A detailed account of humanity’s experience of death, and the stages beyond it, including the status in one’s grave, Barzakh, the Day of Judgment (Qiyamah), and the final recourse in Heaven or Hell.
The Ahlul Bayt DILP team wishes to inform the reader of some important points regarding this digitized text, which represents the English translation of a work originally written in Farsi. Whereas no one can doubt the best intentions of the translator and the publishers in making this title accessible to an English speaking audience, the editing and digitization process of this book (carried out by the DILP Team) has revealed issues in the quality of translation.
Based upon this fact, the DILP team has taken the liberty to make grammatical corrections to make the text more readable and less ambiguous; spelling mistakes and typographical errors have also been corrected and an attempt has been made to improve the highly non-standard use of transliteration of Arabic names and terms. The online text is not an exact reproduction of the original translation.
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The Ahlul Bayt DILP Team
- The Hereafter (Ma'ad)
- Preface
- Death
- No Other Source of Knowledge Except Revelation
- Characteristics of the Hereafter have nothing to do with Intellect
- Does a Dead Body Talk?
- Talking is not Limited to the Tongue
- Death: The First Station
- What is Death?
- The Soul Neither Enters the Body nor Gets Out of it
- How the soul is taken
- Who causes death? God, Izra'eel or the angels?
- The Lord of the Universe has fixed Some Causes for Death
- Appearance of Izra'eel According to the Deeds of the Dying Person
- Arrival of Angels and Satans at the time of Death
- Comfort and Discomfort at the Time of Death
- Sometimes Discomfort at the Time of Death Redeems Sins
- Comfort on Deathbed, Reward of Good Deeds of the Dying Disbeliever
- Confiscating a disbeliever's Soul through Torture
- A Student of Fuzail who Died the Death of a Disbeliever
- Dying in Disbelief Due to Sinning
- Being Pleased with Death
- Love for the World-Condemned by reason and Shariat
- Love for this World is an Attribute of Infidels and a Source of Sins
- Dislike for Death and Weeping Over Demise of the Beloved
- Expression of Impatience is the Result of Carelessness about the Hereafter
- Divine Mercies and Bounties
- The Arrival of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) at the Moment of Death
- Even After Death
- Questioning of the Grave
- Questioning about Beliefs and Deeds
- Why this Questioning?
- Unbelievers will see the Divine Punishment and the Beginning of their Pains
- The Disbeliever will Fail to Reply all Questions
- There will be Questioning about Deeds too
- Deeds are the Companions in Grave
- The Lord of the World Warns
- The Disbeliever will be accompanied by a Fearsome Face
- Squeeze of the Grave is a Fact
- Squeeze of Grave is Possible Everywhere
- Reasons of Squeeze of the Grave
- Barzakh (Purgatory) - The Stage Between this World and the Hereafter
- Halfway between Reward and Punishment
- The Facsimile World and the Facsimile Body
- Picture in the Mirror, with Two Stipulations
- All Food Articles and Fruits Combined in Only One Thing
- The Degree of Effects
- A Man in the Grave Who Hosted Others
- Reward of Fair dealing and Offering Prayers in Time
- Lasting Pleasure in the Realm of Barzakh
- A Cloak Full of Rice in the Valley of Peace
- Animals Hear the Voice of the Dead
- Cries Raised by a Hashimi Murderer in his Dream
- Advice of a Perfumer and Demand by a Jew of His Trust
- Can Such Things be Denied Absolutely
- Three Kinds of News
- There is no Logical Argument against Resurrection
- Burial of Fatima BintAsad, Mother of Amirul Mu’minin (A.S.)
- Fatima BintAsad was much Fearful about the Events after Death
- Effectiveness of Soul in Physical Body
- The Body of Shaykh Sadooq Found Fresh
- The Fresh Body of Hurr and the Handkerchief on his Head
- A Suckling Baby in the Grave of Abu Ja'far Kulaini (r.a.)
- Fire of Barzakh leaps out of a Grave
- Fire Hotter than the fire of this World
- Lightning is the Biggest Fire in the World
- Those who do not Experience Fear
- Death at a Time of the Descent of Mercy
- Two Green Branches and Testimony of Forty Persons
- Prophet Dawood did not offer Burial Prayer for a Worshipper
- Testimony of Believers by Dust of Karbala’ on the Shroud of Allamah Majlisi (r.a.)
- The Good Deeds which Reach the Dead after Death
- Numerous Gifts as Reward of Charity on behalf of the Dead
- Request of the Dead to the Living
- Barzakh is Veiled in this World
- The Realm of Barzakh Encircles this World
- Souls are Friendly with One Another and Please One Another
- The Valley of Peace is the Station of the Spirits of the Faithful
- Nearness to Amirul Mu’minin ‘Ali (a.s) Attainable through Knowledge and Virtues
- A Dead Body which was brought from Yemen to Najaf al-Ashraf
- One who gave Shelter to Locusts around his Tent
- Close Relation between the Soul and the Grave
- Reflection of Sunrays in a Mirror
- Why no Reward or Punishment is Given to this Earthly Body?
- Every Soul has Two Kinds of Bodies
- The Soul is either Punished or Rewarded
- Qur’anic Description of Reward and Punishment in Barzakh
- In Comfort or in Pain so long as Days and Nights endure
- Habib Najjar in the Paradise of Barzakh
- Hard Life and Punishment in the Grave
- Barzakh till everyone would be raised from the Graves on the Day of Judgement
- Personality of Man Due to his Spirit or Soul
- Paradise in Barzakh for the Content Soul
- Rewards and Punishments of Barzakh as Mentioned in Reports and Traditions
- Faces in Barzakh would be like People's Faces in this World
- New arrivals questioned about Others
- Spirits Meet their Worldly Relatives and Friends
- The Pool of Kauthar in Barzakh
- Kauthar and Hameem at the Moment of Death
- Barhoot - A Sample of Hell in Barzakh
- Day of Judgement (Qiyamat)
- Qiyamat from viewpoint of Logic
- Unbelievers of Hereafter do not understand God's Wisdom
- Nail as a Support
- Exit of Excessive Matter through Hair
- Medicine from Cow dung Beetle Proved Effective for Eye Trouble
- Is the World's Existence Void of Wisdom?
- Not a Single Tooth is Without Wisdom
- Creation would have been Aimless had there been Only Happiness
- Every Gulp after Thousands of Stings
- For the Sake of a Joy which will be Without Sorrow or Pain
- Qiyamat Cannot be Doubted
- Divine Justice Demands a Day of Judgement
- True People have Informed about Qiyamat
- The Best Proof of Resurrection is the Possibility of its Coming
- There is no Return of a Perished Thing in Qiyamat
- The Strongest Argument is the Possibility of its Occurrence
- He will Gather them for the Third Time too
- Dead Coming to Life in the World
- Uzair (a.s.) Remained Dead For a Hundred Years
- Four Birds whom God Made Alive after Dissection
- Almighty Allah has Power over Everything
- Fire and Water Together
- How will the Powdered Bones Become Alive?
- No Scope for Doubt in Divine Knowledge
- Creation of Skies is More Difficult and Important than Creation of Man
- It is obligatory to remove the Harm if there is any Likelihood of it
- If Mind Hints at a Danger or Harm, Attention Must be Paid
- All Prophets and Messengers Warned People
- Imam Ja'far Sadiq (a.s.) Admonishes an unbeliever of Resurrection
- Resurrection is Great
- Amr Became Frightened by Qiyamat
- Red Hot Earth Under the Unbeliever's Feet
- Different Faces in the Field of Mahshar (Grand Assembly)
- Fate of Backbiters, Usurers and Corrupt People
- Those who Harassed Their Neighbours, the Oppressive Rulers and the Proud
- Offenders will be Recognised by their Faces in the Grand Gathering
- How will they Walk with their Disfigured Faces?
- Hearts will Stick to Throats
- The Fortunate Ones who will be Safe from the Fear of Qiyamat
- Masjid will be the Ark of Salvation in Qiyamat
- Death in or En-route to Mecca
- Patience in Passion and Anger
- The Love and Guardianship (Wilayat) of ‘Ali is a Guarantee of True Safety and Protection
- The Absolute 'Hasana' (Good) is the Wilayat of ‘Ali Ibne Abi Talib (a.s.)
- Precaution or Preparation for the Future
- Efforts for Betterment of Future and Entanglement in Greed
- The True Savings Account is with God
- Israfil will Blow the Trumpet
- Four Favourite Angels and their Responsibilities
- Noise in Skies at the Thought of Qiyamat
- Only God will be there
- Wonders before the Arrival of Qiyamat
- Blowing of the Second Trumpet
- Thank God who Fulfilled His Promise
- How will they Raise their Heads from Graves?
- Two Contradictory Hopes about Qiyamat
- All Secrets will become known
- The Dress on the Day of Judgement will be Piety
- Adam (a.s.) Covered his Body with Leaves
- The Sinners will be Recognized
- Scene of a Drunkard in the Gathering
- Faces of Usurers and Musicians
- The Musician's Instruments will be with him
- The Condition of Double Talkers
- Arrogant People and Adulterers
- Day of Fifty Thousand Years' Duration
- Why Qiyamat is Called a 'Day'?
- Sun of truth will shine in Qiyamat
- The Station of Fear in Qiyamat
- Flying Away from one another like Locusts
- Their Fleeing will be of no Use
- They will beg even for a Single Good on the Day of Judgement
- Records of Deeds
- The Fragrance of Good Intention Alerts the Angels
- Respite in Recording Good and Evil
- They Note Even the Blowing at Fire
- Amirul Mu’minin ‘Ali (a.s.) Addresses Indecent Youth Talkers
- Wisdom Behind Record of Deeds
- Come! Look at My Mark sheet
- I Wish they had not Given me my Record of Deeds
- How the Record will be Given from Behind
- Severe Pain after Reading the Record
- No Suspension or a Suspension for a Thousand Years
- Good Tidings for the Friends of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.)
- The Holy Prophet will Pay-Up for the Rights of the Shi’as
- Thanks to God our Account has been Entrusted to Generous Persons
- Balance (Mizan)
- What Wrong have we ever seen in Truth and Justice that we may turn towards the Wrong Path
- Peace and Comfort is Only for the Faithful
- The Profit of Materialists is Doubtful
- Four Groups of People according to their Accounting
- Punishment for a Hundred Years due to One Sin
- The Provision of Righteousness is to Die with Faith
- Nullifying of Deeds and Expiation of Sins
- Curtain between Hatim and Nausherwan and the Fire of Hell
- Sins which make a Man Die Faithless
- Faith is the Expiation of Disbelief and Repentance is the Atonement of Sins
- Good Deeds which Remove Evils
- Questions on the Day of Resurrection
- Bounties would be Questioned
- How was your Behaviour with the Bounty of Wilayat?
- Everyone will be Questioned about Four Things
- Questioning about Worship Acts
- Sins are of Three Kinds
- Mirsad or the Valley of People's Rights
- Suspension for One Year because of a Straw
- A Thousand Years in the Valley of Oppressions
- Encroachment of Others' Rights
- No Oppressor will Escape the Punishment due to Him
- Repayment of Dues of Believers from Unbelievers and Vice Versa
- Cut in Punishment Equal to Right
- Fear of the Claim of Rights
- Most Poor on the Day of Judgement
- Dealing Based on Grace
- The Cistern of Kauthar
- Kauthar, Heavenly Wine - Springs of Milk and Honey
- Kauthar becomes Happy with the Mourners of Husain (a.s.)
- The Ears Acquainted with the Heavenly Song
- Appearance of Muhammad and Aale Muhammad
- The Pulpit of the Medium (Wasilah)
- Praised Position (Maqam al-Mahmood)
- ‘Ali Ibne Abi Talib, the Distributor of Paradise and Hell
- Sirat Bridge
- A Thousand Bridles of Hell in the Hands of a Thousand Angels
- The First Valley
- Second Valley -Prayer
- Third Valley - Khums and Zakat
- Fourth Valley - Fasting
- Fifth Valley - Hajj
- Sixth Valley - Ritual Purity
- Seventh Valley - Oppression
- Intercession
- Intercession at Every Stage
- Our Hope is Closely Connected with the Intercession of the Holy Prophet
- Intercession is the Anchor of Hope, not of Pride
- The Raised Places (Araaf)
- Wall between People of Paradise and People of Hell
- One's Radiance (Noor) will be of no use to others
- Be Anxious about that Day's Noor only Today
- Araaf, a Place between Paradise and Hell
- Paradise, the Greatest and Everlasting Bounty
- True Abode of Peace (Darus Salaam) is Paradise
- Heavenly Rivers mentioned in the Holy Qur’an
- Heavenly Dresses
- Palaces and Precincts in Paradise
- Sample of Heavenly Chambers
- Chairs, Carpets and Vessels in Paradise
- Heavenly Women and Houries
- Houries are Very Far from Impurities
- Heavenly Women are Much More Beautiful and Attractive
- The Marriage of the Women of Paradise will be of their Own Choice
- Flowers and Scents in Paradise
- Light in Paradise
- Songs and Voices in Paradise
- Prophet Dawood (a.s.) and the Singing Houries of Paradise
- Reward of Discarding Singing in this World
- Spiritual Favours and Tastes
- Greetings by Angels and the Honour of Communicating with the Lord of Universe
- Neighbourhood of the Prophet and his Progeny
- Daily Feasts Hosted by the Messengers (a.s.)
- Admonition - Why Do We Not Try To Get Paradise?
- The Hell
- Hell and its Gates
- Hellfire has Intelligence
- The Light of the Faithfuls will Lower Flames of Hell
- Sinners will Live in a Very Congested Place
- Mental or Spiritual Torture
- Unbeliever will not Enter Paradise
- Deprivation from Divine Bounties is the Worst Punishment
- Deadly Regrets in Hell
- Scolding and Spiritual Punishment in Hell
- Taunting by Satans and Withholding of Weeping by Hell Dwellers
- You too Found it True what was Promised to you
- Stay with the Satans in Hell will be a Painful Punishment
- They will Deny one another
- Blaming One Another in Hell
- Will this Weak Body be able to bear such Punishments?
- Man's Body will also become as Hard as his Heart
- In the Hereafter, Truth will Overtake Appearance
- Is Painful Punishment Becoming Divine Justice?
- Self Prepared Punishment
- Adoration Before the Blind and Singing Before the Deaf!
- What has the Merciful to do with Punishment!
- Forced Repentance is Useless
- A Short Lifespan and Permanent Punishment
- Eternity will be Based on the Intention of Good or Evil