What Your Mother Went Through For You - 30 Verses For 30 Days 16/30

Salamun alaykum wa Rahmat Ullah, dear brothers and sisters, and welcome to the 16th clip of this month of Ramadan. In this clip InshaAllah, we are going to be delving into verse number 22 and 23 from Surat Mariyam. These verses of the Qur'an described for us those moments when Mariyam, alayha as-salam, was giving birth to 'Isa. And it's such a difficult moment because we know that Mariyam, she was in a position, one of the greatest women to have ever lived, but she was in a position really where no one was there to help her. She was all alone.

And when you go through the words of the Qur'an and these verses of the Qur'an, you get a sense of what this mother was going through. And though the situation of every single mother out there may not be exactly like Mariyam in the sense that she was isolated, she was on her own, she had no one around her. Nonetheless, these verses shed a little bit of light, on what a mother goes through when they are bringing their child into this world. And therefore, in return, how much a child is supposed to appreciate what the mother does in particular, and also the father in his own way, but in particular the mother these verses are referring to.

So when you go to verse 23, Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala says: "Fahamalathu" (19:22), she became pregnant and she had 'Isa, alayhi as-salam, in her womb in that particular manner that the Qur'an describes for us, since there was no father involved, "fantabadhat bihi makanan qasiyya"(19:22), and so she started to move away from her people to a remote area. And as of Qur'an tells us very clearly, no other human beings were around to help her with this situation.

So here's Mariyam, she is a young woman, she is alone by herself. Now, the baby is coming, the child is coming. The pain of labour brought Mariyam to this palm tree. Yes. She lied down beside the palm tree, or lying on the palm tree, right, leaning back on it, maybe. And then the Qur'an says this, and these are the words that I really wanted to focus on.

In that moment, it was so difficult, and it was so painful that Mariyam utters these words. She says: "ya laitani mittu qabla hadha, wa kuntu nasyan mansiyya" (19:23), I wish I would have never lived during these moments, "wa kuntu nasyan mansiyya" (19:23), I wish I would have died before these moments were to ever come. And when you look at the Tafasir, many of them say that these moments were so difficult for Mariyam, not only for the fact that she was pregnant, but the fact that she was alone, the fact that her people, she knew that they were not going to believe her, when she returned back to them. It was such a difficult moment that Mariyam says, I wish I was not even alive. This is the pain that the mother is going through when she is giving birth to the child.

Yes. And this sheds light a little bit for us for many of us who may have not experienced this, to understand that what our mothers went through when we were entering into this world. Yes. After the mother gives birth to the child, of course things change for her. She sees the child, this brings so much happiness, it seems as though afterwards the child may never understand fully, the pain that the mother went through, because when the child starts to realize things and becomes mature, by that point the mother, it's many years later and by that point, the mother is more than happy to have the child. But the reality is that each and every one of our mothers, she goes through a moment like this, that it's so painful that someone like Mariyam utters words of this nature.

So wherever we are, if you have your mother with you, make sure to go and kiss her hand, and thank her for everything that she has done. If she is not with you, then pray for her, and do good deeds on her behalf. This is why the The Prophet, salawat Allahi wa as-salamu alayh, when he came across that man who was carrying his mother on his back, and he was doing Tawaf around the Ka'aba and he said: ya Rasul Allah,hal addaytu haqqaha? Did I pay off her dues, in the sense of all the work she did did I pay her back for everything that she did?

The Prophet famously said this one line. He said you did not pay her at all. "Wa law bi 'z-zafratin min zafrahatiha", you did not pay her back even for one of the cries that she cried out in pain, when she was bringing you into this world. This is a lesson for all of us.

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