
Shia (شيعة‎ Shīʿah, from Shīʿatu ʿAlī, "adherent of Ali"), also transliterated Shiah and Shiʿah, is a branch of Islam which holds that the Islamic prophet Muhammad designated Ali ibn Abi Talib as his successor and the Imam (leader) after him, most notably at the event of Ghadir Khumm, but was prevented from the caliphate as a result of the incident at Saqifah. This view primarily contrasts with that of Sunni Islam, whose adherents believe that Muhammad did not appoint a successor and consider Abu Bakr, who they claim was appointed Caliph through a Shura, i.e. community consensus in Saqifa, to be the first rightful Caliph after the Prophet. Adherents of Shia Islam are called Shias of Ali, Shias or the Shi'a as a collective or Shi'i or Shi'ite individually.


Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 1 week ago

Sura Al-Ma'ida سورة المائدة  has mentioned the request of the disciples of Jesus to get a table of food from the sky. ( Verse 112, 113, 114 and 115 ). Allah Has Granted them what they asked.for. We can not say whether what is known among Nazaratenes  as Last Supper is the same table of food which was granted by Allah, or another. Some scholars say that is the same. After all, the Quranic fact is clear that the disciples of Jesus have requested a table of food from the sky and Allah Has Granted them what they requested.



Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 1 week ago

There are many types of Talaq in Islam of Ahlul Bayt (AS) including Khul'i Talaq.but the concept of Khul' is different between the Islamic rules and general public. Many people think that Khul' is divorce enforced with out any consent of approval of the husband. This is not the real meaning of Khul' in Islamic rules. Khul' is a type of divorce when the wife does not like to continue with her husband and offer him any amount to make him give her divorce. When agrees and takes from her what agreed upon for the Talaq, that Talaq is called Khul'i.

If the husband is doing injustice in his wife and not agreeing to divorce her, she can refer her case to the Islamic authority (Marje' of Taqleed) who takes three steps: 1. Ordering the husband to give his wife all her rights with out any injustice. If husband refuse then 2. Order the husband to give divorce to his wife. If refuses again then 3. The Marje' ' himself give Talaq to this woman to release her from injustice.



Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 3 months ago

No. Such divorce is invalid and has no value at all.

Divorce has strict conditions including two pious men to witness the declaration of the divorce. No divorce can be for a future date at all.



Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answer updated 7 months ago

This narration is not authentic according to the basics of Ilm Al-Rijaal. It is from Abdullah ibn Ka'b ibn Malik. Ka'b ibn Malik was one of the three men who disobeyed the Prophet (SAWA) and did not join the army of the Muslims and were been mentioned in Quran (Al-Tawbah, verse 118). Such weak narrations are mentioned the book of Bukhari to justify the claims of Saqeefah group who have taken away the right of Ameerul Mo'mineen Ali (AS).



Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 7 months ago

1. This verse (6:159) means something completely different from what seems from your question. شيعا means different groups following different leaders, which is totally different from the word Shi’a which means the followers of the Prophets and their real successors.

2. Shi’a in Arabic language means the followers, who can be followers of true leader, so they are the real believers, or can be following a wrong leader, then they will be mislead.

3. Allah (SWT) Has Granted the title Shi’a to His best servants as you can read in Sura Al-Saffaat after mentioning the Prophet Noah, the mention of Prophet Ebrahim ( And Ebrahim was from his Shi’a) (وإنَّ مِن شِيعَتِهِ لَإبراهيم. 
4. Allah (SWT) mentioned in Sura Al-Qassass about Prophet Musa and his followers and his enemies. He called the followers of Musa as his Shi’a and the opposite people as his enemies. Al-Qassass, verse 15.

'5. Shi'a is a title granted by Allah, The Glorious, to the sincere followers of the Prophets.

6. Shi'a Muslims are the real followers of the Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) through following his Progeny Ahlul Bayt (AS) which was been ordered by Allah and the Prophet (SAWA).

7. The Prophet Muhammad (SAWA) has repeatedly called the most sincere believers as "Shi'a of Ali" as you can read in many Sunni books of Hadeeth like

1. Shawaahid Al-Tanzeel by Al-Haakim Al-Hasakaani , V. 2,  P. 356. 
2. Kufa Ayat Al-Talib by Al-Kanji Al-Shafi'ee, P.244.

3. Al-Manaaqib by Al-Khawarizmi Al-Hanafi , P. 62.

4. Al-Fosoul Al-Muhimmah by Ibn Al-Sabbagh Al-Maliki , P. 126

5. Ibn Asaakir in Tareekh Dimishq 2:442.

6. Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdadi in Tareekh Baghdad, V.12, P. 289.

7. Al-Tabarani in Al-Mo'jam Al-Waseet, V. 6, P. 354.



Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 1 year ago

There are many useful books e.g. Then I was Guided by Dr Tijani , Thr Right Path by Sayyed Sharafuddin, You can find on these websites lot of useful books




Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 2 years ago

Abu Lulu was a Muslim, that is why he was praying in the Masjid Al-Nabawi in the first row like any other Muslim. If he was a Zoroastrian as some people claim,he would have been forbidden from entering the Masjid like any non Muslim. I don't want to enter here in details of the reasons of what he did.



Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 2 years ago

His book Da'aa'im Al-Islam is full of narrations which are from the twelve Imams although he did not mention the names of the six Imams after Jafar Al-Sadiq (AS) due to the Fatimi rulers, but used a Kunyah like Abu Jafar for Imam Al-Jawad, Abul Hasan for Imam Musa Al-Kadhim, and Imam Ali Al-Hadi or a famous title like Al-'Aalim, Al-Saamir , Al-Taahir etc of those six Imams. If you go through the books of Qadhi Al-No'man , you will find plenty of points which are not accepted by the twelver Shia. Great Ulama like Al-Majlisi of Biharul Anwar, Bahrul Oloom, Al-Noori of Mustadrak Al-Wasaa'il and Sayyed Al-Khoo'ee who studies the books of Qadhi Al-No'man Al Masri confirmed that he is a follower of the Twelve Imams.



Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 2 years ago

Majority of our Shia Masjids all over the world do not place pictures of scholars or founders of the mosque, but in some places there are pictures of respected scholars where the culture of that area allows placing pictures. Those who place picture for respected Scholars do so to express gratitude to the great services rendered by them to the community. We don't have any authentic evidence against placing pictures in Masjid as far as it is not for worshiping it and it is just a picture and not a statue. The pictures should not be in the direction of Qibla, means should not be faced by people while performing Namaz because it Is Makrouh (disliked) to face a picture while performing Namaz.



Amina Inloes, Amina Inloes is originally from the US and has a PhD in Islamic Studies from the University of Exeter on Shi'a hadith. She is the program leader for the MA Islamic Studies program at the... Answer updated 2 years ago

Different Muslims, both Sunnis and Shi'is, have varying views about al-Hallaj. Some take a negative view of him, especially this statement, and others appreciate the spirit of it.

Regarding al-Hallaj, Ayatollah Motahhari says in his introduction to 'irfan:

-=-= begin quote =-=-

Now famous simply as al-Hallaj, he is one of the most controversial mystics of the Islamic world. The shathiyyat uttered by him are many, and he was accused of apostasy and claiming divinity. The jurisprudents pronounced him an apostate and he was crucified during the reign of the 'Abbasid caliph al-Muqtadir.

The 'urafa' themselves accuse him of disclosing spiritual secrets. Hafiz has this to say about him:

He said, that friend, who was raised high on the cross,

His crime was that he used to reveal secrets.

Some consider him no more than a charlatan, but the 'urafa' themselves absolve him and say that the statements of al-Hallaj and Bayazid that gave the impression of unbelief were made when they were beside themselves in the state of 'intoxication'.

Al-Hallaj is remembered by the 'urafa' as a martyr. He was executed in 309/913. 

-=-= end quote =-=-

So there are varying views.

Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 2 years ago

Hussain Ibn Mansoor Al-Hallaaj was a Sufi who deviated and claimed that he is a representative of Imam Al-Mahdi (AS). He claimed many dangerous claims including claiming that he is Allah or part of Allah (SWT). He was cursed by our Shia scholars as well as as Sunni scholars. Our great scholar Shaikh Al-Mufeed wrote a book against him and his cult called Tasheeh Al-E'tiqadaat Al-Imamiyyah. His claim (Ana Al-Haqq) shows his deviation and falsehood.

Even Sunni scholars refused his false claims and complained against him to the Abbasid king Al-Moqtadir who killed him in year 309 Hijri.

His cult was called Al-Hallajiyyah and they did not pray Salah nor perform any Islamic worship. This was mentioned by Shaikh Al-Sadouq in Al-E'tiqadaat (97).



Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. Other than being involved in various humanitarian projects, he frequently responds to... Answered 3 years ago

1. Recite Quran every day and gift the reward to Imam Al-Mahdi (AS) and Fatimah Al-Zahra (AS). That will elevate your Imaan and make more near to Allah, the Prophet and Ahlul Bayt.

2. Read Nahjul Balagha and try understand whatever you can.

3. Keep performing your Prayers on time and avoid any sinful act even if your friends used to do it.

4. Don't mix with friends who are away from piousness which we as Shia were been ordered to follow.

5. Read about the life and sayings of Ahlul Bayt (AS) in books like Tohaful 'Oqool by Ibn Sho'bah al-Harrani or any authentic book of Hadeeth.

6. Listen to useful Majaalis and lectures of pious scholars.

7.There are many useful websites containing useful knowledge which can increase your knowledge like this website .and www,Shia and many other useful websites.
