
Rules Of The Hunut

Rule 100

After having given Ghusl to the dead body, it is Wajib to perform Hunut - which means to apply Camphor on its forehead, both the palms, both the knees and both the big toes of the deceased’s feet. It is not necessary to rub the Camphor, but it must be visible on those parts. It is Mustahab to apply Camphor to the tip of the nose also. The Camphor must be powdered and fresh, and if it is so stale that it has lost its fragrance, then it will not suffice.

Rule 101

The Ihtiyat Mustahab is that the Camphor should first be applied on the forehead of the deceased. It is not necessary to observe sequence while applying the Camphor to other parts mentioned above.

Rule 102

It is better that Hunut is applied before the Kafan, although there is no harm in giving Hunut during Kafan or even after it.

Rule 103

It is not permissible to apply Hunut to a person who died in the state of Ihram for ‘Umrah and Hajj, except in circumstances explained in rule number 55.

Rule 104

Although it is Haram for a woman to perfume herself if her husband has died and she is in her ‘Iddah, but if she dies while in ‘Iddah, then it is Wajib to give her Hunut.

Rule 105

According to Ihtiyat Mustahab, perfumes like musk, ambergris and aloes-wood (‘Ud) should not be applied to the dead body, and neither should these things be mixed with the Camphor.

Rule 106

It is Mustahab to mix a small amount of Turbah (soil of the land around the shrine of Imam al-Husayn (‘a)) with the Camphor, but it should not be applied to those parts of the body where its use may imply any disrespect. It is also necessary that the quantity of Turbah is not so much, such that the identity of the Camphor changes.

Rule 107

If Camphor is not available or the quantity available is just sufficient for the Ghusl only, then it is not Wajib to apply Hunut. If it is in excess of the requirement for Ghusl, but is not sufficient for administering Hunut to all the parts, then as a recommended precaution, the Camphor will be applied on the forehead of the dead body first and if any remains, it can be applied to the other parts.

Rule 108

It is also Mustahab that two pieces of fresh, green twigs are placed in the grave with the dead body.

This action is referred to as the Jarida, and it is necessary that the fresh twigs, which are cut from a tree, are without leaves. A lot of emphasis has been given by our A’immah (Peace be upon them) to place the Jarida on both sides of the dead body. The reason given is that as long as the twigs remain green, the body will be spared from the squeezing in the grave.

Preference is given to the twigs of date palms. If that is not available, then the twigs from a pomegranate tree, and if this too is not available, then from any other tree. The twigs should be of arm’s length and the name of the dead person together with his testimony to the Oneness of Allah and the Prophethood of our Prophet (S) and the A’immah (Peace be upon them), should be inscribed on them.

The twig on the right side should touch the armpit while the one on the left side should be kept above the armpit. The sheet should then be wrapped around the body.