Seyed Ali Musawi

Seyed Ali Musawi studied religion and history at the University of California, San Diego and subsequently he studied for more than 8 years at the Islamic Seminary in Qum, Iran, focusing on Islamic history and jurisprudence.


Seyed Ali Musawi, Seyed Ali Musawi studied religion and history at the University of California, San Diego and subsequently he studied for more than 8 years at the Islamic Seminary in Qum, Iran, focusing on Islamic... Answered 1 year ago

Salaam allaikum,

This is considered forbidden (haram). It is not allowed to use any foreign objects during sexual intercourse.


Seyed Ali Musawi, Seyed Ali Musawi studied religion and history at the University of California, San Diego and subsequently he studied for more than 8 years at the Islamic Seminary in Qum, Iran, focusing on Islamic... Answered 5 years ago

Allah is the most forgiving and he has promised to forgive us any of our sins, even the worst of sins, if we sincerely ask him. Know that once you have sincerely asked Allah, and you have repented, then your sin is definitely forgiven!

Human beings are another matter and it may take some time for them to forgive one another. Inshallah, in time, your husband will also come around...


Seyed Ali Musawi, Seyed Ali Musawi studied religion and history at the University of California, San Diego and subsequently he studied for more than 8 years at the Islamic Seminary in Qum, Iran, focusing on Islamic... Answered 5 years ago

Salaam Allaikum,

Honor Killings are a cultural issue which exist all throughout the world, in both Islamic and non Islamic cultures. As such, they have no origin in the religion and they are condemned as an unlawful murder.

Many times, this type of violence is promoted throughout Western Media as a uniquely Islamic issue, whereas we find that it is something which can be found throughout the world in all sorts of religions and cultures.


Seyed Ali Musawi, Seyed Ali Musawi studied religion and history at the University of California, San Diego and subsequently he studied for more than 8 years at the Islamic Seminary in Qum, Iran, focusing on Islamic... Answered 5 years ago

Salaam Allaikum,

Under these conditions, there is no problem...


Seyed Ali Musawi, Seyed Ali Musawi studied religion and history at the University of California, San Diego and subsequently he studied for more than 8 years at the Islamic Seminary in Qum, Iran, focusing on Islamic... Answered 5 years ago

To answer your question, yes it is possible for a dua to change a given situation. With that said, i would caution against overuse of Istikharas. They should only be performed after one has utilized their intellect to the full extent, and they have consulted with others, and done everything within their reach to reach a solid conclusion. If they still haven't been able to reach a conclusion, only then should an Istikhara be utilized.

In some cultures in the Middle East, Istikharas are over utilized while God has given us an intellect for a reason....


Seyed Ali Musawi, Seyed Ali Musawi studied religion and history at the University of California, San Diego and subsequently he studied for more than 8 years at the Islamic Seminary in Qum, Iran, focusing on Islamic... Answered 5 years ago

Salaam Allaikum,

The rulings of the marajah can differ on this, but in general, the majority allow you to give the Sahme Sadat to Seyeds (with some conditions) who don't have enough money to meet their expenses...

Double check with your specific marja first- these rulings can be found in the Risalah in the section under Khums...


Seyed Ali Musawi, Seyed Ali Musawi studied religion and history at the University of California, San Diego and subsequently he studied for more than 8 years at the Islamic Seminary in Qum, Iran, focusing on Islamic... Answered 5 years ago

Salaam Allaikum,

From a religious perspective, God has created rules for us so that we can be successful in our lives in this world and the next. As such, when we go against these rules, we're really hurting ourselves. At the same time, this type of disobedience and disregard for our Creator, who has given us everything and only wishes the best for us, is very disrespectful. It shows God that we don't care about what he says and we are willing to go against his commandments. As such, this type of behavior will cause him to be displeased with us...


Seyed Ali Musawi, Seyed Ali Musawi studied religion and history at the University of California, San Diego and subsequently he studied for more than 8 years at the Islamic Seminary in Qum, Iran, focusing on Islamic... Answered 5 years ago

Salaam Allaikum,

Yes, this is allowed...


Seyed Ali Musawi, Seyed Ali Musawi studied religion and history at the University of California, San Diego and subsequently he studied for more than 8 years at the Islamic Seminary in Qum, Iran, focusing on Islamic... Answered 5 years ago

Salaam Allaikum,

There may be some slight differences between the marajah, so it is important to check this with your specific Marja, but in general, the time of maghrib begins when the redness in the Eastern sky has dissipated.

Oftentimes, people think maghrib is when the redness of the western sky (where the sun sets) has dissipated but this is actually not the case and Maghrib occurs a bit earlier than this....


Seyed Ali Musawi, Seyed Ali Musawi studied religion and history at the University of California, San Diego and subsequently he studied for more than 8 years at the Islamic Seminary in Qum, Iran, focusing on Islamic... Answer updated 5 years ago

Salaam Allaikum,

In such a situation, the wife is permitted to throw them away. With this said, it is best to speak to the husband and try to reach an understanding where he himself will stop buying and using such things. Throwing them away, while permitted, is going to be a temporary solution....


Seyed Ali Musawi, Seyed Ali Musawi studied religion and history at the University of California, San Diego and subsequently he studied for more than 8 years at the Islamic Seminary in Qum, Iran, focusing on Islamic... Answered 5 years ago

Salaam Allaikum,

Ultimately, human beings will make mistakes from time to time. The answer here is very simple: Seek sincere repentance from God with full regret for the action. God has promised us that when we seek repentance from him, he will definitely accept it from us. He is just waiting for us to feel regret and ask him for forgiveness.

Once you have done that, know with certainty that you have been forgiven and move on with your life. Consider yourself forgiven as if you had never committed that sin....

May Allah give blessings and barakah to your life...


Seyed Ali Musawi, Seyed Ali Musawi studied religion and history at the University of California, San Diego and subsequently he studied for more than 8 years at the Islamic Seminary in Qum, Iran, focusing on Islamic... Answered 5 years ago

Salaam Allaikum,

Once you have paid the khums on an amount of money, that money will be exempt from any further khums.