Under the supervision of Ayatullah Ja'far Subhani, Sayyid Rida Husayni Nasab introduces a text outlining the differences in different 'Ummahs' of Islam. He discusses what unites them, as well as those traditions and understandings that cause dispute amongst them.
- The Shia Rebuts
- Foreword
- Introduction
- Question 1 : Which is correct, “wa ‘itrati” {and my progeny}, or “wa sunnati” {and my tradition}?
- The chain of transmission of the narration, “wa ahli bayti” {and my Household}
- The chain of transmission of the narration, “wa sunnati” {and my tradition}
- What the ‘ulama’ of rijal say about the two versions
- The second chain of transmission of the narration, “wa sunnati” {and my tradition}
- The third chain of transmission of the narration, “wa sunnati” {and my tradition}
- Narration without a chain of transmission
- The meaning of Hadith ath-Thaqalayn {Tradition on the Two Weighty Things}
- Question 2 : What does “Shi‘ah” mean?
- Question 3 : Why is ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib (‘a) regarded as the wasi {executor of will} and successor of the Prophet (S)?
- Question 4: Who are the Imams?
- Question 5: Why do Shi’a say “Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad wa Ali Muhammad”
- Question 6: Why do you regard your Imams as “infallible” {ma‘sum}?
- Question 7: Why do Shi’a Add Ashhadu anna ‘aliyyan waliyyullah” in the Call to Prayer?
- Question 8: Who is the Mahdi of Muhammad’s Progeny {Al Muhammad} and why are you waiting for his advent?
- Question 9: If the Shi‘ah are right, then why are they in the minority and why do most Muslims in the world not recognize them (as Muslims)?
- Question 10: What is raj‘ah {“return”} and why do you believe in it?
- Question 11: What is shafa‘ah {intercession}, which you believe in?
- Question 12: Is asking the rightful intercessors for intercession {shafa‘ah} tantamount to polytheism {shirk}?
- Question 13: Is seeking help from someone other than God regarded as a kind of polytheism {shirk}?
- Question 14: Is calling on someone tantamount to worshipping him and to polytheism?
- Question 15: What is bada’ and why do you believe in it?
- Question 16: Do the Shi‘ah believe in the tahrif {distortion} of the Qur’an?
- Question 17: How do the Shi‘ah view the Sahabah {Companions}?
- Question 18: What is meant by “temporary marriage” {mut‘ah} and why do the Shi‘ah regard it as lawful?
- Question 19: Why do the Shi‘ah prostrate on turbah {dried clay}?
- Question 20: During ziyarah, why do the Shi‘ah kiss the doors and walls of the shrines of awliya’ and seek blessings {tabarruk} whereby?
- Question 21: Is according to Islam religion separate from politics?
- Question 22: Why do the Shi‘ah regard the sons of ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib (‘a) (Hasan and Husayn (‘a)) as the sons of the Messenger of Allah (S)?
- Question 23: Why do the Shi‘ah believe that caliphate {khilafah} is a matter of appointment {tansisi}?
- Question 24: Is to swear by other than God regarded as a kind of polytheism?
- Question 25: Is to resort to the divine saints {awliya’} for mediation {tawassul} regarded as polytheism {shirk} and tantamount to innovation in religion {bid‘ah}?
- Question 26: Is celebrating the birthday of the saints {awliya’} of God a kind of polytheism and innovation {bid‘ah}?
- Question 27 : Why do the Shi‘ah perform the five daily prayers in three periods?
- A glance at the traditions
- 1. Combining two prayers together is meant to facilitate the conduct of affairs and avoid difficulty.
- 2. Combining the two prayers together in ‘Arafah is an expression of its general applicability
- 3. The manner of combining the two prayers while traveling is an expression of its general applicability
- 4. The manner of combining the two prayers together in the state of emergency is an expression of its general applicability at usual circumstances
- 5. The practice of the Companions of the Prophet (S) is an expression of its general applicability
- 6. The conduct of the Prophet (S) is an expression of the manner of combining the two prayers
- Question 28: What are the sources of Shi‘i jurisprudence {fiqh}?
- 1) The Book of Allah (Qur’an)
- 2) The Sunnah
- The reason for clinging to the Sunnah of the Prophet (S)
- The reason for clinging to the hadiths of the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a)
- The essence of the hadiths of the progeny of the Messenger of Allah (S)
- The proofs of the credibility and necessity of clinging to the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a)
- Who are the Ahl al-Bayt of the Prophet (S)?
- Question 29 : Did Abu Talib die a believer on account of which you visit {ziyarah} his shrine?
- The family of Abu Talib
- Abu Talib according to ‘Abd al-Muttalib
- Proofs which confirm Abu Talib’s faith
- 1. Literary works of Abu Talib
- 2. Abu Talib’s behavior toward the Prophet (S) is indicative of his faith
- 3. Abu Talib’s will and testament is a clear testimony to his true faith
- 4. The Messenger of Allah’s love and affection to Abu Talib testifies to the latter’s faith
- 5. The companions of the Messenger of Allah’s testimony to Abu Talib’s true faith
- 6. Abu Talib in the view of the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a)
- A review of Hadith ad-Duhdah
- The groundlessness of the chain of transmission of Hadith ad-Duhdah
- The disagreement between the contents of Hadith ad-Duhdah, and the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet (S)
- Conclusion
- Question 30 : Do the Shi‘ah think that Jibra’il (Archangel Gabriel) has committed treachery when he conveyed the message {risalah} to Muhammad instead of ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib?
- Question 31: What is the criterion of taqiyyah {dissimulation}?
- Question 32 : Why is the Ja‘fari school of thought {madhhab} stipulated in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran as the official madhhab of the country?
- Question 33 : Do the Shi‘ah regard witr prayer as obligatory?
- Question 34: Is the belief that great divine people {awliya’} have supernatural power tantamount to polytheism {shirk}?
- Question 35 : Why is the station of Imamate {imamah} higher than that of prophethood {nubuwwah}?
- Question 36 : What is the criterion for distinguishing monotheism or the Unity of God {tawhid} from polytheism {shirk}?
- 1. The unity of the Divine Essence {dhat}
- 2. The unity of the Divine creative power {khaliqiyyah}
- 3. The unity of the Divine design {tadbir}
- 4. Monotheism in authority {hakimiyyah}
- 5. Monotheism in obedience {ta‘ah}
- 6. The unity of the Divine legislation {taqnin or tashri‘}
- 7. Monotheism in worship {‘ibadah}
- Misconception about worship
- The excuse is worse than the sin!
- Resolving the ambiguity and the true meaning of ‘ibadah
- Bibliography