This text is a collection of verses of the Holy Qur’an and traditions of the Holy Prophet (S) and his Ahlul Bayt (‘a) that show Islamic laws without any ornamentation and embellishment; how they can provide an atmosphere of honesty, resolution, truth and goodness to a world which is burning in the fire of corruption, strife, dispersion, nerve wars, armed conflicts, racial discrimination, mischief and imperialistic designs, and will induce the readers to recognize Islam as a meaningful Code of Life.
Islam - A Code Of Social Life
Islamic Seminary Publications
Original Title: Islam Dar Qalb-I-Ijtema & Tahaful Uqul ‘An Ale Rasul
Fourth Revised and Enlarged Edition 1985
Copyright Y.K Nafsi
ISBN 0-941724-14-X
Translators: M. Fazal Haq & S.M Wasi; Editors: A.A Aini and R.H Rizwani
Compositor: G.H Mirza;
Title Designer: Muhammad Haroon;
Printer: Al-Abbas Printers.