Surah Aal ’Imran, The Family of Imran
(Revealed at Mecca)
199 Verses - in 20 Sections
Sections of Surah Aal ’Imran
The Qur’an and the previous scriptures.
The ultimate triumph of the Unity of God.
Chastisement for those who slay the Apostles.
God’s choice of the Descendants of Abraham.
The glad tidings about the birth of Jesus.
Promise of rescue to Jesus - the Christians invited to the Spiritual Contest (Mubahila).
Invitation to the followers of the Book to belief in the Unity of God as a common basis of faith.
Attempts to discredit Islam.
Previous scriptures confirm the Truth of Islam.
The Everliving testimony of the Truth of Islam.
To hold fast to the Cord of God.
Muslims raised for the welfare of Mankind.
The Battle of Uhud.
Prohibition of interest & usury - Means of achieving success.
Perseverance and patience in suffering; enjoined.
Delinquency and the Dread of some Muslims.
The faithful identified from the Hypocrites at the Battle of Uhud.
Uhud, a defeat to the enemy.
Jewish carpings at the Apostle.
The triumph of the faithful.
Important Topics
God the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsistent (Verse 2)
Qur’an a Book verifying the Evangel and the Torah (Verse 3)
Qur’an contains verses plain as well as ambiguous the meaning of the ambiguous verses, none but God and those firm in knowledge know (Verse 7)
The Religion with God is Islam (Verse 19)
The wealth and the enjoyment of this world a provision only for this life. (Verse 14)
Punishment for those who slay the apostles and those who stand for justice - the deeds will become null (Verse 21-22)
All will be collected on the Final Resurrection, and everyone will be repaid justly (Verse 25)
The believers should not take the disbelievers as friends (Verse 28)1
Following the Apostle is Loving God, and it earns God’s love (Verse 31)
God hath chosen the descendants of Adam, Noah, Abraham and Imran, offsprings one after another (Verse 33-34)
Virgin Mary dedicated by her mother for God’s service (Verse 35)
Zachariah granted a son (Yahya - John) in old age and with a barren wife. (Verse 39)
Virgin Mary purified and chosen by God (Verse 42)
Virgin Mary given glad tidings of having a son without being a mate of any mortal to be named ‘‘Messiah’ (Verse 45)
Jesus, while yet a baby in the cradle, divinely caused to speak (Verse 46)
Jesus an Apostle of God to the children of Israel - his miracles of enlivening the dead and curing the incurables (Verse 49)
Jesus divinely promised of his rescue from the hands of the Jews and of being raised into heavens by God Himself (Verse 55)
The Christians challenged to a ‘Mubahila’, a spiritual contest (Verse 61)
To God alone submits everything in the heavens and the earth. (Verse 83)
Commandment to believe in the Qur’an and the previous scriptures and the apostles and not to differentiate between any one of them and submit (Verse 84)
Religion other than Islam will never be accepted (Verse 85)
The wicked cursed by God, by the angels and the men of God. (Verse 87)
Never will anyone attain to goodness without expending from whatever he loves (Verse 92)
The Creed of Abraham to be followed (Verse 95)
The First House of Divine blessings and guidance for man built on earth (Verse 96)
The Holy Ka’ba declared a Sanctuary (Verse 97)
To hold fast to the Cord of God (Verse 103)
The Best group raised for mankind (Verse 109)
Wealth and issues will be of no avail to anyone on the Day of Judgement. (Verse 116)
The divine help rendered at Badr. (Verse 123)
Interest and usury prohibited (Verse 130)
The Qur’an a guidance only to the pious (Verse 138)
Muhammad (the Holy Prophet) is none else but the Apostle of God (Verse 144)
Those slain in the way of God are alive (Verse 169)
The respite given to the disbelievers, no advantage to them (Verse 178)
The wealth given to the niggardly is not good but worse for them (Verse 180)