Allah has promised to forgive all sins with the exception of associating a partner with Him (shirk). The only condition for a sin to be forgiven is sincerity. If a person is sincere in their repentance, meaning that they do not go back to the same sin, then that is a sign that Allah has forgiven them. Allah knows best.
Sayed Mohammad Saleh Qazwini
Sayed Mohammad Saleh Qazwini has a BA from the University of Michigan and an MA from Wayne State University. He is a graduate of the Islamic Seminary of Qom, Iran.
Sayed Mohammad Saleh Qazwini, Sayed Mohammad Saleh Qazwini has a BA from the University of Michigan and an MA from Wayne State University. He is a graduate of the Islamic Seminary of Qom, Iran.
Answered 4 years ago
Sayed Mohammad Saleh Qazwini, Sayed Mohammad Saleh Qazwini has a BA from the University of Michigan and an MA from Wayne State University. He is a graduate of the Islamic Seminary of Qom, Iran.
Answered 5 years ago