Why do Shias invoke Ali when making Dua? Is it due to their belief that mentioning him increases the likelihood of their Dua being fulfilled or because they attribute a certain special status to him?

Du'a (Supplication)Tawassul
Why do Shias invoke Ali when making Dua? Is it due to their belief that mentioning him increases the likelihood of their Dua being fulfilled or because they attribute a certain special status to him?
Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 4 months ago

We invoke Ameerul Mo’mineen Ali (AS) because he is the most humble servant of Allah (SWT) after the Prophet Muhammad (SAWA). We believe that his Du’a for us has greater weight in front of Allah (SWT). In Quran, sins of Proohet Ya’qoub (AS) requested the father to seek forgiveness from Allah for them and he accepted their request and promised to pray for their forgiveness (Sura Yousuf , verse 97).

The Du'a of Ameerul Mo;mineen (AS) for us is a great blessing.
