The Power of Your Faith - 30 Verses For 30 Days 10/30

Tafsir Verse 9:65

Salamun alaykum wa Rahmat Ullah, dear brothers and sisters and welcome to the 10th Tafsir clip of this month of Ramadan. In this Tafsir clip, inshaAllah, we are going to delve into the meaning of verse 65 from Surat ul-Anfal.

This Sura, of course, was revealed after the battle of Badr took place, and there was dispute as it relates to the incidents that took place in the battle of Badr and after the battle of Badr as well. Verse 65 in particular, speaks about when the Muslimin were preparing to go to the battlefield, they were preparing to go against the enemy. And the verse starts out like this: "Ya ayyuha an-Nabiyu, harridi al-mu'minina 'ala al-qital" (8:65). O Prophet of ours, encourage the believers to prepare for battle. And then the Qur'an starts to explain that even though that you guys are at a disadvantage, even though you have smaller numbers, know that the people you are going up against, even though they have bigger numbers, you will still be able to overcome them.

And verse 65 is now going to explain the ratio between each Muslim versus a disbeliever. So, initially, in verse 65 Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala, says: "in yakun minkum 'ashroona sabiroona yaghliboo mi'atayn" (8:65). He says tell them to prepare for battle and tell them not to worry about the numbers, because with your faith, you being Muslims, Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala, being on your side, if you have 20 people you can overcome 200, mi'atayn. So it's a ratio of one to ten now, the Qur'an is saying.

One Muslim because of his faith, because of his belief in God, can overcome ten on the other side. And it's a very big difference. And then the verse continues and it says listen, if you can come up with 100, then you will be able to take over, or overcome a thousand from the other side. Again a one to ten ratio. So you think this is wonderful. The Muslim means one of them equals ten from the other side.

Then the Qur'an moves to verse sixty-six. In verse 66, Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala says: "Al'ana khaffafa Allahu 'ankum wa 'alima anna fikum da'faa" (8:66). Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala looked upon your hearts. He saw that in your faith there are some weaknesses. Now,, because of the weakness in your faith, right? The ratio instead of it being one to ten now goes to one to two. That's a big difference. From one to ten to one to two.

So now the verse says "fa in yakum minkum mi'atun sabiratun yaghliboo mi'atayn" (8:66). Now the verse says, you know what, now that We have looked upon your hearts and seen the weakness in your faith, even though those who took part in the battle of Badr, they were not weak individuals. But Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala says their faith still has some weakness in it. Now if you are able to have 100 you will be able to overcome 200. That's a ratio of one to two. "Wa in yakum minkum alfun yaghlibooo alfayni bi idhni Allah" (8:66). And if there's 1000 of you you'll be able to overcome 2000.

What the verse is trying to tell us, and this is very significant, because the battle of Badr took place in the month of Ramadan. It took place in these days and nights that we are going through. The Qur'an is saying that the faith that you build, and that connection you build with Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala, has a real time, tangible effect on your day to day life. It's not just a relationship that you build for the next world.

It's a relationship that affects you in this world. And it adds to your strength. The more you build your faith, the more it adds to your strength in terms of getting through the obstacles of life. Now, it doesn't mean that if you have faith, you don't need water, for example, you don't have physical needs. It doesn't mean that if you have faith, you don't have mental needs. No, you can have faith and still have mental issues. You can have faith and still have physical issues. But what the Qur'an is saying is that the stronger your faith is, the more strength you would have to be able to go up against these obstacles.

If you cut down from that faith, that ratio, so to speak, is cut down into it. Now, you can replace the ratio of fighters on both sides, and you can replace yourself on one side, and problems and obstacles on the other side. It would be the same thing. This is why it's important to maintain a strong relationship with Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.

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