
The Tashahhud (Arabic: تَشَهُّد‎), meaning the testimony of faith, is the portion of the Muslim prayer where the precant sits on the ground facing the qibla, glorifies God, and greets the messenger and the righteous people of God followed by the two testimonials. The recitation is followed by an invocation of the blessings and peace upon the prophet known as Salawat or Darood.


Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 8 hours ago

In case of the doubt between four of five Rak'ats,nyou should take it as four and recite Tashahhud and Salam, then perform two Sajda of Sahw. There no Salat al-Ehtiyat in this case.



Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 3 weeks ago

Athaan أذان and Iqama are recommended and we say Ashhadu Anna Aliyyan Waliyyullah being the main fact of proper faith after Tawheed and Nubowwah. This was been announced in Athaan immediately after Ghadeer Khum decleratiin.

Tashahhud is not recommended but obligatory. In Tashahhud we are bound to say exactly what was been said by the Prophet (SAWA) and Ahlul Bayt (AS). All  authentic Hadeeths from Prophet and Ahlul Bayt teaching us Tashahhud have the same Tashahhud with out adding any sentence on it. Mentioning Ameerul Mo;mineen (AS) in Tashahhud is allowed or recommended as part of supplication like (ALLAHUMMA SALLI Ala Aliyyin AMEERIL Mo;mineen) and not as a part of Tashahhud. Du’a is permissible in every part in Salah, but Tashahhud must be recited as it was recited by the Prophet. and Ahlul Bayt (AS).



Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 3 months ago

We must recite Tashahhud after every two Rak'ats.



Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 5 months ago

There is no specific period between Tashahhud and Salaam as both should be recited simultaneously. Du'a is always permissible during any part of Salah including Tashahhud and Salaam or between them. We have narrated supplications with Tashahhud. The Du'a can be short or long but it should not take you away from the Salah situation.


Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 1 year ago

If you forget to recite Tashahhud and stand up for the third Rak'at, then remember during your standing, you must sit down immediately on remembering that you forgot Tashahhud. You must recite Tashahhud then stand up for your third Rak'at.

'If you remember that in the forth Rak'at, you need to complete you SALAH till ASSALAMU Alaykum, and immediately recite Tashahhud then perform two Sajda of Sahw by prostrating and saying: Bismillah WABILLAH, ASSALAMU Alaina Ayyuhannabiyyu wa rahmatullah wabarakatuh. Then sit from your Sajda and do second Sajda saying the same, then sitting and reciting Tashahhud and Salam.



Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 1 year ago

This act of lifting the finger during Tashahhud is not a Sunnah. 


Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 3 years ago

Yes. It is narrated as one of the Mustahab (recommended) recitations in Tashahhud.

أشهد ان لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له واشهد ان محمدا عبده ورسوله ارسله بشيرا ونذيرا بين يدي الساعة . اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد 

It is mentioned in many jurisprudence books like al-'Orwatul Wothqa and other books beside our books of Hadeeth like Wasaa'il al-Shia.



Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 3 years ago

Tashahhud is an obligatory part of Salah which must be performed exactly as the Prophet (SAWA) and Ahlul Bayt (AS) taught us to perform according to the authentic Prophetic Hadeeth (Perform Salah as you saw me performing Salah)  (Sallo Kama Ra'aitomooni Osalli)صَلّوا كما رأيتموني أُصَلّي.

Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq (AS) taught his followers all details of Salah including Tashahhud. ( Amaali Al-Shaikh Al-Sadouq , page 498 narrating from Hammaad Bin Easa).

 Tashahhud must have ALLAHUMMA SALLI 'ALA MUHAMMAD WA AALI MUHAMMAD which mentions Imam Ali (AS) and all the Infallible Ahlul Bayt (AS). 

We are not allowed to add on Tashahhud more than what Ahlul Bayt (AS) taught us.

We can mention the name of Imam AALI (AS) in the form of Du'a within our Salah after Tashahhud, like saying : ALLAHUMMA SALLI 'ALA AMEERIL MO'MINEEN. Du'a is always good within our Salah and not only in Qunoot.

By this Du'a, we will be mentioning the holy name of Ameerul Mo'mineen (AS) and not adding on the Tashahhud which was been taught to us by Ahlul Bayt (AS).



Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 3 years ago

We have option to recite with clear voice (Jahr جهر) or whispering (Ikhfaat إخفات) in Tashahhud and Salam and Thikr of Rokoo' and Thikr of Sujood in any prayer.


Zoheir Ali Esmail, Shaykh Zoheir Ali Esmail has a Bsc in Accounting and Finance from the LSE in London, and an MA in Islamic Studies from Middlesex University. He studied Arabic at Damascus University and holds a PhD... Answered 3 years ago


Thank you for your question. It is not obligatory to recite the tashahud loudly in prayers.

May you always be successful 


Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 3 years ago

Azan is recommended while Tashahhud is obligatory. Tashahhud is part and parcel of Namaz and if Tashahhud is wrongly said, Namaz will be void and invalid.

Tashahhud was taught to us by the Proohet Muhammad (SAWA) and Ahlul Bayt (AS) with ordering us to (Pray as you saw me praying) صلّوا كما رأيتموني أصلّي

Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq (AS) explained to one of his students; Hammad Ibn Easa all the steps of Namaz including Tashahhud ( ASHHADU ANLA ELAAHA ILLALLAH WAHDAHU LAA SHAREEKA LAH WA ASHHADU ANNA MUHAMMADAN ABDUHU WA RASOOLUH ALLAHUMMA SALLI 'ALA MUHAMMAD WA AALI MUHAMMAD  as we read it in al-Kaafi, 3/311. 

We are not allowed to add to Tashahhud but we are allowed to pray any prayers as supplication after Tashahhud including the names of the Infallible Imams like ALLAHUMMA SALLI 'ALA AMEERIL MO'MINEEN.



Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 3 years ago

No. We don't have any authentic evidence that the Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) or any of his holy Progeny Ahlul Bayt (As) moved index finger during Tashahhud in prayers.

None of the authentic Hadeeths suggest that.
