Zoheir Ali Esmail

Shaykh Zoheir Ali Esmail has a Bsc in Accounting and Finance from the LSE in London, and an MA in Islamic Studies from Middlesex University. He studied Arabic at Damascus University and holds a PhD from the University of Exeter in the philosophical and mystical readings of Mulla Sadra in the context of the schools of Tehran and Qum.


Zoheir Ali Esmail, Shaykh Zoheir Ali Esmail has a Bsc in Accounting and Finance from the LSE in London, and an MA in Islamic Studies from Middlesex University. He studied Arabic at Damascus University and holds a PhD... Answered 9 months ago


Thank you for your question. Humans cannot know God's mind and so we should not assume that anything that happens in our life is a negative response from God. Instead it is better to focus on the fact that God always intends the best for His servants and that the nature of life in the material realm is such that it is full of difficulties. We need to try to develop coping mechanisms for these difficulties if possible and not augment the difficulties with thinking that they are a sign of God's anger or displeasure.

May you always be successful 


Zoheir Ali Esmail, Shaykh Zoheir Ali Esmail has a Bsc in Accounting and Finance from the LSE in London, and an MA in Islamic Studies from Middlesex University. He studied Arabic at Damascus University and holds a PhD... Answered 10 months ago


Thank you for your question. Knowing the meaning of what you are reciting is not a condition for the validity of prayer.

May you always be successful 


Zoheir Ali Esmail, Shaykh Zoheir Ali Esmail has a Bsc in Accounting and Finance from the LSE in London, and an MA in Islamic Studies from Middlesex University. He studied Arabic at Damascus University and holds a PhD... Answered 1 year ago


Thank you for your question. God is unlimited and superabundant. His Attributes, such as power, knowledge and beauty have no limit or cause and so in Shii theology they are considered to be the same as His Essence. What is discouraged in hadith is to think of His Essence in and of itself as a human is unable to comprehend anything without a point of reference. The Essence is therefore completely unknowable as there is no point of reference with which we can understand it. Rather, we have been encouraged to reflect on His creation and the aspects of the Attributes that are reflected in creation, like His power, knowledge and beauty, while realising that creation can only manifest a limited amount of perfection due to its limitations. When we speak of creation manifesting the Attributes of God, that is because nothing created essentially owns any perfection. Nothing is essentially powerful, knowledgeable or beautiful, let alone existent without God as the source of those attributes. They cannot have those attributes even momentarily without God and so they manifest what truly belongs to God alone. This framework of manifestation is accepted among many philosophers and mystics but other scholars may have different ideas on the issue.

May you always be successful 


Zoheir Ali Esmail, Shaykh Zoheir Ali Esmail has a Bsc in Accounting and Finance from the LSE in London, and an MA in Islamic Studies from Middlesex University. He studied Arabic at Damascus University and holds a PhD... Answered 1 year ago


Thank you for your question.

When referring to God, eternal means that He is not restricted by the limitations of time as time is a factor of matter and God is not a material being. Ever living means that He is the source of life and is not brought to life.

May you always be successful 


Zoheir Ali Esmail, Shaykh Zoheir Ali Esmail has a Bsc in Accounting and Finance from the LSE in London, and an MA in Islamic Studies from Middlesex University. He studied Arabic at Damascus University and holds a PhD... Answered 1 year ago


Thank you for your question. The first step it to not be too harsh on yourself. Allah forgives all sins and most humans follow a path of mistakes before enlightenment. While you should avoid sin, even if you do sin don't be so hard on yourself that it effects your faith but instead seek a way back and try to reform. Seek forgiveness and make an intention to make meaningful changes and follow a good way. It is to then sincerely seek the truth and try and find it through knowledge and self purification until you manage to establish your feet on the straight path.

May you always be successful 


Zoheir Ali Esmail, Shaykh Zoheir Ali Esmail has a Bsc in Accounting and Finance from the LSE in London, and an MA in Islamic Studies from Middlesex University. He studied Arabic at Damascus University and holds a PhD... Answered 1 year ago


Thank you for your question. You can hold the Quran in your hands while standing, in ruku or sitting.

May you always be successful 


Zoheir Ali Esmail, Shaykh Zoheir Ali Esmail has a Bsc in Accounting and Finance from the LSE in London, and an MA in Islamic Studies from Middlesex University. He studied Arabic at Damascus University and holds a PhD... Answered 1 year ago


Thank you for your question. There is no problem in praying for that but just don't let it become a barrier to suitable partners when looking for perspective spouses. May Allah grant you all of your lawful desires.

May you always be successful 


Zoheir Ali Esmail, Shaykh Zoheir Ali Esmail has a Bsc in Accounting and Finance from the LSE in London, and an MA in Islamic Studies from Middlesex University. He studied Arabic at Damascus University and holds a PhD... Answered 1 year ago


Thank you for your question. According to the school of Ahl al-Bayt (as) Allah is Just and so He will only take people to account to the extent that is fair. If someone didn't have the ability in this life to learn and understand about Islam through no fault of their own they will not be judged like someone who knew about the truth of Islam and covered that truth up. This principle holds in all times and places including the modern world. So they would not be condemned to hell.

May you always be successful 


Zoheir Ali Esmail, Shaykh Zoheir Ali Esmail has a Bsc in Accounting and Finance from the LSE in London, and an MA in Islamic Studies from Middlesex University. He studied Arabic at Damascus University and holds a PhD... Answered 1 year ago


Thank you for your question. You should remove it and continue fasting. Your fast is only broken by food if you intentionally swallow it.

May you always be successful 


Zoheir Ali Esmail, Shaykh Zoheir Ali Esmail has a Bsc in Accounting and Finance from the LSE in London, and an MA in Islamic Studies from Middlesex University. He studied Arabic at Damascus University and holds a PhD... Answered 1 year ago


Thank you for your question. There is no problem repeating an istekhara if factors have changed or with a slightly different intention.

May you always be successful 


Zoheir Ali Esmail, Shaykh Zoheir Ali Esmail has a Bsc in Accounting and Finance from the LSE in London, and an MA in Islamic Studies from Middlesex University. He studied Arabic at Damascus University and holds a PhD... Answered 1 year ago


Thank you for your question. According to Shii jurists after wiping your head you should wipe your feet and the area which you wipe must be dry otherwise your wudu would be invalid.

May you always be successful


Zoheir Ali Esmail, Shaykh Zoheir Ali Esmail has a Bsc in Accounting and Finance from the LSE in London, and an MA in Islamic Studies from Middlesex University. He studied Arabic at Damascus University and holds a PhD... Answered 1 year ago


Thank you for your question. Fully surrendering to Allah is a process that only a few manage to achieve. As such try and treat it like a process instead of something that should just happen at once. Keep struggling and working towards that lifetime goal.

May you always be successful