

The Holy Quran asks Muslims not only to believe in their Prophet but also in the prophets who had come prior to his advent. Muslims are interested not only in the Revelation that was given to humanity through their Prophet, but also, in the Revelations, which were given to prophets before him.

Among the prophets who had appeared before Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his pure progeny), the Quran has emphasized the importance of Jesus. Jesus was no doubt sent with a mission to the Israelites; he had also a universal mission. In the Quran, chapter 21, Prophet Muhammad has termed in verse 107 as a "Mercy unto Humanity" (21:107) (Rahmatun li ‘l-‘Alamin). In the-same chapter, in verse 91, Jesus has been termed as a "Sign to Humanity"(21:91) (Ayatun li ‘l-‘Alamin).

Incidentally, they are only Jesus and Prophet Muhammad who have the largest following in the world, today. Over half of the total human population consists of the Christians who adhere to Jesus and the Muslims who believe in Prophet Jesus and Prophet Muhammad. The Quran also underlines the closeness of relationship between the Muslims and Christians1. It is only an alliance between the Christians and Muslims, which can confront the rising tides of atheism and materialism.

Therefore, it is a great pleasure to present to my Muslim and Christian brothers the story of Jesus. Muslims will find it illuminating and inspiring and Christians may find it interesting.

This book is written according to the New Testament, Gospel of Barnabas, and the Quran.