Why Does Mankind Need A Savior?
As-salamu alaykum, wa Rahmat Ullahi, wa Barakatu. Bismi-Llah, Al-Rahmani, Al-Rahim. Al-hamdulil-Lahi, Rabbi al-'Alamin, "Al-Hamdulil-Lahi alladhi hadana li hadha, wa ma kunna linahdatiya law la an hadana Allah" (5:43). Nahmaduhu wa nusabbihuhu wa nuqaddisuh. We sanctify our Lord, we glorify Him, for the numerous and endless gifts that He has been bestowing upon us every day of our life and every hour of our lives.
We give thanks to Him, we give thanks to Him that we are able to witness the eve of Mid Sha'ban tonight, the second night in its sanctity and holiness, after the night of destiny, the Night of Qadr. And it is the night where the following day of it the 15th of Sha'ban witnesses the anniversary of the birth of our commander, of our leader, of our savior, the Imam, the Imam of the time, the Imam who has been Imam for 1187 years, since his birth in year 255 Hijri in the city of Samara. Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn al-Hasan al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar. May Allah hasten his reappearance, his return, to bring relief, to bring peace, to bring stability, to bring reason, and wisdom and sense to the whole world, to mankind.
Allahumma kun li Waliyyika al-Hujjat Ibn al-Hasan, salawatuka 'alayhi wa 'ala aba'ih. Fi hadhihi as-sa'ati, wa fi kulli sa’ah. Waliyyan wa hafidhan, wa qa'idan, wa nasiran, wa daleelan, wa 'aynah, hatta tuskinahu ardhaka tau'a, wa tumattiahu fiha, tawilah [Du'a al-Faraj].
Our Lord states, in the second chapter Surat ul-Baqara verse 155. 'A'udhu bil-Lahi min ash-Shaytan, ar-rajim. Bismi-Llah, Al-Rahmani, Al-Rahim. "Wa lanabluannakum bi shay'in min al-khawfi, wa al-ju'i, wa naqsin min al-amwali, wa al-anfusi, wa ath-thamarat, wa bashir as-sabireen"(2:155). And surely We will test you, We will put you to test in a trial with some state of fear "bi shay'in min al-khawf" (2:155), and some hunger and starvation and the shortages, "wa naqsin min al-amwal" (2:155), in wealth, in lives and in food, and give glad tiding to those who are steadfast, to those who persevere, to those who stand their ground, "wa bashir as-sabireen"(2:155).
This is one of the Verses that applies to the end of the time, the condition of the world. How the whole world is being ransacked and dominated by fear, anxiety. This is what is happening now. This is what is happening. Today's world, my friends, especially during this pandemic, is being characterized by fear and anxiety. A growing number of people are suffering from anxiety and depression, especially the young generation. Look at around you. Look at around you and see what you see. See what you observe. A growing number of people, young as well as old, are diagnosed with depression. This is a state of fear and anxiety that has overtaken the whole world. All communities, the rich communities as well as the poor, north America, Europe, the industrial powers as well as the poor and disenfranchised communities and societies.
Why this is happening, my friends? This is a trials and tribulation. But also another reason for it. "Dhalika bima qaddamat yadaka, wa a'nna Allah laysa bi dhallamin li 'l-'abeed" (8:51). This is because of what you, what your hands had earned. And God never wrongs His servants, His people. God never wrongs anyone. This is because of the imbalance in our life. This is because the encroachment of materialism and the attachment and the obsession and the fascination with the Dunya, with this life. When we forget about our spiritual needs, our moral needs, when we forget about the food of the soul and we only focus on the food of the stomach, this is the result.
When people are obsessed with the Dunya, obsessed with material objects. The other day I passed by a shop, one of the very expensive designer shops, and I saw people lining up in the street because of limited capacity inside the shop, because of Covid-19, many people are lining up and some of them, they do not seem to be rich. And this shop is very expensive. They sell purses and bags, women's bags, ladies bags. So I asked, someone told me those people are not rich, but they are trying to spend their stimulus checks, that they received from the government for food and necessities, to pay their rent, to pay for their food, they are lining up here to purchase from this shop because it is a designer shop, because it is an expensive shop, because they want to show up, because they have nothing else in this life other (than) what they wear, they think by what they are wearing if they wear expensive clothing, expensive watches, then they become important. A watch would not make you an important person. The dress, the shoes, the car, jewelry would not make you important, it would not salvage you from your misery.
You have to connect yourself with the Higher Power in this universe, with the Source of uplifting, with the Source of inspiration, with the Source of guidance, with the Source of peace, with the Source of a truth in this universe. "Dhalika bi'anna Allaha huwa al-Haqq" (31:30). Indeed, the source of a truth in this universe is God. "Dhalika bi'anna Allaha huwa al-Haqq, wa anna ma yad'una min dunihi al-batil" (31:30). If they go to other sources, then that is falsehood.
They think that by buying these objects, material objects, they are saving themselves, protecting themselves, making themselves happy. Others are resorting to drugs, weed, cocaine, marijuana, tranquilizers, sedatives, other types of destructive substances. Nowadays in some countries, go to Downtown LA (Los Angeles) and other areas in Orange County, go to some cities, go to San Francisco, go to Downtown San Diego. You really cannot walk in the city centers in these streets, because of this terrible, terrible, terrible smell that comes out of this weed that is being widely used by so many people, many of them young generation. You know what these drugs does to your soul, to your mind, to your brain, to every cell in your body?
The path to salvation is not drugs. The path to salvation is not materialism. The path to salvation is not jewelry or a fancy car, or fancy and expensive dress. The path to salvation and happiness and satisfaction is mentioned in the Qur'an. "Alladheena amanu wa tatma'innu qulubuhum bi Dhikri Allah. 'Ala bi Dhikri Allah tatma'innu al-qulub" (13:28), Only through the remembrance of God, the connection with God, having good relationship, decent relationship with God, having full bar connection with God. Does not mean that you spent your entire night praying. He does not want you to do this. He said to his apostle, to the Prophet: "Qumi al-layla ila qalila"(73:2), "nisfahu aw inqus minhu qalilan" (73:3), "aw zid alayhi wa rattili al-Qur'ana tartila' (73:4), The champion, the Prophet, who is the head of this earth, the head of mankind, the best man, the best Messenger of God, God says to him I want you to stand maybe half of the night, maybe more, maybe less, but the rest you have to the rest of the time you have to rest, you have to sleep, take care of your health.
Connecting with God does not have to be you do nothing, no school, no homework, no work, no business, no friends, no family and then just shed tears and say oh God, I need you. And pray and read Du'a. No, that is not necessarily the way. Quality du'a, quality supplication, quality prayers, prayers with concentration,sincere prayers. "Qad aflah al-mu'minuna"(23:1), "alladhina hum fi salaatihim khashi'un' (23:2). Khushu' in your prayers. Humility before God. Sometimes only one time of prostration sujud, only one, equals, with concentration, with humility, equals or surpasses even 3000 times without humility and without concentration. One time you put your head on the stone, on the floor, on the ground, and say God, I do this for You because I cannot afford living without You. You are everything in my life, You are my family, You are my Lord, You are my sustainer, You are my friend, You are the first and the last. "Al-Awwalu, wa al-Akhiru, wa adh-Dharihu wa al-Batin" (57:3). You are, I cannot afford not being with You. So keep me in Your company, do not repulse me, do not repel me, keep me with You. This is the quality prayers.
And tonight, tonight is the eve of the 15th of the month of the month of Sha'ban. It is a holy night, it is a night of forgiveness. It is a night where we go back to God. We have less than two weeks to the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan. We have to be spiritually and psychologically and physically, of course, prepared to welcome the month of Ramadan. We have to welcome Ramadan with joy, with enthusiasm. Ramadan is a beautiful guest. Ramadan brings with it Rahma, mercy, forgiveness, love, compassion, unity, togetherness. Ramadan is a beautiful month. So let us welcome it tonight. Let us ask God tonight to bestow health and happiness on us, our families, our communities and mankind.
Today, I was speaking earlier to the community in New Jersey. After I finished the Zoom meeting with them, a friend of mine texted me. He said a family in our community has lost their son today. Today in the hospital, died of COVID-19 at the age of 25. Can you imagine? Someone who stayed healthy for 13 months now, because this pandemic started here, at least here in this area, late February, early March of 2020 and now we are at the end of March 2021. So almost 13 months. So someone who stayed healthy for 13 months today he dies at the age of 25. It could happen to anyone, of course. We pray for his soul, we pray for his mother, who is grieving his departure, we pray for his sister, for his family. It is very hard, but it could happen to any one of us, my friends, any one of us, it could happen. Between us and death is nothing, is nothing, is a few minutes, just a few minutes that separates between man and his or her death.
So let us go back to God. Anyways we have to live this life. We are not here forever. It could be any day, any week, any month. Could be an accident, could be at home. Some people, they experience near death experience so many times in their life it could happen anytime, my friend. Our life is very fragile, believe me. So we have to be prepared for the next chapter in our life. And the best thing is to connect with God and the agents of God. And one of those agents, important agents and the main agent, an intermediary and vicegerent of God on Earth is the 12th Imam, Imam Muhammad Al-Mahdi, Muhammad Ibn al-Hasan al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar, ajjal Allahu Ta'ala farajahu ash-Sharif.
And he is a reality, he is not a myth. He has been born, and he is active. And he assumes his leadership today in this life. And he is a leader. He practices his leadership. And he is not only for us, the Shi'as, or the Muslims, or the people of Asia and Africa or America. He is for the entire mankind. He is for the entire mankind. Why do we need him? We have technology, we have science, we have Defense Department. We have medicine. We have the state of the art hospitals, institutional academic institutions, universities. We have everything. Why do we need? Why really mankind needs? Does really mankind need a savior and Imam? Yes, it does.
Because with all what we have today, we are still incapacitated. We are still inadequate. Man is inadequate. Look at what is happening now. There is no better example to present than now. What is happening during this pandemic. How people are being infected by it. And many people died who did not think that their time has come. But they died. Doctors and hospitals could not do anything for them. Doctors themselves died. Nurses died, who are saving the life of people they themselves died. So with all this science and technology and medicine and power and influence and economy we still need. Also we need a savior. Because look at the world is plunging into chaos, disorder, injustice, dhulm, and wrongdoing. In every corner of the world today, in every corner there is injustice everywhere. It is rampant. The whole world has been ransacked by corruption.
Every corner, every country, without exception. Because this is the manner, the character of man when he grabs power, automatically he is drifted to corruption and injustice. "Inna al-Insana la yadgha"(96:6), "an ra'ahu staghna" (96:7). Injustice is everywhere. In every system, in every country, in every society, in every government there is injustice, there is disparity. There are some people who are neglected, people who sleep in the streets and on the other hand, people who they themselves they do not know how much money they have because of so much money they have they cannot count it themselves. This is social disparity, economic disparity. So there is injustice.
At this very moment, my friends, there are wars being waged and raging in many countries. Take an example. Yemen, for six years has been suffering, suffering from aerial bombardment by airplanes that are given to the Saudi regime by America and Europe, with some military advisors who are helping them, the Saudi regime. Until today, they are bombing whom? Bombing women, children, elderly, poor people, poor communities, villages that are already deprived from basic necessities. Two third of the Yemenis today are starving. Two third of the Yemenis, the Yemen population, two third of them are starving. And then yet you go and bomb that country. Rather than sending food and medicine and relief, you keep bombing them for six years? This is human rights? This is democracy? This is freedom? This is one example.
And then there are many nations who are starving, who are being humiliated, who are being persecuted and punished. One of them, the Palestinian people, the Syrian people, just yesterday, two women with their two kids, Syrian women, refugees, fleeing Syria, going to Lebanon. They died. They were buried in the snow, in the mountains. They were lost in the mountains, they lost their way, and they were found being buried in the snow. Two women with two daughters. This is just yesterday. And other countries, too.
I really cannot count these countries. I just gave you two or three examples of the suffering of the world. So who is going to solve these problems? America? The European Union? Russia? China? India? Which country? Asian countries? African countries? Which country is going to save? Now, we live in the best country in the world. America. It is the best country. The strongest, strongest economy. Do you know how many kids are being separated from their parents? My friends, we hear this story every day, but it does not hit us home. But imagine if your son, or your grandson who is five, six, seven or ten is separated from you, from his or her parents, sometimes a three months, sometimes six months, sometimes one year, completely separated.
This is happening at our own borders, the southern borders. And we still could not solve the problem of the crisis of immigration in this country. We could not solve anything because the political establishment is absolutely corrupt. Absolutely corrupt. None of them think about the pain and the suffering of the people. This is why we need a moral leader, a leader supported by God, chosen by God, to bring about peace and justice and dignity to mankind, not only in one country. Not just to say, let us make America great. Let us make the whole world great. Because he never discriminates. All people are his people. He is responsible for all. He does not look at color or gender or race or ethnicity. He is a universal leader. He brings about justice and peace to all. He brings about hope to all mankind. That is Al-Imam Al-Mahdi, alayhi as-salam.
And God would never leave this earth in the state of disarray. He would never leave this earth in the state of chaos, and disarray, and disorder, and corruption, and injustice. He would not. If we have a good man, a good father who has many kids and his kids are fighting among themselves, causing anarchy at home, do you think that good father is going to leave them fighting forever? Maybe it gets out of control for two days, three days, one month. But at the end, he has to restore the law and order. He has to restore peace. So if a human being who is good would not allow for his house, for his family to fall apart and to live in disorder, do you think God would allow that to happen to his family, which is us, to the people of Earth, which is us? He would not.
God says sometimes injustice takes over, but for a period of time, but not forever. And He gives a promise. "Wa 'ada Allahu alladhina amanu minkum wa 'amilu as-salihat, la yastakhlifannahum fi 'l-ardh" (24:55). God promises those who have faith. Faith means connection with God. And they do good and righteous deeds. They are not corrupt, they are clean. 'La yastakhlifannahum', He will make them the heirs on this land, the successors, the leaders. And this is again one of the verses in Surat un-Nur, in the Holy Qur'an that applies to the reappearance of Imam Al-Mahdi alayhi as-salam. A promise of God, that I will fix things, I will send a savior, a leader, a universal leader. Not regional, not only for the Americans or the Europeans, or the black, or the white, or the Chinese, or the Persians, or the Arabs.
A universal leader, to bring about peace and justice in every corner. Not just international peace, even peace within families. There is no more quarrelling, no more conflict, and no more divorce. No more divorce. Because when the husband becomes wise and the wife becomes wise, both of them, and they start thinking about the interest of their kids and their family, not just self interest then there will be no divorce, no reason for divorce. They would not argue. They would not fight over money, over material objects. They would not fight. They would live in harmony. And that will happen, my friends. It will happen here on Earth. During the leadership of the Imam. Maybe we would not witness it, other generations would. The earth would not conclude unless there will be the peaceful time, the peaceful community, the peaceful society.
"Anna al-ardha yarithuha 'ibadiy as-salihun" (21:105), in this book. "Inna fi hadha la balaghun li qawmin 'abideen" (21:106). In Surat Al-Anbiya. Verily land, the earth is going to be inherited, meaning the rule of the earth, the government of the earth, by the righteous. Now we do not have righteous. We do not have righteous leaders. Imam Al-Mahdi is the righteous. There is no injustice, there is no corruption, there is no lies. There are no false promises that he gives. He is not a politician. He is the vicegerent of God. "Anna al-ardha yarithuha 'ibadiy as-salihun" (21:105). "Inna fi hadha" (21:106). In this there is a declaration "balaghun li qawmin 'abideen" (21:106), to those who worship God, this is a declaration and a promise for them.
My friends, I leave you tonight to spend some time with your Lord by yourself in your room to conduct, to perform a couple of prayers, with the Ziyarah of Imam Husayn tonight, and the Ziyarah and the greetings of Imam Al-Mahdi, alayhi as-salam, and also the istighfar. This is an occasion that we seek forgiveness from God. We say sorry to God. You know how many times we say sorry to each other? Tonight is the time where we say sorry and real sorry to God, because we need God, because we love God, because He is a good God, He is a merciful God. He is waiting for us to go back to Him, because the most important and the most beautiful thing in this life is when you have that feeling that God is okay with you. He is not angry at you.
That is the best, that is the most delicious thing in this life. We have been told by our noble Prophet Muhammad, salla Allahu alayhi wa alihi wa sallam. That when the people of paradise, they enter paradise, the last group they enter, those who are on waiting list, they call them and they go no more people are waiting. All of them are in Paradise. 'Ya'timuhu an-nidaa' min qibali Allahi Ta'ala'. The call comes to them from God. Ya Ibadi, O my servants, 'laqad radhitu ankum' indeed I am pleased with you today.
The Prophet says when they hear this: 'Fa law quddira lahum an wa mutu la matu min al-farah'. If there is death, if death is possible that day in paradise, which is not possible, then they would die out of joy. Because they hear God saying to them 'I am happy with you, I am pleased with you'. So let us make it today in this life, my friend. Let us appeal to Him, and say sorry to Him. And put our forehead in prostration before Him and nothing but Him, and let us do tawassul through His gate. The Hadith says, the du'a says: "Allahumma inni law wajjatu shufa'a aqraba Ilayk, min Muhammadin wa Ahli Baytihi al-akhyar, al-A'immati al-at-har. La ja'altuhum shufa'ai fa bi haqqihim alladhi awjabtahum alayk, as'aluka an tudkhilani fi jumlati al-'arifina bihim, wa bi haqqihim wa fi zumrati 'l-marhumina bi 'sh-shafa'atihim. Innaka Anta Arham ar-Rahimin".
Oh God, if I can find a family or people who are closer to you than Muhammad and his family, I will go and knock at their door definitely I will go to them, because I listen to You, because You told me, go to Muhammad and his family. You taught Ibrahim. You taught Adam. "Fatalaqqa Adamu min Rabbihi kalimatin fa tabah alayh" (2:37). When Adam was expelled from paradise, Adam received words from Him, kalimat. Look at the books of Tafsir, they say the kalimat, that God, he himself taught Adam to use these Kalimat. These passwords are: Oh Allah, I ask you through Muhammad, 'Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, Hussayn, that You accept my forgiveness. These are the kalimat (words), these are the golden names. I swear to God, if I can find other names that are closer to God than these names, I will rush to them today but we could not find, we could not find. So Allah, through them, through them. For their sake, accept me, and forgive me, and admit me, into Your paradise, Your forgiveness, Your consent, and join me with Muhammad wa Aali Muhammad.
Happy mid-Sha'ban to all of you. Congratulations to all of you my friends. Remember your friends, your community members, your parents, your extended family in your prayers tonight.
Allahumma kun li Waliyyika al-Hujjat Ibn al-Hasan, salawatuka 'alayhi wa 'ala aba'ih. Fi hadhihi as-sa'ati, wa fi kulli sa’ah. Waliyyan wa hafidhan, wa qa'idan, wa nasiran, wa daleelan, wa 'aynah, hatta tuskinahu ardhaka tau'a, wa tumattiahu fiha, tawilah [Du'a al-Faraj]. Wa j'alna Allahu min ansarihi wa a'wanih. Wa as-salamu alaykum, wa Rahmat Ullahi, wa barakatu.