Wudu (Ablution)
How to do Wudhu Tutorial
Bismillah, Al-Rahman Al-Rahim. Allahumma salli ala Muhammad wa aali Muhammad. So brothers and sisters have requested from me that I prepare a wudhu tutorial. Wudhu is very important for us as Muslims, because we do it on a daily basis in preparation for salah and to stay in the state of ritual purity. And this is why we need to make sure that the wudhu we are performing is valid and correct. There are some common mistakes that some of us might make that we are not aware of. And I am going to point to them through this tutorial.
I have with me, my son Ibrahim, and he is going to demonstrate how wudhu is done. Before I do start wudhu, I need to make sure that there are four things that I am aware of.
Number one with my wudhu parts, my face, my arms, my head and my feet, I need to make sure that there is no najasah or impurities on it. Number two, I need to make sure that I don't have anything that is preventing water from getting to my skin, like for example, glue or paints or a tight wristband, a watch tight watch a ring or anything along those lines, nail polish, etc, etc.
Number three, I need to make sure that the water that I'm using is halal and free of any dubious ownership. It is not usurped water, it is not stolen water and anything along those lines. And number four, I need to make sure that my head and my feet are dry. I'm going to explain that during the tutorial as well.
The sunnah of Rasul Allah Sallal-lahu alayhi wa alihi, is to do wudhu the amount of a cup and to do ghusl the amount of a jug. And this is why we are going to demonstrate how easy it is to do wudhu with as much water as you can see here in front of you. We need to make sure that we avoid wasting of water and always respect the environment. There are some mustahab things that you can do before wudhu. Of course, we know that you have done your niyah and one mustahab thing is to wash your hands. Another mustahab thing is to gargle water. A third mustahab thing is to sniff some water.
The first wajib thing to do is to wash your face. Ibrahim is going to start washing his face. Of course, you, the top part is from the line of your hair above your foreheads and all the way down till below your chin and sideways. It is between your thumb, everything that fits in between your thumb and your middle finger, making sure that I am doing a little bit more to cover all parts.
In wudhu it is wajib to wash your face once the second time is mustahab. This does not mean that you can only splash water twice. You can splash water as many times as you want to, but it all comes down to your niyah. So this would be Ibrahim's second wash, which is the mustahab wash. Third wash, there is no third wash. And if someone was to do so with the intention, it will invalidate your wudhu.
There is one thing that is commonly performed by some, and that is to wash up upwards the opposite way. Ibrahim is going to show how that is done. This is wrong. It's called naks and it invalidates your wudhu. You need to make sure that when you are washing, you are washing downwards only, if you do have a beard you do not need to scratch into the beard, you only need to be covering it. When you are finished washing your face. And of course, there are many supplications and duas that can be recited. Hopefully it would be a good idea for my brothers and sisters to memorize these duas for each process during wudhu.
It is mustahab when you are going to start washing your right arm to put water in your right arm and then put it onto your left and then start washing your right arm. You are washing your right arm from above your elbow all the way down till the tip of your fingers, making sure that you are covering all parts. Again, first time is wajib and then your second wash is a mustahab wash, making sure that you are not doing naks. Show them how naks would be. That will also invalidate your wudhu. Of course it is mustahab to have as a male for you to pour the water on the outside of your elbow. And if you were a female, you are pouring water on the inside of your elbow. Seeing that you have finished your right arm. You are now going to wash your left arm, again from above your elbow, all the way down between your fingers, making sure that you covered, you've covered all parts, making sure that you have also washed this area because this area, which has the crinkles, is usually left out sometimes.
When you are finished washing your arm, your left arm, you make sure that you no longer touch anything because you are going to have to wipe your head and your feet with wudhu water. Wudhu water means that you are that whatever that is on your hands now is going to be used for the wiping. Let us say you were using a tap. This is what you would usually do when you are turning the tap off. You have some water left over in your right hand and you are going to finish with washing your left arm.
So you would do something along these lines of turning the tap off and then finishing with your washing your left arm, maybe the second time, the mustahab time. So you have stepped away. You have not touched any foreign water outside of your wudhu water, like the sink or the tap or anything else, then you are going to wipe your head. I did say in the beginning that your head needs to be dry because when you are doing the mas, the wiping your head needs to be dry.
You are wiping the first third of your heads. It is mustahab for you to do with three fingers or more. Now, it does not matter which way you do it, that is absolutely fine. After you have finished wiping your heads, you are now ready to wipe your feet. So Ibrahim has finished wiping his head. Now we are going to show how you wipe your feet. Just in case you are outside or your hands have dried. You can use your wudhu parts to obtain more water.
So, for example, Ibrahim's hand is now dry. He can use his beard or his arm to get some water on his hand so he is able to wipe his foot. The last stage is the wiping of your feet. You wipe your right foot with your right hand, your left foot with your left hand. You need to make sure that when you are going to do the wiping, the top part of your foot is dry.
So, for example, Ibrahim would have some drops of water on the top part of his foot and he has dried them now and then he's going to go down and do the wiping. This is how you do your wiping of your feet and you need to make sure that your foot is fixed. It doesn't necessarily mean that the foot is on the ground, on the floor. It can be raised, but you are wiping your foot with your hands.
This is the end of the tutorial, for wudhu I do hope, Insha'Allah, that my brothers and sisters have benefited from this. If there are any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to inbox me and contact me.
Wal-Hamdulillah Rabb Al-Alameen Wa assalatu Wa assalam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa aali at-taahireen.