This text contains dozens of supplications from the Holy Qur'an that can be recited during the Qunut in Salat, instructions on how to perform some special prayers, and information about more than a hundred names of Allah and their significance in supplication.
- Qunut
- Introduction
- Part 1: Supplications from the Holy Qur’an
- Supplication n. 1
- Supplication n. 2
- Supplication n. 3
- Supplication n. 4
- Supplication n. 5
- Supplication n. 6
- Supplication n. 7
- Supplication n. 8
- Supplication n. 9
- Supplication n. 10
- Supplication n. 11
- Supplication n. 12
- Supplication n. 13
- Supplication n. 14
- Supplication n. 15
- Supplication n. 16
- Supplication n. 17
- Supplication n. 18
- Supplication n. 19
- Supplication n. 20
- Supplication n. 21
- Supplication n. 22
- Supplication n. 23
- Supplication n. 24
- Supplication n. 25
- Supplication n. 26
- Supplication n. 27
- Supplication n. 28
- Supplication n. 29
- Supplication n. 30
- Supplication n. 31
- Supplication n. 32
- Supplication n. 33
- Supplication n. 34
- Supplication n. 35
- Supplication n. 36
- Supplication n. 37
- Supplication n. 38
- Supplication n. 39
- Supplication n. 40
- Supplication n. 41
- Supplication n. 42
- Supplication n. 43
- Supplication n. 44
- Supplication n. 45
- Supplication n. 46
- Supplication n. 47
- Supplication n. 48
- Supplication n. 49
- Supplication n. 50
- Supplication n. 51
- Supplication n. 52
- Supplication n. 53
- Supplication n. 54
- Supplication n. 55
- Supplication n. 56
- Supplication n. 57
- Supplication n. 58
- Supplication n. 59
- Supplication n. 60
- Supplication n. 61
- Supplication n. 62
- Part 2: Special Prayers
- Part 3: Dhikr, the Beautiful Names of Allah
- (1) Yaa Allaahu {66}
- (2) Al Ah'adu (The One) {13}
- (3) Al Awwalu (The Foremost) {37}
- (4) Al Aakhiru (The Last) {801}
- (5) Al A'liyyu (The Highest) {110}
- (6) Al A'leemu (The All-Knowing) {150}
- (7) Al A'zeezu (The Mighty) {94}
- (8) Al A'adilu (The Just) {105}
- (9) Al A'fuwwu (The Pardoner) {156}
- (10) Al Akramu (The Gracious) {261}
- (11) Ala'z'eemu (The Magnificent) {1020}
- (12) Al Ba’edu (The Distant) {86}
- (13) Al Baasit'u (The Spreader) {72}
- (14) Al Barru (The Good) {202}
- (15) Al Baariyu (The Originator) {213}
- (16) Al Bas'eeru (The All-Seeing) {302}
- (17) Al Baaqee (The Survivor) {113}
- (18) Al Badee’u' (The Designer) {86}
- (19) Al Baa’ithu (The Resurrrector) {573}
- (20) Al Baat'inu (The Inward) {62}
- (21) Ad Dayyaanu (The Rewarder) {65}
- (22) Al Fattaah’u (The Opener) {489}
- (23) Al Fardu (The Single) {284}
- (24) Al Faat'iru (The Maker) {290}
- (25) Al Faaliqu (The Producer) {211}
- (26) Al Ghaffaaru (The Oft-Forgiver) {1281}
- (27) Al Ghafooru (The Forgiver) {1286}
- (28) Al Ghaniyyu (The Independent) {1060}
- (29) Al Haadee (The Guide) {20}
- (30) Al H'aleemu (The Indulgent) {88}
- (31) Al H'ayyul Qayyoomu (The Ever-Living Self-Subsisting) {18+156=174}
- (32) Al H'ameedu (The Praiseworthy) {62}
- (33) Al H'afeez'u (The Guardian) {998}
- (34) Al H'aafiz'u (The Preserver) {989}
- (35) Al H'aqqu (The Truth) {108}
- (36) Al H'aseebu (The Reckoner) {80}
- (37) Al H'akeemu (The Wise) {78}
- (38) Al Jabbaaru (The Omnipotent) {206}
- (39) Al Jaleelu (The Magnificent) {73}
- (40) Al Jameelu (The Beautiful) {83}
- (41) Al Jawaadu (The Generous) {14}
- (42) Al Jaami-u' (The Gatherer) {114}
- (43) Al Khabeeru (The All-Aware) {812}
- (44) Al Khaalis'u (The Pure) {721}
- (45) Al Khaaliqu (The Creator) {731}
- (46) Al Kabeeru (The Greatest) {232}
- (47) Al Kareemu (The Kind) {270}
- (48) Al Kaafiyu (The Effective) {111}
- (49) Al Kaashifu (The Disperser) {401}
- (50) Al Khaafiz’u (The Humiliator) {1481}
- (51) Al Lat’eefu (The Benign) {129}
- (52) Al Maliku (The Sovereign) {90}
- (53) Al Mu’minu (The Reliable Protector) {136}
- (54) Al Muhayminu (The Defender) {145}
- (55) Al Mutakabbiru (The Sublime) {662}
- (56) Al Mus'awwiru (The Fashioner) {336}
- (57) Al Mu’izzu (The Bestower Of Honour) {117}
- (58) Al Mud'illu (The Disgracer) {770}
- (59) Al Muqeetu (The Maintainer) {550}
- (60) Al Mujeebu (The Hearer Of Prayers) {55}
- (61) Al Majeedu (The Glorious) {57}
- (62) Al Mateenu (The Preserving) {500}
- (63) Al Muh'aasibu (The Reckoner) {111}
- (64) Al Mubdiyu (The Commencer) {56}
- (65) Al Mue'edu (The Restorer) {124}
- (66) Al Muh'ayyi (The Vivifier) {58}
- (67) Al Mumeetu (The Annihilator) {490}
- (68) Al Muqtadiru (The All-Powerful) {744}
- (69) Al Muqaddimu (The Vanguard) {184}
- (70) Al Mu’akhkhiru (The Eternal Last) {846}
- (71) Al Muta-a'alee (The Most High) {551}
- (72) Al Muntaqimu (The Avenger) {630}
- (73) Yaa Maalikal Mulki (The Absolute Sovereign) {91+90=181}
- (74) Al Muqsit'u (The Distributor) {209}
- (75) Al Mughnee (The Independent) {1100}
- (76) Al Mua'tee (The Bestower Of Gifts) {129}
- (77) Al Maani-u' (The Prohibiter) {161}
- (78) Al Mannaanu (The Benefactor) {141}
- (79) Al Muh'eet'u (He Who Encompasses Everything) {67}
- (80) Al Mubeenu (The Evident) {102}
- (81) Al Maajidu (The Noble) {41}
- (82) Al Mun-i'mu (The Bountiful) {200}
- (83) An Na-e'emu (The Bounteous) {170}
- (84) An Naafi-u' {The Helpful) {201}
- (85) An Nooru (The Light) {256}
- (86) Al Qahhaaru (The Conqueror) {306}
- (87) Al Qaabiz’u (He Who Takes Possession and Holds) {903}
- (88) Al Qawiyyu (The Strong) {116}
- (89) Al Qaaz'ee (He Who Settles Matters) {911}
- (90) Al Qayyoomu (The Self-Subsisting) {156}
- (91) Al Qaadiru (The Omnipotent) {305}
- (92) Al Qadeemu (The Eternal First) {154}
- (93) Al Qareebu (The Near) {312}
- (94) Ar Rah'maanu (The Beneficent) {299}
- (95) Ar Rah'eemu (The Merciful) {258}
- (96) Ar Razzaaqu (The Giver Of Livelihood) {308}
- (97) Ar Raqeebu (The Guardian) {312}
- (98) Ar Ra’oofu (The Compassionate) {286}
- (99) Ar Raafi-u' (The Exalted) {351}
- (100) Ar Rasheedu (He Who Guides On The Right Path) {514}
- (101) Ar Rabbu (The Lord Cherisher) {202}
- (102) Assalaamu (The Peace) {131}
- (103) Assamee-u' (The All-Hearing) {180}
- (104) Ash Shaheedu (The Witnesss) {319}
- (105) As S'amadu (The Ever-Lasting) {134}
- (106) As Sayyidu (The Master) {74}
- (107) As Subbooh'u (The Holy) {76}
- (108) As' S'aani-u' (The Maker) {211}
- (109) Ash Shakooru (The Thankful) {526}
- (110) As' S'abooru (The Patient) {298}
- (111) Ash Shaafee (The Healer) {391}
- (112) As Sattaaru (The Coverer) {661}
- (113) At Tawwaabu (The Relenter) {409}
- (114) Alwitru (The Unique) {606}
- (115) Al Waliyyu (The Friend {46})
- (116) Al Wakeelu (The Protector) {66}
- (117) Al Waafiyu (He Who Keeps The Promise) {97}
- (118) Al Waaliyu (The Governor) {47}
- (119) Al Wahhaabu (The Utmost Liberal) {14}
- (120) Al Waasi-u' (The Liberal Beneficent) {137}
- (121) Al Wadoodu (The Loving) {20}
- (122) Al Waarithu (The Inheritor) {707}
- (123) Al Waajidu (The Inventor) {14}
- (124) Al Wah'eedu (The Only) {28}
- (125) Al Waah'idu (The Single) {19}
- (126) Az Z’aarru (The Quickener) {1001}
- (127) Az Z'aahiru (The Manifest) {1106}
- (128) Ya D'al Jalaali Wal Ikraami (The Lord Of Might and Majesty) {1056}