

Many commentaries have been written in both Arabic and Persian on the famous mystical text Fusus al-Hikam. One of these is the commentary of ‘Allamah Dawud al-Qaysari, which has also been used as a text in the teaching of theoretical mysticism in Islamic Seminaries (hawzah).

We studied this book in the presence of the beloved, eminent and illuminated teacher, the superlative erudite and sagacious philosopher, ‘Allamah Ayatullah Shaikh Muhammad Husayn Fadhil Tuni (may Allah elevate his soul) in the Hawzah of Tehran. After that, with the help of Allah, we succeeded in teaching three complete courses of it to a few individuals with prepared souls in the Hawzah of Qom, and one course in our beloved hometown Amul.

We had gathered together a number of correctly printed and handwritten manuscript copies and edited them completely and properly from beginning to end, making annotations in every course. After completing the teaching of the fourth course, we wrote as a tribute at the end of the book:

“In His Elevated Name, the fourth series of teaching, editing, and commenting upon this grand scroll, one of the scrolls of the introspective (anfusi) exegesis of the holy Qur’an was completed by the Grace of The Reality of realities, and The Form of forms on Sunday the 13th of the holy month of Sha’ban 1410 A.H (20.12.1368 solar year/1989) in the house of knowledge - Qom.”

After that we completely translated and commented on Fusus al-Hikam in the Persian language.

In all the series of studying and teaching this text, it always came to my mind that why was it that a specific bezel was not specifically allocated in the name of one of the exceptional women of all creation? A woman like the manifestation of belief and the best of the levels of Qur’an,

Her Holiness and Allah’s Great Infallible Fatimah the daughter of the Seal of Prophets, or Her Holiness Mary daughter of ‘Imran, who was mentioned in various verses of the Qur’an. Why were the twenty-seven bezels, from Adam to the Seal, specified only for men?

Why was the Qur’an not followed as an example where in the chapter entitled ‘The Prophets’, Almighty Allah names a number of Prophets individually and then speaks about Mary (Mother of Jesus):

“And (remember) her who guarded her chastity, so We breathed into her (something) of Our Spirit and We made her and her son a token for (all) peoples. Lo! This, your religion, is one religion, and I am your Lord, so worship Me.” (21:91).

In addition to this, there is a whole chapter by the name of ‘Mary’, which is also known as the chapter Kaf, Ha’, Ya’, ‘Ain, Sad. In this chapter, after mentioning Zakariya and Jacob, Almighty Allah says:

“And make mention of Mary in the Scripture...” (19:16).

“And make mention (O Muhammad) in the Scripture, Abraham...” (19:41).

“And make mention in the Scripture, Moses....” (19:51).

“And make mention in the Scripture, Ishmael...” (19:54).

“And make mention in the Scripture, Idris...” (19:56).

“These are they unto whom Allah showed favour from among the prophets of the seed of Adam and of those whom We carried (in the ship) with Noah, and of the seed of Abraham and Israel, and from among those whom We guided and chose. When the revelations of The Beneficent were recited unto them, they Jell down, adoring and weeping.” (19:58).

In the opening of the supplication for the beginning of the month of Rajab, it says:

“O Allah, send blessings upon our Father Adam the marvel of your creation” - until - “O Allah, send blessings upon our Mother Eve who is chaste from impurity”!!

However, the greatest Master [Ibn al- ‘Arabi] must be forgiven, lor he only responded to what he was ordered, as he states in the introduction of the Fusus al-Hikam: “I saw the Messenger of Allah (S) in glad tidings in the last ten days of Muharram, in the year 627 (A.H) in Damascus, and in his hand was a book. He said to me: “This is the book Fusus al- Hikam, take it and deliver it to the people so that they may benefit from it”.

So, I replied: “Hearing and obeying is due to Allah, His Messenger and the Possessors of Authority from among us, as He has commanded us. So, I verified the wish and (made) sincere the intention, and I strengthened the motive and determination until this book was brought forth just as the Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace of Allah be with him) had stipulated it to me without additions or reductions...”

It says in the book ‘al-Manaqib’ regarding her holiness, the truthful and pure Fatimah (‘a):

“May the blessings of Allah, His Angels, His holders of His Throne and all His creation from His earth and His heaven, be upon The Sacred Jewel in her special human status which is the form of the Universal Soul (nafs)”.

It is said that some relate this book ‘al-Manaqib’ to the mystic master Rajab al-Bursi.

In one of the blessed nights while teaching a courses on Fuses al-Hikam in Amul, reaching the Bezel of Jesus (‘a) with the attendance of one of the pillars of my research and study circle who has been with me together in the theoretical and practical spiritual journey and wayfaring who was graced with the inspirations of the All-Glorious was honoured with being ordered by the All-Beneficent in naming this Highest Word and Immaculate Pearl as ‘The bezel of the Wisdom of Infallibility (as embodied) in the word of Fatimah’.

He narrated this divine event to me in the next study session we had. This very celestial beam is the reason that obliged me to bring to the altar of manifestation this valuable bezel as supplement to the Fusus al-Hikam, with the hands of this humble gleaner of vicegerency (wilayah).

Praise be to Allah for what He has granted, bestowed, inspired and strengthened.