

Jesus, having called together his disciples, he sent them forth two by two through the region of Israel, saying, "Go, and preach even as you have heard." Then they bowed themselves and he laid his hand upon their heads, saying, "In the name of God, give health to the sick; cast out the demons, and undeceive Israel concerning me; telling them what I said before the high priest."

They went through all Judea; preaching penitence even as Jesus had told them; healing every sort of sickness, insomuch that in Israel were confirmed the words of Jesus that God is one and Jesus is prophet of God, when they saw such a multitude do what Jesus did concerning healing of the sick.

Having passed throughout Judea the disciples returned to Jesus who received them as a father receives his sons, saying, "Tell me, how has wrought the Lord our God? Surely I have seen Satan fall under your feet and you trample upon him even as the vinedresser treads the grapes!" The disciples answered, "O Master, we have healed numberless sick persons, and cast out many demons which tormented men."

Jesus said, "God forgive you, O brethren, because you have sinned in saying 'We have healed,' seeing it is God who has done all." Then they said, "We have talked foolishly. Wherefore, teach us how to speak." Jesus answered, "In every good work say: 'God has wrought' and in every bad one say: 'I have sinned."

Jesus departed from the desert and entered into Jerusalem; whereupon, all the people ran to the Temple to see him. After reading of the psalms, Jesus mounted up on the pinnacle, where the scribe used to mount. Having beckoned for silence with his hand, he said, "Blessed be the holy name of God who has created us of the clay of the earth. … Tell me brethren, what is the cause for self-exaltation? Is there perhaps, any good here upon earth? No, assuredly, for as says Solomon, the prophet of God, 'Everything that is under the sun is vanity.'

O hapless man, we are dust and our spirit goes and will not return to the earth. Whoever, extols himself, then denies that he is dust, and hence not knowing his need, he does not ask for help, and so he angers God his helper.

Two men came up here into the Temple to pray. The one was a Pharisee and the other a publican. The Pharisee drew near to the sanctuary, and praying with his face uplifted said, 'I give you thanks, O Lord my God, because I am not as other men sinners, who do wickedness and particularly as this publican; for I fast twice in the week and give tithes of all I possess.'

The publican remained afar off, bowed down to the earth, and beating his breast he said with bent head, 'Lord, I am not worthy to look upon the heaven nor upon your sanctuary, for I have sinned much; have mercy upon me!'

Truly, I say to you, the publican went down from the Temple in better case than the Pharisee did, for that our God justified him; forgiving him his sin. However, the Pharisee went down in worse case than the publican did, because our God rejected him; having his works in abomination.

You, O man, do you boast yourself of having done anything that is good, seeing our God created you of clay and works in you all good that is wrought? Why do you despise your neighbour? Do you not know that if God had not preserved you from Satan, you would be worse than Satan?

Having said this, Jesus prayed, and the people said, "So be it! So be it!"