
The soul, in many religious, philosophical, and mythological traditions, is the incorporeal essence of a living being. Soul or psyche are the mental abilities of a living being: reason, character, feeling, consciousness, memory, perception, thinking, etc.


Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 7 months ago

Talqeen is reminding the Muslim deceased about the faith fundamental matters. Talqeen is addressing both the soul and body.

'Upon death, human beings remain able to hear and think. The Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) addressed after Badr battle, the dead bodies of the non believers and said when he was asked that they are more able to hear than you.

'After death, we will be able to respond to the questions of the angles.



Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 9 months ago

The key of the peace of mind is remembering Allah in the proper way. As we read in Quran "Surely only by remembering Allah hearts gain peace" Surat no. 13 Verse no. 28. All mental problems can be tackled and cured by sincere remembering of Allah. It is recommended to recite Athaan (Azaan) at home or wherever you are on every time of Salah. Reciting Athaan has got benefits for mental health. Reciting Quran and Du'a or listening to their recitation helps a lot in gaining peace of mind. A great source of Du'a is Al Sahifa Al Sajjadiya and other supplications narrated by the Holy Prophet and Ahlulbayt. Glorifying Allah during the day and night especially before sunset and before sunrise has got great benefits as we read in the hadith that it is recommended to repeat Subhanallah WalHamdulilah Wa La Ilaaha Ila Allah Wa Allahu Akbar 10 times before sunrise and before sunset. It is also recommended to perform Wudhu before going to bed so that your sleep will be peaceful and you will get the reward of worshiping Allah for the whole night. You should seek the prayers and blessings of your parents as their prayers in your favor are very important and more likely to be accepted by Allah as long as you keep serving them and making them happy with you, even if they are not alive you should visit their grave and pray to Allah near their grave.



Rebecca Masterton, Dr Rebecca Masterton graduated with a BA in Japanese Language and Literature; an MA in Comparative East Asian and African Literature and a PhD in Islamic literature of West Africa. She has been... Answered 1 year ago

Islam generally teaches that something small done consistently is better than doing too much and then stopping. Body and soul are not actually totally separate. They are integrated. Keeping healthy and physically fit is vital for the well being of the soul. Nowadays many doctors are saying that some forms of depression can be caused by an unhealthy gut; conversely emotional stress can affect digestion and therefore overall body health. Try to establish a pattern, or a good habit, when you do dhikr or other matters directly related to the soul - a time of day where you are least likely to be disturbed, or tired, or your mind overloaded. Even just contemplating the creation when you are out walking in the road can nurture the soul.


Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 1 year ago

Hadeeth states the infants of Muslims who die, will be looked after by Sara wife of Prophet Ibraheem. Those who were not tested in this world will be tested in the Day of Judgement and get their future accordingly.



Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answer updated 1 year ago

Yes. This fact is confirmed by many most authentic  narrations which can be found in many books including Jaami' Al- Ziyarat by Ibn Qolawayh which is one of the most authentic books.



Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 1 year ago

Soul is created by Allah and gifted to us as a bounty from Him on us. Soul is never part from Allah (SWT). Nothing at all can be like Allah or part from Him.



Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answer updated 2 years ago

You are not responsible for the Khums of the gifts received by you. You can eat the eatables. If it remains with you for a full year unused fully or partly, you will be responsible to pay the Khums of the remaining after full year if anything remains unused.



Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 2 years ago

Yes, Islam like Judaism and Christianity believe in the immortality of the soul, which means death is not the end of the soul but it remains facing the results of our faith and deeds in this worldly life. 


Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 2 years ago

Allah's Wisdom and Knowledge and Mercy determine which age, country, place, family ,father, mother, etc each one should come to this world.

We believe in His Absolute Wisdom and Mercy and thank Him that created us in the age, place, family from which He created us. Allah says in Quran ( Your Lord Creates whatever He Wills and Choose, no choice have they) Sura 28, Verse 68.



Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answer updated 2 years ago

Soul is taken back to Allah when we die. (IT IS ALLAH WHO TAKES BACK THE SOULS AT THE TIME OF ITS DEATH) (Sura 39, Verse 42.

Our soul remains alive after our body dies. Souls of the believer will feel and enjoy the great Mercy of Allah, while souls of the enemies of Allah will suffer the results of their bad deeds. Sura al-Waqi'ah, Verses 89, 90, 91, 92 , 93 and 94. Our souls remain able to listen as we do Talqeen to the dead during and after burial. It is recommended for us to call the dead in their graves saying to them: Salaam upon you, O people of LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAH, how did find LAA ILAHA ILLALLAH.



Amina Inloes, Amina Inloes is originally from the US and has a PhD in Islamic Studies from the University of Exeter on Shi'a hadith. She is the program leader for the MA Islamic Studies program at the... Answered 2 years ago

Yes, every human being has a soul. No, no one is exempted from the Resurrection. If anyone claims otherwise, they are lying or confused. 


Amina Inloes, Amina Inloes is originally from the US and has a PhD in Islamic Studies from the University of Exeter on Shi'a hadith. She is the program leader for the MA Islamic Studies program at the... Answered 2 years ago

When there is a possibility and a certainty, it is better to plan for the certainty.

The certainty is that hell exists. The possibility is that people might leave it.

Better to be careful! :)