Eternal Hell and Heaven
1. The Eternal Paradise for the pious believers is the Grace from Allah and a fulfilment of His promise to the pious believers as He said that the pious believers will be in the Paradise forever
Sura 3, verses 15, 136, 198
Sura Nisaa, verses 13, 57, 122
Sura Al- Maa'ida Verse 85
Sura al-An'aam Verse 128
Sura al-Tauba Verses 22, 72, 89, 100
Sura Hood Verse 108
Sura Ebraheem Verse 23
Sura al-Kahf Verse 108
Sura Taha Verse 76
Sura al-Furqan verse 76
Sura al-Ankaboot Verse 58
Sura al-Ahqaf Verse 14
Sura al-Fath Verse 05
Sura al-Hadeed Verse 12
Sura al-Mujadalah Verse 22
Sura al-Tahabun Verse 09
Sura al-Palaq Verse 11
Sura al-Baiyena Verse 08
2. Eternal Hell and Punishment is not for every sinner. Hadeeth says that the majority of those who go to hell fire will be released from it after they face the punishment of their bad deeds which they insisted on till death. In the narration everyone who has got any part of faith in Allah will never remain in the hell fire forever. Those who will remain in the hell fire are the enemies of Allah and enemies of mankind.Those who insisted on denying the facts and denying the truth and those who have their intention to continue doing wrong and denying the truth even if they remain alive forever. Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (a.s.) was asked by someone why some people will remain in the hell fire forever and why the believers in the Paradise forever. In the reply Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (a.s.) said the reason for that those who had decided in their intentions that they will continue denying the truth and doing wrong even if they remain forever in the worldly life they will face the eternal hell fire and those believers who had intention in their life to obey Allah they will get their intention to obey Allah as long as they remain in life will get the reward in the Paradise forever and the Imam recited this verse “قُل كُلٌّ يَعمل على شاكلته Qol Kullun Ya’malo Ala Shakilatih” Say everyone acts upon His way. Imam said that the intention of the bad people and the intention of the good people resulted in their result either in Hell Fire or Paradise. (Elal al-Sharaa’i علل الشرائع Page 523.).
3. Even in the worldly laws and rules of punishment, a minute of a murder crime because of anger is punished by whole life of imprisonment or even by life sentence. Those who killed innocents and had the intention to kill when ever it suits their arrogance, will be in hellfire for longer periods.
4. We have not yet witnessed the Mercy of Allah on The Day of Judgement and we don’t know it’s limits. Allah’s Mercy and Forgiveness is much greater than our imagination. We know that : any one who does evil will face the results of it. (5:123).
5. Eternal hell is not for all sinners but only those criminals of mankind who committed worst crimes and intended to always commit crimes forever. All sinners who did good and bad will get the Mercy of Allah even after entering the hell if they enter it, according to their good deeds or the Shafa’ah (intercession) which can save them.
Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 2 years ago