
In The Reign Of Herod

In the reign of Herod, king of Judaea, when Jesus was born, three magi in the parts of the east were observing the stars of heaven. Whereupon a star of great brightness appeared to them, therefore, having concluded among themselves, they came to Judaea, guided by the star, which went before them, and when they arrived at Jerusalem, they asked where was born the King of the Jews. When Herod heard this, he was afraid, and the entire city was troubled. Herod therefore, called together the priests and the scribes, saying, "Where will Christ be born?" They answered that he shall be born in Bethlehem; for thus it is written by the prophet, "And you, Bethlehem, are not little among the princes of Judah, for out of you shall come forth a leader, who will lead my people Israel."

Herod accordingly, called together the magi and asked them concerning their coming. They answered that they had seen a star in the east, which had guided them there, therefore, they wished with gifts to worship this new king manifested by his star.

Then said Herod deceitfully: "Go to Bethlehem and search out with all diligence concerning the child; and when you have found him, come and tell it to me, because I also would fain come and worship him."

The magi therefore departed out of Jerusalem, and the star, which appeared to them in the east, went before them. Seeing the star, the magi filled with gladness.

In Bethlehem, outside the city, they saw the star standing still above the inn where Jesus was born. The magi therefore went there, entering the dwelling found the child with his mother, and bending down they did obeisance to him. The magi presented unto him spices, with silver and gold, recounting to the virgin all that they had seen. Whereupon, while sleeping, the child warned them not to go to Herod, so departing by another way they returned to their own home, announcing all that they had seen in Judaea.

Herod seeing that the magi did not return believed himself mocked of them. Whereupon he determined to put to death the child that was born. However, behold while Joseph was sleeping there, appeared to him the angel of the Lord, saying, "Arise up quickly, and take the child with his mother and go into Egypt for Herod want to slay him." Joseph arose with great fear, and took Mary with the child. They went into Egypt, and there they abode until the death of Herod.

After the death of Herod, Joseph took the child (who was seven years old) with Mary and came to Judaea; whence, hearing that Archelaus, son of Herod, was reigning in Judaea, he went into Galilee, fearing to remain in Judaea; and they went to dwell at Nazareth.

Jesus grew in grace and wisdom and at the age of twelve, went with Mary and Joseph to Jerusalem, to worship there according to the law of the Lord written in the book of Moses.

When their prayers ended, they did not see Jesus and thought he has returned home with their kinsfolk. Mary therefore, returned with Joseph to Jerusalem, seeking Jesus among kinsfolk and neighbours, but he was not there. The third day they found the child in the temple, in the midst of the Sadducees, disputing with them concerning the law. Everyone was amazed at his questions and answers, seeing he is so small and has not learned to read. They said, "How can there be such doctrine in him." Jesus then went down with his mother and Joseph to Nazareth.