The Last Supper
It was the day for eating the lamb, and Nicodemus sent the lamb secretly to the garden for Jesus and his disciples. He announced them that Herod had decreed with the governor and the high priest. Whereupon, Jesus rejoiced in spirit, saying, "Blessed be your holy name, O Lord, because you have not separated me from the number of your servants that have been persecuted by the world and slain. I thank you, my God, because I have fulfilled your work."
Then he said, "Let us eat, for I have greatly desired to eat this lamb before I am parted from you." Then, having arisen, he took a towel and girded his loins; and having put water in a basin, he set himself to wash his disciples' feet; beginning from Judas, and end with Peter.
When the disciples were washed and were seated at table to eat, Jesus said, "I have washed you, yet you are not all clean, for as much as all the water of the sea will not wash him who does not believe in me." Jesus said this, because he knew who was betraying him.
The disciples were sad at these words, when Jesus said again, "Truly I say to you, that one of you will betray me, insomuch that I will be sold like a sheep. Woe to him, for he will fulfil what our father David said that 'he shall fall into the pit which he had prepared for others.'"
When the lamb was eaten, Jesus retired into the garden to pray, according as his custom was to pray; bowing his knees one hundred times, and prostrating himself upon his face.
Judas, accordingly, knowing the place where Jesus was with his disciples, went to the high priest, and said, "If you will give me what was promised, this night I will give into your hand Jesus whom you seek; for he is alone with eleven companions." The high priest answered, "How much do you seek?" Judas answered, "Thirty pieces of gold." Straightway, the high priest counted to him the money. Then he sent a Pharisee to the governor to fetch soldiers, and to Herod. They gave a legion of them, because they feared the people. Wherefore, they took their arms, and with torches and lanterns upon staves went out of Jerusalem.