebellion and oppressiveness
- The Benefits of Religious duties
- Undue prejudice and vanity
- Enthusiasm for attractive manners, respectable position, and taking lessons from the past
- Learning lessons from the past nations
- The blessing of the Messenger of Allah, peace be on him
- Condemning the disobedient ones
- Amir al-mu'minin's high position and wonderful deeds in Islam
- His Courage and Merits, may peace be upon him
- Alternative Sources for Sermon 192
- Sermon 193: Now then, Allah the Glorified, the Sublime, created…
- Sermon 194: We praise Allah for the succour He has given us…
- Sermon 195: Praise be to Allah who has displayed such effects…
- Sermon 196: Allah deputed the Prophet when no sign of guidance esisted…
- Sermon 197: Those companions of Muhammad….
- Sermon 198: Allah knows the cries of the beasts in the forest….
- Sermon 199: Pledge yourself with prayer and remain steady on it…
- Sermon 200: By Allah, Mu’awiyah is not more cunning than I am….
- Sermon 201: O people! Do not be desolate at the small number….
- Sermon 202: O Prophet of Allah, peace be upon you…
- Sermon 203: O people, certainly this world is a passage….
- Sermon 204: May Allah have mercy on you!....
- Sermon 205: Both of you frown over a small matter….
- Sermon 206: I dislike you starting to abuse them….
- Sermon 207: Hold back this young man on my behalf….
- Sermon 208: O people, matters between me and you….
- Sermon 209: What will you do with this vast house in this world…
- Sermon 210: Certainly what is current among the people…
- Sermon 211: It is through the strength of Allah's greatness…
- Sermon 212: O My God! Whoever listens to our utterance…
- Sermon 213: Praise be to Allah who is above all similarity to the creatures…
- Sermon 214: I stand witness that He is just and does justice…
- Sermon 215: Praise be to Allah! Who made me such….
- Sermon 216: So now, Allah, the Glorified, has….
- Sermon 217: O My God! I beseech Thee….
- Sermon 218: Abu Muhammad (Talhah) lies…..
- Sermon 219: He (the believer) kept his mind alive….
- Sermon 220: How distant (from achievement) is their aim….
- Sermon 221: Certainly, Allah has made His remembrance….
- Sermon 222: The addressee (in this verse) is devoid of argument
- Sermon 223: By Allah, I would rather pass a night….
- Sermon 224: O My God! Preserve (the grace of) my face…
- Sermon 225: This is a house surrounded by calamities….
- Sermon 226: O My God! Thou art the most attached….
- Sermon 227: May Allah reward such and such man….
- Sermon 228: You drew out my hand towards you for allegiance….
- Sermon 229: Certainly, fear of Allah is the key to guidance…..
- Sermon 230: The Prophet manifested….
- Sermon 231: This money is neither for me nor for you…
- Sermon 232: Know that the tongue is a part of a man's body…
- Sermon 233: They differ among themselves…..
- Sermon 234: May my father and my mother shed their lives for you…
- Sermon 235: I began following the path….
- Sermon 236: Perform (good) acts while you are still in the vastness of life…
- Sermon 237: They have been collected….
- Sermon 238: They are life for knowledge and death for ignorance….
- Sermon 239: O Ibn al-’Abbas!...
- Sermon 240: Exhorting his men to jihad and asking them to refrain from seeking ease
- Bibliography of Alternative Sources of Nahjul Balaghah