Why Get Married Young? - An Islamic Perspective

Marriage provides moral protection. Ruya' 'an Ar-Rasuli Allahi, salla Allahu alayhi wa alihi wa sallam, 'annahu qal: man ahabba an yalqa Allaha Ta'ala tahiran mutahharan fa 'l-yalqahu bi 'z-zawjah". If you want to stand before Allah on the Day of Judgment, purified and refined, immaculate from sins, from crimes, you have to have a wife, you have to have a partner.

And the Prophet, salla Allahu alayhi wa alihi wa sallam, says: "ma min shabbin tazawwaja fi hadathati sinnihi illa 'ajja Shaytanuhu. Ya wailahu, ya wailahu asama minni thulutha idinih". A person who has the guts, and the courage of getting married while he is young, not while he reaches the age of 59.9 plus tax. No! When he is young, when he is 18, when he is 20, he puts his trust in Allah. He says, I can depend on Allah and myself. Allah will bring me the food. Allah will take care of me. I put my trust in Him and I will get married.

This person, when he gets married, his Satan that is always chasing him and running after him to knock him down, he will scream: Ya wailahu, ya wailahu. Woe unto him, woe unto him. He protected and he secured two-thirds of his religion, two-thirds of his faith.

And the Prophet says: "fa 'l-yattaqi Allaha, fa thulthi ath-thalith". Two-thirds of your faith, morality is being secured when you get married, when you are young. Then you have to take care of the third part, the third portion.