
A Woman Taken In Adultery

It was near to the Passover of the Jews, so Jesus said to his disciples, "Let us go to Jerusalem to eat the paschal lamb." He sent Peter and John to the city, saying, "You will find an ass near the gate of the city with a colt; loose her and bring her here, for I must ride on her into Jerusalem. If anyone ask you, 'Why do you free her?' say to them, 'The Master has need of her,' then they will permit you to bring her."

The disciples went, and found all that Jesus had told them, and accordingly they brought the ass and the colt. The disciples then placed their mantles upon the colt, and Jesus rode on the ass. It came to pass that when the men of Jerusalem heard that Jesus of Nazareth is coming, they went forth with their children eager to see Jesus, bearing in their hands branches of palm and olive, singing, "Blessed be he that comes to us in the name of God; hosanna son of David!"

Jesus having entered into the Temple, the scribes and Pharisees brought to him a woman taken in adultery. They said among themselves, "If he saved her, it is contrary to the Law of Moses, and so we have him as guilty; and if he condemned her, it is contrary to his own doctrine, for he preaches mercy." Therefore, they came to Jesus and said, "Master, we have found this woman in adultery. Moses commanded that such should be stoned. What then do you say?"

Thereupon, Jesus stooped down and with his finger made a mirror on the ground wherein everyone saw his own iniquities. They still pressed for the answer, Jesus lifted up himself and pointing to the mirror with his finger, said, "He who is without sin among you, let him be first to stone her." Again, he stooped down, shaping the mirror. The men, seeing this, went out one by one, beginning from the eldest, for they were ashamed to see their abominations.

Jesus having lifted up himself, and seeing no one but the woman, said, "Woman, where are they that condemned you?" The woman answered, weeping, "Lord, they are departed; and if you will pardon me as God lives, I will not sin more." Then Jesus said, "Blessed be God! Go your way in peace and do not sin more, for God has not sent me to condemn you."

Then, the scribes and Pharisees being assembled, Jesus said to them, "Tell me, if one of you had one hundred sheep, and should lose one of them, would you not go to seek it, leaving the ninety and nine? Moreover, when you found it, would you not lay it upon your shoulders and, having called together your neighbours; say to them, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found the sheep, which I had lost?' Assuredly, you would do so. Now tell me, does our God love man whom He has made the world for, less than that? As God lives, even so there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repents, because sinners make known God's mercy."