Rules Regarding The Kafan
Rule 85
The body of a dead Muslim must be given a Kafan with three pieces of cloth: a loincloth, a shirt or tunic, and a full cover.
Rule 86
As a precaution, the loin cloth must be long enough to cover the body from the navel to the knees, and it is better if it covers the body from the chest up to the feet. The Ma’zar (loin cloth) is approximately 60" × 54" (150cm × 135cm).
As a precaution, the covering sheet must be long enough to cover the entire body from the top of the shoulders up to the middle of the calf, and it is better still if it reaches down to the feet. The Qamis (shirt) is approximately 36" × 110" (90cm × 275cm).
As a precaution, the covering sheet must be long enough to conceal the whole body, so that both of the ends can be tied. Its width should be enough to allow one side to overlap the other. The Izar (sheet cover) is approximately 60" × 90" (150cm × 225cm).
The following pieces are the Mustahab parts of the Kafan.
For the Male:
A piece of clothing to cover the private parts which must be long enough to wrap on the two thighs. The approximate size is 16" × 108" (40cm × 270cm).
An ‘Amama (Turban) to be placed on the head. The approximate size is 6" × 108" (15cm × 270cm).
A belt of cloth to be tied around the waist to hold the Ma’zar (loin cloth) in place.
A second sheet cover which is the same as the Wajib Izar and is used to secure the other pieces.
For the Female:
A piece of clothing to cover the private parts which must be long enough to wrap on the two thighs. The approximate size is 16" × 108" (40cm × 270cm).
A piece of clothing to cover the breasts. The approximate size is 12" × 90" (30cm × 225cm).
A piece of clothing that covers the head just as is worn in Salat. The approximate size is 25" × 55" (63cm × 140cm).
A belt of cloth to be tied around the waist to hold the Ma’zar (loin cloth) in place.
A second sheet cover which is the same as the Wajib Izar and is used to secure the other pieces.
Rule 87
The Wajib portion of the loin cloth is that which covers from the navel down to the knees, and the Wajib portion of the shirt is that which covers the shoulders down to the middle of the calf of the legs. whatever has been mentioned over and above this is the Mustahab part of the Kafan.
Rule 88
The Wajib amount of Kafan mentioned in the above rule should be financed from the estate of the deceased, and a reasonable amount to cover the Mustahab may also be charged to the estate if the status of the deceased demands. But as a recommended precaution, the Mustahab parts of Kafan must not be charged to the shares of the minor heirs.
Rule 89
If a person makes a will that the Mustahab quantity of the Kafan (as mentioned in the two foregoing rules) should be paid for from the 1/3 of his estate, or if he has made a will that 2/3 of the estate should be spent for himself but has not specified the type of its expenditure, or has specified only a part of it, then the Mustahab quantity of the Kafan can be taken from 1/3 of the estate.
Rule 90
If the deceased has not made a will that the Kafan should be paid for from the 1/3 of his estate and if the heirs wish to take it from the estate, then they must not draw more than what has been indicated in rule number 87. And if they purchased a Kafan, which is unusually expensive, then the extra amount paid for it must not be charged to the estate. However, if his Baligh heirs agree to pay from their shares of the inheritance, then the sum can be deducted to the extent agreed.
Rule 91
The Kafan of a wife is the responsibility of her husband even if she has her own wealth. Similarly, if a woman is given a revocable divorce and she dies before the expiry of her Iddah, then her husband must provide her Kafan. If her husband is not adult or is insane, then the guardian of the husband must provide the Kafan for the wife from his (the guardian’s) property.
Rule 92
It is not obligatory for the relatives of a deceased to provide the Kafan for him, even if they were his dependants during his lifetime.
Rule 93
As a precaution, it must be ensured that each of the three pieces used for the Kafan are not so thin as to show the body of the deceased. However, if the body is fully concealed when all the three pieces are put together, then it will suffice.
Rule 94
The Kafan for the deceased must not be a usurped one, that is, unlawfully appropriated. If nothing else but the usurped Kafan is available, then the body must be buried without a Kafan. In fact, the usurped Kafan must be removed even if the body has already been buried, except in some special situations, which will not be discussed here.
Rule 95
It is not permissible to give a Kafan, which is Najis, or made of pure silk, or which is woven with gold, except in the situation of helplessness when there is no alternative.
Rule 96
It is not permissible to give a Kafan made of the hide or skin of a dead, Najis animal, in normal circumstances. In fact, even the skin of a dead, Tahir animal, or Kafan made of the wool or fur from an animal whose meat is Haram to eat must not be used in normal circumstances. (By the term ‘dead’ is meant an animal, which has not been slaughtered according to Shari’ah). But a Kafan made of wool, fur or skin of a slaughtered halal animal can be used for the purpose. However, it is a recommended precaution to avoid them as well.
Rule 97
If the Kafan becomes Najis owing to its own najasat, or owing to some other najasat, and if the Kafan is not lost totally, then its Najis part must be washed or cut off, even after the dead body has been placed into the grave. If it is not possible to wash it or cut it off, but it is possible to change it, then it must be changed.
Rule 98
If a person who is wearing the Ihram for Hajj or Umrah dies, he must be given the Kafan like all others and there is no harm in covering his head and face.
Rule 99
It is Mustahab that one keeps a Kafan, “Sidr” leaves and Camphor ready during one’s lifetime.
The Reward For Providing An Expensive, High Quality Kafan For The Deceased
عن أحمد بن محمد بن عيسى يرفعه إلى أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال أجيدوا أكفان موتاكم فإنها زينتهم.
Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn ‘Isa relates that Aba ‘Abdillah (‘a) said, “Prepare good quality Kafans for your deceased since it (the Kafan) is a beauty for him”.
ْعن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال أوصاني أبي عليه السلام بكفنه وقال لي يا جعفر اشتر لي بردا وجوِّده فإن الموتى يتباهون بأكفانهم.
In another hadith from Aba ‘Abdillah (‘a), he is reported to have said, “My father (Imam Baqir (‘a)) recommended me that I should provide a (good) Kafan for him, since the deceased will have pride over one another according to the type of Kafan that they have.1”
The Reward For The One Who Gives A Believer A Kafan
عن أبي جعفر عليه السلام قال: من كفّن مؤمنا كان كمن ضمن كسوته إلي يوم القيامة.
Abu Ja’far (‘a) said, “Someone who takes upon the responsibility of purchasing and giving a Believer a Kafan is just as the person who took the responsibility of clothing that person until the Day of Resurrection”.2
عن عبد الله بن عباس في حديث وفاة فاطمة بنت أسد أم أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام قال: قال النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم لعلي عليه السلام خذ عمامتي هذه وخذ ثوبي هذين فكفنها فيهما ومر النساء فليحسنَّ غسلها.
‘Abdillah Ibn ‘Abbas said, “When Fatimah Bint al-Asad, the mother of Amir al-Mu’minin (‘a) left the world, the Prophet (S) told ‘Ali, ‘Take my ‘Amamah and shirt and use them as a Kafan for your mother and tell the women to give her a proper Ghusl’.3”
Step By Step Procedure For Putting The Kafan On The Deceased Male
Measurements for a tall person of average build up to 6’ (180cm).
1. Undergarment
The length shall be about three times the waist measurement and the width shall be about one and a quarter the waist measurement.
36" × 108" (90 × 270cm). Tie around waist with 1.5" (4cm) waist bands. This piece is mustahab.
2. Loin Cloth
The length shall be the measurement from the navel to the ankles and the width shall be about two times the waist measurement.
42" × 72" (105 × 180cm). Tie around waist with the strip with the knot coinciding with the navel. This piece is Wajib.
3. Shirt
The length shall be about three times the waist measurement and the width shall be about the waist measurement. 36" × 108" (90 × 270cm). This piece is Wajib.
4. Turban
Cloth to wrap around the head once with the ends placed on the chest. 6" × 72" (15 × 180cm). This piece is mustahab.
5. Wrapper
The length shall be one and a quarter times the height of the dead body and the width shall be twice the waist measurement. 72" × 90" (180 × 225cm). Two wrappers to be used but only one is Wajib while the other is mustahab.
Tie around with strips.
1. 1st Wrapper - Wajib - 72" × 90" (180 × 225cm)
2. 2nd Wrapper - Mustahab - 72" × 90" (180 × 225cm) 3. Loin cloth - Wajib - 42" × 90" (105 × 225cm)
4. Shirt - Wajib - 36" × 108" (90 × 270cm)
Undergarment - Mustahab - 36" × 108" (90 × 270cm)
Turban - Mustahab - 6" × 72" (15 × 180cm)
Total material required for the kafan of an adult male is 9.15 metres of 72" (180cm) wide material.
Step By Step Procedure For Putting The Kafan On The Deceased Female
Measurements for a tall person of average build up to 6’ (180cm).
1. Pad
Lined with cotton wool and sprinkled with camphor. 18" × 72" (45 × 180cm) or half waist measurement for width and twice measurement for length. Use a 1" (2.5cm) wide tie strip to tie around waist. This piece is Mustahab.
2. Chest Band
The length should cover 5” above and 5” below the bust of a female body; the width should be at least one and a half times the chest measurement. 18" × 60" (45 × 150cm). This piece is also Mustahab.
3. Undergarment
The length shall be three times the waist measurement and the width shall be the waist measurement. 36" × 108" (90 × 270cm). Tie around waist with a 1" (2.5cm) tie strip. This piece is also Mustahab.
4. Loin Cloth
The length shall be the measurement from the navel to the ankles and the width shall be two times the bust measurement. 42" × 72" (105 × 180cm). Tie around waist with a tie strip 1" (2.5cm) wide with the knot preferably on the back side of the navel. This piece is Wajib.
5. Shirt
The length shall be three times the bust measurement and the width shall be the bust measurement. 36" × 108" (90 × 270cm). This piece is Wajib.
6. Veil/Scarf
Cloth to cover head and hair just like in prayers. 24" × 60" (60 × 150cm). This piece is Mustahab.
7. Wrapper
The length shall be one and a quarter times the height of the dead body and the width shall be twice the waist measurement. 72" × 90" (180 × 225cm). Two wrappers to be used but only one is Wajib while the other is Mustahab.
Tie around with strips.
1. 1st Wrapper - Wajib - 72" × 90’ (180 × 225cm)
2. 2nd Wrapper - Mustahab - 72" × 90" (180 × 225cm) 3. Loin cloth - Wajib - 42" × 72" (105 × 180cm)
4. Shirt - Wajib - 36" × 108" (90 × 270cm)
5. Undergarment - Mustahab - 36" × 108" (90 × 270cm) 6. Chiro - Mustahab - 18" × 72" (45 × 180cm)
Veil/scarf - Mustahab - 24" × 60" (60 × 150cm)
Chest band - Mustahab - 18" ×" (45 × 150cm)
Total material required for the kafan of an adult female is 10 metres of 72" (180cm) wide material.