Why You Should Move On - 30 Verses For 30 Days 14/30

Salamun alaykum, dear brothers and sisters, and welcome to the 14th Tafsir clip of the month of Ramadan. In this clip, InshaAllah, we are going to delve into verse 85 of Surat ul-Hijr. This verse is going to be going to be talking about Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala addressing the Prophet, and telling the Prophet to be willing to be forgiving and to be able to walk away from the different difficult situations that he finds himself in. From the things that the disbelievers say about him, from the accusations, from the slander, and all of the negative incidents and events that take place in his life. Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala is telling the Prophet, Ya Rasul Allah, to walk away, and turn away from these events, meaning that he has to move on from these events.

And this is a lesson for us. Many times we come across different situations in life, where we have to learn to just move on from it, and just happy and just be okay with it in the sense that there is not much you can do about it. Someone might say something about you, someone might think negatively about you. There is not necessarily something you can do in every one of these situations. You have to be patient and you are to be forgiving and you move on with life.

But if you take a look at the verse, verse 85 of Surat ul-Hijr, you find Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala puts a very beautiful context to this command. The verse actually starts out like this: "Wa ma khalaqna as-samawati wa al-ardi, wa ma bainahuma illa bi 'l-Haqq" (15:85). We did not create the heavens and the earth except because there is a truth behind it, meaning that there is a goal behind it, there is a purpose behind it. We didn't just create it for fun. No, there was going to be a final goal. "Wa inna as-Sa'ata la atiyatun" (15:85), and that final goal is the Day of Judgment, and that Day of Judgment is coming.

In other words, Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala is saying that, listen, We didn't create this life that you are going through, just for the sake of itself. We created it because there is going to be a Day of Judgment that's going to come. This life that you are part of right now, is temporary. Yes. Ten years, 15 years, 20 years, whatever the case may be, the real goal is the Day of Judgment.

Because it's like this, when negative things happen in life, right now, you are not to take them too seriously. See, if this life was a life that we were going to have to live for thousands of years, or we were supposed to live here forever, then you would take it seriously. But the reality is that this life is temporary. Things pass by. Days come and go and people move on. This is why at the end of the verse, Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala tells the Prophet: "fasfah as-safha al-jamil" (15:85). Because the Day of Judgment is coming, because everyone will be held accountable anyways, you don't have to bother yourself so much with what this person said, what that person said. No, Ya Rasul Allah, you turn your face.

"Saf" means when you turn away from something, you turn away from this, and you move on with life now. This doesn't mean, for example, if someone is hurting us, that I forgive them, and I allow them to hurt me again, and again and again. That is not what the Qur'an is saying. You try to protect yourself as much as you can. But, for example, things that you can't really change, you can't really control. Someone says something about you. Maybe someone backbites about you. There is not much you can do about it. Someone doesn't have a favorable opinion of you. These are things you can't really control so much.

The Qur'an says, listen, this life is a temporary life. "Fasfah as-safha al-jamil" (15:85), because it's temporary, turn away from it, and turn away from it with grace.

The more the human being understands how temporary this state of affairs are, the more easier it will be for him to turn away from the negative incidents that take place in life.

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