Laws on cleanliness, prayers, fasting, hajj, transactions, marriage, and other topics. According to the Risalah of Ayatullah Ali al-Husayni Al-Seestani.
- Islamic Laws
- Important Note
- Taqlid: Following a Mujtahid
- Taharat
- Pure and Mixed Water
- Rules Regarding Waters:
- Rules concerning Use of Lavatory
- Istibra
- Mustahab and Makrooh Acts
- Najis Things
- Ways of Proving Najasat
- How a Clean (tahir/pak) Thing Becomes Najis
- Rules Regarding Najasaat
- Mutahhiraat
- I. Water
- II. Earth
- III. The Sun
- IV. Transformation (Istihala)
- V. Change (Inqilab)
- VI. Transfer (Intiqal)
- VII. Islam
- VIII. Subjection (Taba'iyat)
- IX. Removal of Najisul Ayn
- X. Istibra of an Animal which Eats Najasat
- XI. Disappearance of a Muslim
- XII. Flowing out of Blood of a Slaughtered Animal in Normal Quantity
- Rules About Utensils
- Wudhu
- Ghusl: Obligatory Baths
- Rules Regarding Janabat
- Forbidden Acts for those in Janabat
- Things which are Makrooh for Junub
- Ghusl for Janabat
- Kinds of Blood Seen by Women
- Ghusl for Touching a Dead Body
- Rules Related to a Dying Person
- Rules to Follow After the Death
- The Obligation of Ghusl, Kafan, Salat and Dafn
- The Method of Ghusl of Mayyit
- Rules Regarding Kafan
- Rules of Hunut
- Rules of Salat al-Mayyit
- Method of Salat al-Mayyit
- Mustahab Acts of Salat al-Mayyit
- Rules About Burial of the Dead Body
- Salat al-Wahshat (Prayers to be offered for the departed soul on the night of burial)
- Exhumation
- Mustahab Ghusls
- Tayammum
- Rules of Salat (Part I of III)
- Obligatory Salat
- Obligatory Daily Salat
- Time for Zuhr and Asr Prayers
- Salat al-Jumuah
- Time for Maghrib and Isha Prayers
- Time for Fajr Prayers
- Rules Regarding Salat Times
- The Prayers which should be Performed in Sequence
- Mustahab Prayers
- The Timings of Daily Nafilah Prayers
- Rules of Qibla
- Covering the Body in Prayers
- Conditions for Dress Worn during Prayers
- Exceptional Cases
- Mustahab Things
- Makrooh Things
- Rules of Salat (Part II of III)
- Rules of Salat (Part III of III)
- Qir'at (Reciting the Surah Al-Hamd and Other Surah of Holy Qur'an)
- Ruku (Bowing)
- Sujood
- Things on which Sajdah is Allowed
- The Mustahab and Makrooh Things in Sajdah
- Obligatory Sajdahs in the Holy Qur'an
- Tashahhud
- Salam in the Prayers
- Tartib (Sequence)
- Muwalat (Maintenance of Succession)
- Qunut
- Translation of Prayers
- Ta'qib (Duas after Prayers)
- Salawat on the Holy Prophet
- Things which Invalidate Prayers
- Things which are Makrooh in Prayers
- Occasions when Obligatory Prayers can be Broken
- Doubts in the Prayers
- Method of Offering Salat al-Ihtiyat
- Sajdatus Sahv (Sajdah for Forgotten Acts)
- Qadha of the Forgotten Sajdah and Tashahhud
- Addition and Omission of the Acts and Condition of Prayers
- Prayers of a Traveller (Musafir)
- Miscellaneous Rules
- Qadha Prayers
- Qadha Prayers of a Father is Obligatory on the Eldest Son
- Congregational Prayers
- Qualification of an Imam of Congregational Prayers
- Rules of Congregational Prayers
- Guidelines for Imam and the Follower
- Things which are Makrooh in Congregational Prayers
- Salat al-Ayaat
- Eid ul Fitr and Eid ul Azha Prayers
- Hiring a Person to Offer Prayers
- Fasting (Part I of II)
- Fasting (Part II of II)
- Things which are Makrooh for a Person Observing Fast
- Obligatory Qadha Fast and Kaffarah
- Kaffarah for Fast
- Occasions on which it is Obligatory to Observe the Qadha Only
- Rules Regarding the Qadha Fasts
- Fasting by a Traveller
- People on Whom Fasting is Not Obligatory
- Method of Ascertaining the First Day of a Month
- Haraam and Makrooh Fasts
- Mustahab Fasts
- Mustahab Precautions
- Khums
- Zakat (Part I of II)
- Zakat (Part II of II)
- Hajj
- Transactions (Part I of III)
- Rules Regarding Purchase and Sale
- Mustahab Acts
- Makrooh Transactions
- Haraam Transactions
- Conditions of a Seller and a Buyer
- Conditions Regarding Commodity and What is Obtained in Exchange
- Formula of Purchase and Sale
- Purchase and Sale of Fruits
- Cash and Credit
- Conditions for Contract by Advance Payment
- Laws Regarding Advance Payment Contract
- Sale of Gold and Silver Against Gold and Silver
- Circumstances in Which One Has a Right to Cancel a Transaction
- Miscellaneous Rules
- Transactions (Part II of III)
- Laws of Partnership
- Orders Regarding Compromise
- Rules Regarding Lease/Rent
- Conditions Regarding the Property Given on Lease
- Conditions for the Utilisation of the Property Given on Lease
- Miscellaneous Rules Relating to Lease/Rent
- Rules Regarding Ju'ala (Payment of Reward)
- Rules Regarding Muzari'ah (Temporary Sharecropping Contract)
- Transactions (Part III of III)
- Rules Regarding Musaqat and Mugharisa
- Persons Who Have No Right of Disposal or Discretion Over Their Own Property
- Rules Regarding Agency (Wakalat)
- Rules Regarding Debt or Loan
- Rules Regarding Hawala (Transferring the debts etc.)
- Rules Regarding Mortgage (Rahn)
- Rules Regarding Surety (Zamanat)
- Rules Regarding Personal Guarantee For Bail (Kafalat)
- Rules Regarding Deposit Or Custody Or Trust (Amanat)
- Rules Regarding Borrowing, Lending (Ariyat)
- Marriage (Part I of II)
- Marriage (Part II of II)
- Divorce
- Usurpation (Ghasb)
- Slaughtering and Hunting of Animals
- Rules of Things Allowed to Eat and Drink
- Vow and Covenant
- Rules Regarding Waqf
- Rules Regarding Will (Wasiyyat)