Allah says that: the reason why I sent all of these prophets and messengers, and the reason for revelation, is to motivate you to be an agent of justice.
Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala says in the Holy Qur'an, in Surat ul-Hadid, Surah number 57, verse 25: "Laqad arsalna Rusulana bi 'l-baiyinat, wa anzalna ma'ahum ul-Kitaba wa al-Mizan liyaqooma an-naasu bi 'l-qist"(57:25). Allah says: Indeed, We have sent our Messengers with clear proofs, and We sent with them the Scripture and the Scale, the balance, so that people stand for justice.
In this verse, Allah, Subhana wa Ta'ala, highlights that the ultimate purpose of sending prophets and messengers, and equipping them with the miracles that confirmed their truthfulness, and the purpose of sending all of the Holy Scriptures, from the Scriptures of Ibrahim, to the Tawrat, to the Injeel, the Zabur, the Qur'an, the Sacred Law that was sent to the various messengers. Allah says, the purpose of all of this was so that people stand for justice.
My dear brothers and sisters, notice that Allah doesn't say that this is all so that prophets stand for justice. Of course, all prophets stand for justice. The problem with human societies over time is not that they did not have qualified leaders. Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala indeed sent many godly leaders.
So the problem has never been the incompetence of the leaders. The problem has always been a lack of participation on the part of the populous.
This is the reason why Amir al-Mu'minin, alayhi as-salam, was not able to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth. He did not have enough supporters. This is the reason why Imam Al-Hasan, alayhi as-salam, had to enter into a diplomatic treaty with Mu'awiyya. Pledging allegiance to the Imam does not give legitimacy to the Imam. The imam's legitimacy comes from Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala.
This bayy'ah, this allegiance that we give to the 12th Imam, on a regular basis, is a commitment to His vision. It's a statement whereby we say that we want to participate in the establishment of justice. Allah says that the reason why I sent all of these prophets and messengers, and the reason for Revelation is to motivate you to be an agent of justice.
The Prophet, salla Allahu alayhi wa ahli, in the famous Hadith, says that if there were only a single day left until the Day of Judgment, Allah would prolong that day until a man from my progeny, whose name is my name, appears and fills the earth with justice and equity, as it was filled with injustice and tyranny.
If we want to be participants, we have to be agents of justice. And in the Islamic tradition, my dear brothers and sisters, everyone deserves justice. Every person, irrespective of who they are, even an enemy of God, deserves justice. There is no one who is deserving of oppression.
So my dear brothers and sisters, the challenge that I would like to pose to all of you over the course of the next 30 days is that we want to be among those whom Allah says: liyaqooma an-naasu bi 'l-qist"(57:25). We want to be, we want to fulfill the divine goal of mobilizing people to being agents of justice, upholders of justice.
So over the next 30 days, I want every one of you, to be an agent of justice, to perform a random act of kindness, every day, in the name of the Imam, as your way of paving for the reappearance of the Imam, because if the Imam's goal is to establish justice on Earth, we can be upholders of justice and kindness and compassion in our localities, in our communities.
So for the next 30 days, make a conscious effort to do an act of kindness, to perform an act of kindness, a random act of kindness. To your spouse, to your parents, to your siblings, to your colleagues, to your friends, and do it with the intention of being a participant in the Imam's global movement of establishing justice around the world.