Imam Husayn's (as) is a hero and a historical personality. But unlike a historical personality who is forgotten, the struggle of the Imam (as) will never be forgotten. His actions and the events of his martyrdom have a profound impact upon society and the behaviour and the cultural aspects of someone's life. The lessons learned from this episode of bravery are many and they can be applied now as they were applied then. The lessons are aimed not just at Muslims but at every human being and were we to follow his manner the society would be a peaceful and happy one.
The Life of Imam Husayn (‘a) Research and Analysis
Baqir Shareef al-Qurashi
Translator: Sayyid Athar Husayn S.H. Rizvi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications
First Edition 2007-1386-1428
Quds Press
Quantity: 2000
Number of Pages: 888
Size: 162 X 229 mm
ISBN: 978-964-438-889-7
All Rights Reserved and Recorded For the Publisher
Ansariyan Publications
P.O. Box 187
22 Shohada St., Qum
Islamic Republic of Iran
Tel: ++98 251 7741744 Fax: 7742647
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- The Life of Imam Husayn (‘a) Research and Analysis
- Dedication
- At your service, O chief of the Noble ones!
- Introductions
- Offspring of Prophethood
- Mother
- Father
- The first new-born
- Dream of Ummul Fadl
- The Blessed Birth
- Grief and weeping of the Holy Prophet (S)
- Year of Imam Husayn’s (‘a) birth
- Birth ceremonies of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Attention of the Prophet (S) towards Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Appearance of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Awe of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Titles of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Patronymic of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Inscription on the Ring stone of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Use of Perfume
- Residence
- Upbringing and Training
- Heritage
- Family
- The Prophet’s Training
- Imam Amirul Momineen’s (‘a) Training
- Her Eminence, Fatima’s (‘a) Training to Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Environment
- In the Shade of Quran and Sunnah
- Under the shade of Quran
- Verse of Purification
- Who are the “Ahlul Bayt” (People of the House)?
- Exclusion of the Prophet’s wives in the verse of Purification
- False Claims of Akrama and Maqatil
- Akrama in Mizanul Etedal
- Maqatil bin Sulaiman
- Weak arguments of Akrama and Maqatil
- The Proof of the Verse of Purification on Infallibility
- The Verse of Love
- Razi’s Opinion
- Verse of Malediction
- Verse of the Righteous
- In the Shade of Sunnah
- Respect Accorded by Companions to Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Examples of the Merits of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Imamate of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Characteristics of the Personality of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Worship and Piety of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Intellectual Talents of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Referring to Imam Husayn (‘a) for religious Verdict
- Gathering of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Narrators from Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Traditions of Imam Husayn (‘a) from his grandfather
- Reports of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Traditions of Imam Husayn (‘a) narrated from his mother Her Eminence Fatima (‘a)
- Traditions of Imam Husayn (‘a) from his father, Ali (‘a)
- Predestination
- Self-sufficient
- Monotheism
- Enjoining Good
- Types of Jihad (Holy War)
- Legislation of fasting
- Types of worship
- Love for Ahlul Bayt (‘a)
- Lofty Morals
- Legislation of the Call of Prayer
- Brothers
- Knowledge and Experience
- Meaning of Charity
- Advice and Guidance
- Sermons of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Supplications of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- The Great Disaster in Islam
- Sign of Passing away
- Farewell Hajj
- Gathering of Ghadeer Khumm
- The Prophet’s Illness
- Seeking Forgiveness of those Buried in Baqi Cemetery
- Usamah’s Expedition
- The Prophet Allows Retaliation
- The Prophet gave his Personal wealth in Charity
- Thursday Tragedy
- The Great Grief of Her Eminence, Zahra (‘a)
- The Prophet’s Bequest regarding his Grandsons
- The Prophet’s Sorrow for Husayn (‘a)
- Towards Paradise
- Funeral Ceremony of the Holy Prophet (S)
- Funeral Prayer of the Holy Prophet (S)
- The Prophet’s Burial
- Difficulties of the Purified Progeny
- Rule of the Two Shaykhs (Abu Bakr and Umar)
- Saqifa gathering
- Motives of Saqifah Meet
- Political statement of Saad
- Criticism against Saad
- Weakness of Ansar
- Jealousy and Enmity
- Umar’s Planning
- Some Important Points
- Ansar Surprised
- Abu Bakr’s Discourse
- Research and Investigation
- Allegiance of Abu Bakr
- Celebration of Quraish
- Role of Abu Sufyan
- Defeat of Ansar
- Reaction of Ahlul Bayt (‘a)
- The Imam’s Refusal to Pay Allegiance
- Forcing Imam Ali (‘a) for allegiance
- Dreadful Steps
- Economic Embargo
- A.Abrogation of Khums
- B.Confiscation of the Prophet’s Inheritance
- Abu Bakr’s Argument and Justification
- Lady Zahra’s Discourse to Abu Bakr
- Arguments of Her Eminence, Zahra (s.a)
- Confiscation of Fadak
- Calamities of Her Eminence, Zahra (a.s)
- Towards Paradise
- Officials and Governors of Abu Bakr
- An-Niza Wat-Takhasum.474
- Economic Policies of Abu Bakr
- Entrusting the Caliphate to Umar
- Umar’s Reign
- Economic Policy of Umar
- Umar’s Critics
- Umar’s Arguments
- Umar’s Regret
- Internal Policies of Umar
- Freedom of Companions of the Prophet Restricted
- Justification of Taha Husayn
- Officials and Governors appointed by Umar
- Supervision of Governors
- Seclusion of Imam Ali (‘a)
- Umar and His Eminence, Husayn (‘a)
- His Eminence Husayn (‘a) and the Family of Umar
- Assassination of Umar
- Shura
- Umar with the Members of Shura Committee
- Procedure of Shura Committee
- Warning to the Companions
- The Imam’s Reaction
- The Imam’s Acceptance
- Problems of Shura
- Mode of Selection
- Uthman’s Reign
- Aspects of Uthman’s Personality
- Administrative System of Uthman
- Officials and Governors of Uthman
- Economic Policies of Uthman
- Uthman’s Generosity to Nobles
- Allotment of Land to Feudal Lords
- Appropriating Public Wealth for Personal Needs
- Opposing Groups
- Crushing the Opponents
- Abu Zar’s Imprisonment in Syria
- Abu Zar Imprisoned in Rabadha
- Statements of His Eminence, Imam Amirul Momineen Ali (‘a)
- Words of Imam Hasan (‘a)
- Statements of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Ammar’s Discourse
- Revolution
- Another Message to Frontier Military Officials
- Delegations from Different provinces
- Memorandum of Egyptians to Uthman
- Uthman Sought Imam’s Help
- Uthman Breaks the Pledge
- Uthman Seeks Muawiyah’s Help
- Uthman Besieged
- Day of the House647
- Attack on Uthman
- Effects of Uthman’s Regime
- Period of Imam Amirul Momineen Ali (‘a)
- Disinclination and Silence of Imam (‘a)
- Conference Of Armed Forces
- Imam’s Acceptance
- Allegiance
- Sanitizing of Government Machinery
- Nationalization of Embezzled wealth
- Quraishites Panic
- Afflictions of the Holy Imam (‘a)
- Policies of the Holy Imam (‘a)
- Economic Policy of Imam Ali (‘a)
- Freedom
- Universal Justice
- National Integration
- Training and Education
- Governors and Officers of Imam Ali (‘a)
- Keeping away the Opportunists
- Keeping away the Greedy Elements
- Frankness and Truthfulness
- With Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Imam Ali’s Prophecies on the Martyrdom of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- With the Nakiseen and Qasiteen
- Muawiyah and Defrauding of Zubair
- Conference of Mecca
- Resolutions of the conference
- Equipping the Army with Plundered Items
- Political Discourse of Ayesha
- Ayesha and Umme Salma
- Ayesha moves to Basra
- Askar
- Hawwab
- In Basra
- Conflict over Leading Prayers
- Imam’s Messengers to Kufa
- The Two Armies Come face to Face
- Messengers of Conciliation
- Calling by the Quran
- General Battle
- Zubair is Killed
- Killing of Talha
- Ayesha Leads the Army
- Cutting off the camel’s legs
- General Amnesty
- Consequences of the Battle
- Qasiteen (Rebels)
- Sending of Jurair
- Muawiyah and Amr Ibn Aas
- Sending back of Jurair
- Uthman’s Shirt
- Muawiyah’s Mobilization of Army towards Siffeen
- Imam comes out for the battle
- Obtaining control over the Euphrates
- Messengers of Armistice
- The Battle
- Restraining Hasan and Husayn (‘a) from the Battle
- Ammar’s Martyrdom
- Ibn Aas’ Ruse
- Arbitration
- Arbitration Document
- The Imam’s Return to Kufa
- With the Mariqeen
- The Two Arbitrators hold a Meeting
- Mutiny of the Mariqeen
- Battle against Mariqeen
- After effects of the Battle
- Muawiyah’s victory
- Dissipation of Imam’s army
- Conquest of Egypt
- Attacks
- Attack on Iraq
- Attack on Hijaz and Yemen
- Chaos and Disorder of Khawarij
- Supplication of the Imam (‘a) for himself
- Demise of the Rightful Government
- Conference of Mecca
- Valueless Opinion
- The Umayyad Plot
- Imam’s Assassination
- Towards the Eternal Abode
- Effects of the Imam’s Government
- Caliphate of His Eminence, Hasan (‘a)
- Muawiyah’s Rule
- Muawiyah’s Fiscal Policy
- Economic Deprivation
- Muawiyah Employed wealth for strengthening his rule
- Muawiyah’s great bestowals to his clansmen
- Amr Aas sanctioned the Tax of Egypt
- Largesse upon the supporters
- Purchase of Faith
- Deficiency of Central Treasury
- Confiscating the properties of citizens
- Agricultural Income
- Plunder carried out by governors and Agents
- Tax collection
- Hoarding of Gold and Silver
- Economic Progress Paralyzed
- Muawiyah’s Justification
- Policy of disintegration and favoritism
- Oppression of Non-Arabs
- Tribal Prejudice
- Policy of intimidation and violence
- Considering the poor people as despised
- Policy of Deceit and Intrigue
- Spread of opportunism
- Insult and Unrestrained Behavior
- Spread of Unrestrained behavior in Mecca and Medina
- Considering religious values unimportant
- Joining Ziyad with his lineage
- Objection of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Muawiyah’s Animosity towards the Prophet
- Transforming the realities of Islam
- Muawiyah’s Behavior with Ahlul Bayt (‘a)
- Fabricated Traditions Regarding Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Concealing the Merits of Ahlul Bayt (‘a)
- Preventing the Remembrance of Imam (‘a)
- Behavior with Shias
- Mass Killings
- Eliminating Great Shia Thinkers
- Allegiance of Yazid
- Birth of Yazid
- Yazid’s Upbringing
- Yazid’s characteristics
- Yazid’s fondness for Hunting
- Fondness for Monkeys
- Habitual Alcoholism of Yazid
- Yazid’s Cronies
- Muawiyah’s advice to Yazid
- Defense of Yazid by Muhammad Izzat Druze
- Muawiyah accepted the wanton behavior of Yazid
- Yazid’s Malice to the Holy Prophet (S)
- Yazid’s Malice to Emigrants
- Mughairah’s invitation for Yazid’s allegiance
- Granting Immunity to Muawiyah
- Muawiyah’s Motives
- Diplomatic tricks for obtaining allegiance
- Doling out wealth to prominent persons
- Correspondence with Governors
- Delegations from Islamic countries
- Conference of Islamic Delegations
- Supporters of Allegiance
- Speech of Ahnaf bin Qais
- Failure of the Conference
- Muawiyah’s Journey to Medina
- A closed door meeting
- Muawiyah’s Speech
- Speech of Abdullah bin Abbas
- Speech of Abdullah bin Ja’far
- Speech of Abdullah bin Zubair
- Statements of Abdullah bin Umar
- Muawiyah’s Discourse
- Consternation of Muslims
- Opposition group
- Seeds of dissent among the Umayyads
- Postponing the Allegiance
- Assassination of Muslim personages
- Official Announcement for Allegiance
- With the opponents in Medina
- Statements of His Eminence, Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Pressurizing the Opponents
- Attitude of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Delegations of Islamic countries
- Marwan’s Memorandum to Muawiyah
- Muawiyah’s Reply
- Marwan’s Opinion Regarding Exiling the Imam
- Muawiyah’s Letter to Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Muawiyah’s Anguish on Receiving the Imam’s Letter
- Public Political Meeting
- Judah’s Letter to the Imam
- Imam’s Reply
- Khudri’s Advice to the Imam (‘a)
- Imam Husayn (‘a) takes over Government Funds
- A Fabricated Tradition
- His Eminence, Husayn (‘a) and Bani Umayyah
- Muawiyah’s Death
- Muawiyah’s Testaments
- First Royal Address
- Yazid speaks to Syrians
- With the Opponents in Medina
- Emphatic orders to Walid
- Walid’s Consternation
- Consulting Marwan
- Marwan’s Advice
- Explanation of Marwan’s attitude
- Summons for Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Imam Husayn (‘a) and Marwan
- Walid contacts Damascus
- Strict orders from Damascus
- Non-acceptance of Walid
- Farewell to the Prophet’s Tomb
- Imam Husayn (‘a) sees his Grandfather in his Dream
- Imam Husayn’s farewell to the Graves of his mother and brother
- Fear of Bani Hashim Ladies
- With his brother, Ibn Hanafiyah
- Imam Husayn’s bequest to Ibn Hanafiyah
- Imam Husayn’s Revolution: Activities and programs
- Causes of the Revolution
- 1. Religious responsibility
- 2. Social Responsibility
- 3. Completion of Argument for Imam Husayn (‘a).
- 4. Defense of Islam
- 5. Protecting Islam
- 6. Freeing the Aspirations of the Nation
- 7. Freeing the National Economy
- 8. Social Injustice
- 9. Terrible Atrocities on Shias
- 10. Destroying the name of Ahlul Bayt (‘a)
- 11. Destruction of Islamic Values
- 12. Trampling of the society
- 13. Defending his own rights
- 14. Enjoining Good
- 15. Uprooting Innovations
- 16. Order of the Prophet
- 17. Respect and honor
- 18. Deceit and tyranny of Umayyads
- Valueless Opinion
- Charting out the Course of Revolution
- In Mecca
- With Abdullah bin Muti’
- Imam Husayn (‘a) in Mecca
- Attention of Hajj Pilgrims and Umrah visitors towards His Eminence, Husayn (‘a)
- Consternation of Ibn Zubair
- Ghazzali’s view
- Causes of the Revolution
- Cheap view
- Anxiety of the local regime
- Yazid’s Anxiety
- Response of Ibn Abbas
- Deposition of Governor of Medina
- His Eminence, Husayn (‘a) with Ibn Umar and Ibn Abbas
- Bequest of Imam Husayn (‘a) to Ibn Abbas
- Letters of Imam Husayn (‘a) to Leaders of Basra
- Reply of Ahnaf bin Qais
- Evil Deeds of Mundhir bin Jarud
- Positive Reply of Yazid bin Masud
- Yazid bin Masud’s Reply to Imam (‘a)
- Positive Reply of Yazid Basri
- Opposition of Iraq to Umayyads
- Announcement of Disobedience in Iraq
- Public Conference
- Sulaiman’s Speech
- Delegation of Kufa
- Letters
- Muslim Delegated for Iraq
- Muslim’s Letter to the Holy Imam (‘a)
- Reply of His Eminence, Husayn (‘a)
- Explanation of the Matter
- In the House of Mukhtar
- Celebrations in Kufa
- Taking Allegiance for Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Speech of Abbas Shakiri
- Number of Pledge-makers
- Letter of Muslim to Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Reaction of Noman bin Bashir
- Noman’s Speech
- Anger of Umayyad Party
- Contact of Umayyad Party with Damascus
- Yazid’s Worry
- Yazid takes Sarjun’s Counsel
- Ibn Ziyad’s Rule in Kufa
- Ibn Ziyad’s Speech in Basra
- The Tyrant goes to Kufa
- At the Governor’s Palace
- Ibn Ziyad’s Speech in Kufa
- Spread of Terror and Fear
- Muslim Shifts to Hani’s House
- Muslim Refrained from Killing Ibn Ziyad
- Explanation of this Event
- Horrible Plot
- Spying upon Muslim
- With the Organs of the Revolution
- Bribing the leaders and elders
- Refraining from Attacking Hani’s House
- Messengers of Deceit
- Amr bin Hajjaj
- Hani’s Detention
- Revolt of Madhij Tribe
- Muslim’s Uprising
- Baath bin Jude Jadali was made the commander of Medina quarter.
- War of Nerves
- Gathering them in the battlefields of Syrians and sending them in the battlefields.
- Epidemic of Terror and Fear
- Defeat of the army
- As a Guest of Tawa
- The Tyrant becomes certain of the Failure of the Uprising
- Announcement of Emergency
- Standard of security
- A Doubt
- Ibn Ziyad Speaks
- Information Regarding Muslim’s whereabouts
- Muslim Attacked
- Soldiers Defeated
- We see how his difficult situation is presented in these eloquent lines.
- Ashath Guarantees Security
- Muslim taken Prisoner
- With Ubaidullah Sulami
- With Bahili
- In the Presence of Ibn Ziyad
- Muslim’s Bequest
- Muslim and the Oppressor
- Towards God
- Plundering Muslim
- Hani is sentenced to Death
- Dragging the corpses of Muslim and Hani through the streets
- Hanging the Corpses at City Gate
- Severed heads taken to Damascus
- Yazid’s reply
- Declaring Martial Law
- Sealing Borders of Iraq
- Widespread Arrests
- Failure of the Uprising
- Kufian Society
- Social Phenomena
- Contradictory Behavior
- Disloyalty and Deceit
- Practical aspects in their life were turnabout, hypocrisy and lack of co-operation.
- They broke allegiance after allegiance.
- Rebellion against Governors
- Cowardice
- Bad Manners
- Greed and Jealousy
- Influenced by Rumors
- Social Factors
- Yemeni Tribes
- Tribal Spirit
- Persians
- Anbat1334
- Syrians
- Religious Groups
- Military Organization
- Seven-division System
- Experts of Tribal Affairs
- The Tyrant Ibn Marjana
- Birth of Ibn Marjana
- Parents
- Upbringing of Ibn Marjana
- Characteristics of Ibn Marjana
- Bad Accent
- Gluttony and Debauchery
- Ibn Ziyad’s Rule in Basra
- Yazid’s Dislike for Ibn Marjana
- Plan for Coup d’etat
- Muslim bin Aqil
- Selection of Migration to Iraq
- Towards Iraq
- Imam’s letter to Bani Hashim
- Bani Hashim People join the Imam
- Why Imam left Mecca?
- Imam’s discourse in Mecca
- Conclusion of Umrah
- Departure before Hajj
- With Ibn Zubair
- Journey to Iraq
- The regime pursues the Holy Imam
- Connection of Damascus with Kufa
- Attitude of Umayyads
- Confiscating Yazid’s wealth
- Meeting with Farazdaq
- Letter of the Imam to people of Kufa
- With Abu Harra
- With an Arab Shaykh
- Worry of Her Eminence, Zainab (‘a)
- With Zuhair bin Qain
- The Tragic News of Muslim’s Martyrdom
- News of Abdullah’s Martyrdom
- Dream of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Encounter with Hurr
- Imam’s sermon
- Imam’s Discourse
- Argument between His Eminence, Husayn (‘a) and Hurr
- A Fabricated report
- Error of Ibn Anba
- Discourse of the Holy Imam (‘a)
- Some people of Kufa join Imam (‘a)
- With Tirmah
- With Ubaidullah bin Hurr
- With Amr bin Qais
- Ibn Ziyad’s Letter to Hurr
- Location of Tents
- In Karbala
- A man from Bani Asad waits for Imam (‘a)
- The Imam’s letter to Ibn Hanafiyah
- With Harthima bin Salmi
- Anas bin Harith Joins Imam (‘a)
- Ibn Ziyad’s letter to His Eminence, Husayn (‘a)
- Deployment of the Kufan Army
- Ibn Saad selected as Commander-in-chief
- Prophecy of Allah’s Messenger regarding Ibn Saad’s end
- Saad’s hatred for his son Umar
- Harun Rashid Curses Umar Saad
- Ajali considers Ibn Saad a reliable narrator
- Habits and Nature of Ibn Saad
- Reasons for selection of Ibn Saad
- Anxiety of Ibn Saad
- Those who tried to stop Ibn Saad
- March Past
- Speech of Ibn Marjana
- Samrah encouraged people to fight the Imam
- Shabth bin Rabi feigned Illness
- Public Mobilization
- Strict Surveillance on Kufa
- Flight of Soldiers
- The Tyrant Ibn Ziyad in Nukhaila
- Plan to kill Ibn Ziyad
- Number of Umayyad Soldiers
- Research on this topic
- Military Commanders
- Arming the soldiers
- Number of Companions of His Eminence, Husayn (‘a)
- Ibn Saad’s Messenger meets Imam (‘a)
- Ibn Saad Meets the Imam
- Ibn Saad’s letter to Ibn Ziyad
- Ibn Saad’s Slander
- Shimr Defeats Efforts of Peace
- Ibn Ziyad Rejected Peaceful Negotiation
- The Imam Meets Ibn Saad
- Shimr offers Security to Brothers of His Eminence, Abbas
- Embargo on Imam’s Entourage
- Access to Euphrates cut off
- Decadent Nature
- Objection to Ibn Saad
- Access to a Spring
- Battle over water supply
- Habib seeks help from his clan
- With the two Encampments
- Husayn’s Camp
- Noble Aims
- Elements constituting the Imam’s Army
- Umayyad Troops
- Elements of the Army
- Immortal Tragedy
- Beginning of Hostilities
- Battle delayed till the morning next
- Imam (‘a) permitted his companions to go away
- Reply of Ahlul Bayt of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Reply of Companions of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- The Imam exposes the Deception of Kufians
- With Muhammad bin Bashir
- Firaas Makhzoomi Flees
- The Imam did not allow martyrdom for Sinful persons
- The Imam (‘a) speaks about his death
- Precautionary steps
- Night of worship
- Imam’s Companions Overjoyed
- Shimr ridicules the Imam (‘a)
- Imam Husayn’s Vision
- Distress of Ladies of the Prophet’s Family
- Imam applied Perfume and Anointed Himself
- Day of Ashura
- Both camps became fully prepared
- Severe Objections
- Imam’s Address
- Zuhair’s Speech
- Burair’s speech
- Speech of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Hurr’s Response
- Hurr’s speech to the soldiers
- Thirty mounted fighters join Imam’s Army
- The Battle
- Martyrdom of the Companions
- General Attack
- Number of Imam’s Men who were martyred
- Single Combat
- Inconclusive Attack
- Burair’s Imprecation contest with Yazid
- Burair’s Martyrdom
- Martyrdom of Amr Ansari
- Umayyad Army refuses one to one fight
- Attack of Amr bin Hajjaj
- Martyrdom of Muslim bin Ausaja
- Shimr’s Attack
- Martyrdom of Abdullah Kalbi
- Urwah Asks for Help
- Opening of Another front
- Shimr tries to burn to death the Ladies of Revelation
- Objection of Hamid bin Muslim
- Condemnation of Shabth bin Rabi
- Noon prayer time arrives
- Martyrdom of Habib
- Hurr’s Martyrdom
- Fulfilling the Duty of Prayer
- Zuhair’s Martyrdom
- Martyrdom of Nafe bin Hilal
- Abis and Shauzab
- Martyrdom of Abis Shakiri
- Zahhak flees
- Jaun’s Martyrdom
- Martyrdom of Hanzalah Shabami
- Martyrdom of Hajjaj
- Martyrdom of Amr bin Junada
- Martyrdom of Anas Kahili
- Martyrdom of Abul Shasa
- Martyrdom of Two Jabiris
- Martyrdom of Two Ghiffaris
- Martyrdom of Two Ansaris
- Martyrdom of Anees
- Martyrdom of Qurra Ghiffari
- Martyrdom of Yahya Mazini
- The Imam (‘a) and his companions
- Martyrdom of Abdullah Yazani
- The Imam (‘a) Besides the martyrs
- Martyrdom of Suwaid
- Martyrdom of the Purified Progeny (‘a)
- Ali Akbar (‘a)
- Martyrdom of Aqil’s family
- Abdur Rahman bin Aqil
- Sons of His Eminence, Hasan (‘a)
- Sons of Abdullah bin Ja’far
- Brothers of His Eminence, Husayn (‘a)
- Martyrdom of the Great Imam (‘a)
- The Imam Calls for Help
- Martyrdom of the suckling infant
- Steadfastness of the Holy Imam (‘a)
- Attitude of those who were forced
- Ibn Saad’s Fear
- Imam (‘a) Reaches Water
- Attack on the camp of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- The Last Sermon of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Imam (‘a) asks for worn-out clothes
- Imam Husayn’s (‘a) Farewell to his family
- Imam (‘a) with Ibn Rubah
- Imam’s Confidential Supplication
- Attack on Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Her Eminence, Zainab (‘a) comes out
- Horrible Tragedy
- The wicked killer
- Imam’s age at Martyrdom and the year of his martyrdom
- Reddening of the sky
- Imam Husayn's Horse
- Burning of the Tents
- Plundering the Imam’s body
- Plundering the Noble Ladies of Prophethood
- Imam Zainul Abideen (‘a) Attacked
- Horses Trample on the body of the Great Imam (‘a)
- Sinan Demands the Reward
- Tribes divided the severed heads among themselves
- Return of the Tyrant, Ibn Ziyad, to Kufa
- Night of the 11th Mohurrum
- Number of Martyrs of Ahlul Bayt (‘a)
- The injured among the companions of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Those who were saved from death
- Losses suffered by troops of Ibn Saad
- Dream of Ibn Abbas
- Dream of Umme Salma
- Khooli Carries the severed Head of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- The Tyrant and Killer of the Imam (‘a)
- Ibn Ziyad takes revenge from the Severed Head of the Imam
- Return of the Armed Forces
- Distress of Imam Zainul Abideen (‘a)
- Burial of the Purified Corpses
- Excellence of the Ziarat of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Supplication of Imam Sadiq for visitors of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Prisoners from Ahlul Bayt (‘a) in Kufa
- Sermon of Her Eminence, Zainab (‘a)
- Reaction to the Sermon of Her Eminence, Zainab (‘a)
- Speech of Her Eminence, Fatima, daughter of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Reaction to the speech of Her Eminence, Fatima (‘a)
- Sermon of Her Eminence, Umme Kulthum
- Sermon of Imam Zainul Abideen (‘a)
- In the Assembly of Ibn Ziyad
- The Tyrant Ibn Ziyad with the Respected Lady of revelation
- The Tyrant’s Encounter with Zainul Abideen (‘a)
- Ibn Afif Revolts
- Amnesty for Ibn Mauqal
- Arrest of Jundab
- Ibn Ziyad with Qais
- Hacking up the Blessed head of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Imam Husayn’s Head taken around the Town
- Imprisonment of the Ladies of Revelation
- Abduction of His Eminence, Ali bin al-Husayn (‘a)
- Ibn Saad’s Regret
- Ibn Ziyad asks Ibn Saad for the Letter
- Ibn Ziyad condemned
- Objection on Ibn Saad
- Widespread Discontent
- Regret of People of Kufa
- 4. Ubaidullah bin Hurr
- Migration from Kufa
- Prisoners from the Family of the Prophet in Damascus
- Departure of the Heads
- Departure of the Prophet’s Family
- People of Kufa see off the Prisoners
- Celebrations of Syria
- The Syrian with Imam Zainul Abideen (‘a)
- Yazid’s Delight
- Imam’s head taken to the Mosque
- Imam’s head in the Presence of Yazid’s womenfolk
- Hostages in Yazid’s Court
- Sermon of Her Eminence, Zainab (‘a)
- Main Points of the Discourse of Her Eminence, Zainab (‘a)
- Yazid’s Reply
- Reaction to the Sermon of Her Eminence, Zainab (‘a)
- Reaction of the Sermon of Imam Sajjad (‘a)
- The Syrian and Fatima
- Imam Sajjad (‘a) and Minhal
- Mourning for His Eminence, Husayn (‘a)
- Ibn Marjana Rewarded
- Regret of the Oppressor, Yazid
- Critics and Censurers
- Idle talk and Nonsense
- Towards Medina
- Yazid’s Apology to Imam Zainul Abideen (‘a)
- Ahlul Bayt (‘a) Presented Compensations
- Reply of Her Eminence, Umme Kulthum
- Request of Imam Zainul Abideen (‘a)
- Journey to Medina
- News of Ahlul Bayt’s Return to Medina Arrives
- Ashdaq’s Speech
- Hashemites Devastated
- Mourning of Abdullah bin Ja’far
- Ibn Abbas observes Mourning
- Masoor and Ibn Zubair
- Head of Imam Husayn (‘a) in Medina
- Return of the Hostages to Karbala
- To Medina
- Bashir conveys the news of the Martyrdom of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Discourse of Imam Zainul Abideen (‘a)
- Rewarding the Escorts
- Grief of Imam Zainul Abideen (‘a)
- Hashemites Observe Mourning
- Grief of Her Eminence, Zainab (‘a)
- Mourning of Rabab
- Sorrows of Ummul Baneen
- Fate of the blessed head of Imam Husayn (‘a)
- Effects of Imam Husayn’s Revolution
- Victory of Islam
- Defeat of the Umayyads
- Bringing out the True Status of Ahlul Bayt
- Centralizing the Shiite Faith
- Uniting the Shia People
- Creating Social Awareness
- Blooming of Talents
- Pulpits of Exhortation and Guidance
- Continuation of Revolution
- Anguish of the Killers
- Widespread Destruction
- The Revolution Continues
- Bibliography