The Significance Of Imam Husayn’s Visit Or Love Of Imam Husayn (A)

A long, long time ago, like this is around 600 years after Hijrah, so it is well after the ghaybah of our Imam, but in the early days. There was a lot of people in north of Iraq who are 'nasibi', and many of them still are. You know, like during the time of Saddam, you have this place like Tikrit and all these places.

And Mosul was one of these places where they used to be a lot of 'nasibis' and the governor of Mosul was a man who was a known staunch nasibi: meaning he hated the Shi'a and he hated the Ahlul Bayt 'alayhum as-salam; And him and his wife did not have any children. So they made a 'nadhr' [vow], and the nadhr they made is that if Allah blesses us with a child, then we will kill a Shi'a, we will get this child to kill a Shi'a this was the level of their hatred.

And look at how Allah works, He blessed them with a child. So they blessed a child they called this child Jamaal ud-Din, he was known as Jamaal ud-Din al-Musili and he grew up, you know a fine young man, the son of the governor of Mosul and so on.

When he reached his early twenties and he was now all ready and built, his mother said to him, my son, you know, you are born by the barakah of Allah because we made a nadhr that if He blessed us with a child, we will kill one of these 'Rafidis'. So now you have to go fulfil our nadhr and kill one of the Shi'as. So he thought about it and says, where will I find a Shi'a to kill? He said the best way is to get them when they go to Karbala because they all go for ziyaarah to Karbala.

So he came south from Mosul and he sat at a crossroad where the 'qafilah,' the caravan, because in those days they would travel with camels and horses and so on so he was waiting for a qafilah of Shi'a to come so he could attack that, he had a dagger. The first night nobody showed up, second night, nobody showed up. This is a documented, true story because this man, when he converted Jamaal ud-Din al-Musili, he became an 'aalim amongst the Shi'a. This is his own story.

The third night, as he sat there, he saw a caravan approaching from a distance. He saw a qafilah. He said this must be a group of Shi'as coming back from Karbala, heading in a different direction, I will get them there. He waited but the caravan was moving very slowly and suddenly he was so tired he felt drowsy, he fell asleep.

The qafilah came, they passed by him with a fork of the road and they went on, they moved away. When he woke up, he realised, I missed them. This was my opportunity to kill a Shi'a. And all that he saw was he was covered in dust because when the qafilah passed, you know, with their horses and all that 'ghubaar', she was covered.

So he went back very disappointed that he missed killing them. He slept that night. He says, when I slept at night, I had a dream that it was the Day of Judgment- it was 'yawm ul-Qiyamah'. And somebody announced and said, bring all the nasibis for the fire of 'Jahannam' [Hell-fire]. And he said, we were all brought to the fire and I was one of them and he says they started throwing all these enemies of Ahlul Bayt in the fire and they took hold of me, the angels, and I was screaming with fear and they threw me in the fire, but the fire threw me back out again.

So he says, now he is reporting this. He says, 'The angels in my dream ask the fire of the Jahannam, 'Yaa naaru Jahannam, he is a nasibi, why do you not burn him?' And the fire says, 'we cannot burn him because he is now covered with the dust from the Zuwwaar [visitors] of Husayn, he is now covered with dust from the Zawwaar of Husayn'.

Now he says, now his dream continues. He says the angels washed me and removed all the dust from my body and then they threw me back again in the fire and the fire threw me out again. And the angels asked the fire and said, 'Why do you not burn him now? We have removed all the dust of the Zawwaar of Husayn' and the fire said, 'But some of the dust has now entered his heart, he has now developed a love for Husayn, and because of that, we cannot touch him.'

When he woke up, he was a changed man and he realised his parents were wrong. So he converted and became a Shi'a, he was a poet. He went to Najaf, he studied Islam, he became an 'aalim, then he went for Ziyaarah of Husayn and he composed a couplet, which is written on the dharih [shrine] of Husayn. And these are the words of this 'aalim Jamaal ud-Din Al-Musili, who was born with the intent to kill the Zawwaar of Husayn.

He composed this poetry, he says, and this is on the dharih of Imam Al-Husayn, "idhaa shi'ta an-najaat fa zur Husaynin"- 'If you want salvation, then go visit Husayn'. "li kay talqal Ilaaha qarira 'aynan"-'So that you may meet your Lord with that which will delight your eyes". Why? "fa inna an-naara lan tamassa jisman"-, 'For the fire of Hell will never touch a body'., "'alayhi ghubaaru Zuwaar al-Husayn"-' On which is the dust of the Zuwaar of Husayn.' "Idhaa shi'ta an-najaat fa zur Husaynin, li kay talqal Ilaaha qarira 'aynan, fa inna an-naara lan tamassa jisman, 'alayhi ghubaaru Zuwaar-il-Husayn".

And that is why you are told if someone goes to Karbala, comes back, try and shake his hand or hug him before he takes a shower even because he brings with him a barakah that you do not understand but the fire of Hell understands that, the angels understand. It does not matter in this world, but it matters in the hereafter.

And we are told in hadith that no matter how spiritual you become in life, if you die without ever going for Ziyarat of Husayn, this will be one of the sources of your regret on the Day of Judgment, unless you do not have the health or the wealth, that is a different case. For those the Ahlul Bayt love their Shi'as so much they will come for your Ziyaarah.

But if you have the means and the ability at least once in your lifetime, you must go see Husayn because the maqaam [status] of the Zaa'ir [visitor] of Husayn on the Day of Judgment is completely different from anyone else. It does not matter how great an aalim he is or what his level and his maqaam.