Mubahala- A Meeting Called To Promote The Truth
O People, followers of the creed of Nabi Isa! If you claim that Nabi Isa is the son of God because he was born without a father, then it becomes awla for you to believe that Adam is the son of God, in the sense that Adam was also born without a father. Rather, Adam was born without a father and a mother.
But just like the way Adam was a creation of Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala, the creation of Adam symbolizes the grandeur of Allah in that he can even create for you and me to understand. He can create by even bypassing this system of cause and effect. The entire system of cause and effect is the creation of Allah. He bypasses it whenever He wants. And so the example of Nabi Adam or Nabi Isa is no different from Nabi Adam. This is an important thing.
A'ni, sometimes even people they doubt in the miracles of Allah, Subhana wa Ta'ala, mu'jizat. Said that "No, this is not rational. How can it bypass the system of cause and effect? Ya akhi! If you understand the basics of Usul ud-Din. The one who created the system of cause and effect is the same one who can bypass the system of cause and effect. Bypassing the system of cause and effect in itself is a mu'jiza, termed as a mu'jiza.
And therefore you find that despite the clear evidence, proof, after which there is no doubt, within the hearts of the free people, and this is where the kalam comes in. Free people, those who are free in their souls, those who have liberated themselves from the shackles of culture and from the shackles of the religion of their fathers and their forefathers. This evidence was enough for them to accept the truth.
In fact, they knew the truth in their hearts. But because of arrogance, they refused to believe and they continued to argue with Rasul Allah, which is where now this verse was revealed by Allah, Subhana wa Ta'ala. Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim. "Fa man hajjaka fihi min ba'di ma ja'aka min al-'ilm, fa qul ta'alu, nadu'u abna'ana, wa abna'akum, wa nisa'ana wa nisa'akum, wa anfusana wa anfusakum, thumma nabtahil, fa naj'al la'nata Allahi 'ala al-kadhibin" (3:61).
For now the argument is going to and forth. They're still continuing to argue with Rasul Allah, despite the proof being absolutely clear that Allah cannot have a son, there cannot be a trinity. But now they are arguing for the sake of arguing. It's not that they were not convinced. So what is the hal? Allah, Subhana wa Ta'ala, reveals the verse through Angel Jibra'il. Ya Rasul Allah! These people now, whoever comes to argue. "Fa man hajjaka fihi" (3:61) Hajjaka yani, argue baselessly. Whoever comes to argue with you, "Fa man hajjaka fihi min ba'di ma ja'aka min al-'ilm" (3:61).
Those who argue with you, despite the clear proof being given to them. Meaning what? From this verse of the Qur'an, we understand that they had no doubt in their mind that Rasul Allah was saying the truth. Despite this they argue. You have the Muslims for whom it is absolutely necessary that the superiority of Islam be established. And on the other hand, there are the followers of Nabi Isa who deserve a chance to have access to the truth. Is the truth with Rasul Allah, or is the truth with the followers of Nabi Isa as the high priests claim?
The hall is what? The solution is what? The solution is what Allah, Subhana wa Ta'ala says. Because they are insistent on arguing with you after having known that they are convinced, they know the truth, but they are still arguing with you. The hall is only one. Let us do this. Call your women. We will call our women, you call your children, we will call our children. Bring yourselves. We bring ourselves and let us do this.
We engage in a Mubahala. Mubahala yani, to simply translate, Mubahala yani we now invite Allah, azza' wa jal, to decide between you and us which one of us is on the truth. How do we do this? We invoke Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala to send la'na on those who are the liars. La'na meaning what? La'na yani a du'a. La'na in itself is a du'a. When you say, "Allahuma la'n fulan and fulan," la'na means du'a. Yani, "Ya Allah, remove your mercy from these people, fulan and fulan."
Similarly, Rasul Allah says over here we shall invoke Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala to remove his mercy from those who are liars. If the mercy of Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala doesn't encompass you, this means what? You qualify for the adhab of Allah to fall upon you, and through this, the entire Dunya from today until Yawm ul-Qiyama will know what is the truth in regards to this issue of Allah having a son or not. Yallah you ready or not?
They say yes. They decide that they are going to bring a certain amount of people. Rasul Allah sets them out for a day like today. He says at the time of Dhuhr, I will come and I will meet you. Now Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala has commanded Rasul Allah three categories of people: bring your women, bring your children, bring yourselves. The entire Muslim Umma is waiting. Who is going to be brought in this delegation, in which the act of Mubahila shall occur? This Mubahila is an event that separates Haqq from Batil. Who is going to come with Rasul Allah in this delegation that represents Haqq?
Mufassirin, historians say that there were large numbers of Muslims, each and every one of them hoping, waiting in anticipation that they would be selected from these three categories of people, or, to be more clearer in their understanding, to be considered within these two categories of people the nisa', the women and the children. The Christians from Najran bring their delegation. They meet at an appointed place and this place was marked up to at least maybe 60, 70, 100 odd years back, known as Masjid al-Mubahala.
Unfortunately, you find that the acts of the Nawasebi, even the trace of Masjid al-Mubahila is not there. In any case, the following day, Rasul Allah comes out. Historians from the Amma and the Khassa are unanimous on the fact that Rasul Allah came out holding Imam Hasan Imam Al-Husayn in his hands, Sayyida Fatimat Az-Zahra behind him and behind Sayida Fatimat Az-Zahra, Amir ul-Mu'uminin Ali Ibn Abi Talib.
They come out from the outskirts of masjid An-Nabawi, the entire Muslim Umma. The other people from the delegation of Najran are waiting there to see what is going to be the outcome of this divine invocation of Allah, Subhana wa Ta'ala to distinguish between Haqq and Batil. The delegation from Najran when they look at the purity of the faces of Ahl ul-Bayt, their hearts begin to quiver with fear. There are many things of Ahl ul-Bayt, which are the most basic things, but wa Allahi al-Adhim, we don't understand.
Look... Example, Hadith ul-Kisa'. What did these people say? The delegation of Najaran? We saw the faces of Ahl ul-Bayt and we were overcome by the noor on their faces. We were overcome by the noor. Yani, from looking at their faces, we could tell that they are divine individuals.
And in Hadith ul-Kisa' you will read that when the Rasul Allah came and to the house of Sayyidat un-Nisa' al-alamin he asked for the kisa', what does Sayyida az-Zahra says when he put the kisa' over himself, "Fa sirtu andhur ilayhi, wa idha wajhahu yatala'la'u ka'annahu al badru fa laylati tamamihi wa kamalih." (Hadith ul-Kisa') Sayyidati an-Nisa' al-alamin says, "I looked at the face of Rasul Allah, and I see it as if it is a shining moon in the darkness of the night." And now there are five moons coming out. Leave this.
"An-nadhar ila wajhu Ali ibadah." Looking at the face of Ali is ibadah. There is something within this noor in their appearance. Leave their noor ya akhi. Even the fragrance of Ahl ul-Bayt we can't understand. Even the fragrance of Ahl ul-Bayt we can't understand. Look at again, Hadith ul-Kisa', when Imam Hasan, when Imam Husayn, when Amir ul-Mu'minin, all come in to the house, what is the first thing they do after saying salam to their mother? "Inni ashummu indaki ra'ihatan tayyibatan." I smell a fragrance that is a fragrance so sweet and pure. The fragrance of Ahl ul-Bayt, till today, mankind is not able to understand.
The people of Najaran sit and discuss amongst themselves, and they come to an understanding that if these people, accompanied by Rasul Allah invoke Allah, from their appearance, from their appearance only, we are convinced that the adhab shall fall upon us and our community shall be obliterated from the face of the earth. They decided to pull away from the Mubahala.
This in itself established the superiority of Islam as the final religion, and the religion that completes all the other religions, all other Shari'as brought down by Nabi Isa, Musa, and before them, Ibrahim, Adam... The ikmal, the completion of all these risalas was the risala of Nabi, of Rasul Allah.