Infallibility of the Prophet (S) & Fallacies of Sunni Islam
You see, how do you bring conformity? This is the irony. When you cannot fit the Ahul Bayt, and you do not want them because the 'wa' purifies the third one, what you do is you go to the second one and make him look bad. When you change him and you say, oh, yeah, he frowned and turned away from the poor, he did this one and he made a mistake here and he flipped here and he was ignorant there. When you lower his status now, the 'wa' becomes a joke Take the third now and fit him with anyone because the prophet was so mistaken.
Who cares, everybody is a Radhi Allahu a'nih. See, that is the danger. Well, Allah says no, "Wa'lamooo anna feekum Rasul Allah; law yutee'ukum fee katheerin min al-amri la'anittum wa laakinna Allaha habbaba ilaikum ul-Imaan"(49:7). "Know, the messenger is among you. If he was to follow your inclinations even a little, you would go astray." Meaning the Prophet does not follow the inclinations of people. It is not the responsibility of the prophet to follow what people tell him. Go East and go West, go North and go South. No, no, no.
It is the Prophet who guides them because his purification has been purified in the best of ways: " Ma dhalla saahibukum wa maa ghawaa, wa maa yantiqu 'an il-hawaaa, in huwa illaa Wahyun yoohaa"(53:2-4). Your messenger, your Sahib does not make mistakes, nor does he sin. Ma dhalla saahibukum wa maa ghawaa! Look at this Ayah of Surat al-Najm, Your Prophet does not err, does not make mistakes. He has to be infallible.
If he makes one mistake, your religion is gone, it becomes a joke. There is much to say in this matter, but I wish to simplify it without getting too deep into discussions on this issue. If a messenger makes a single mistake, the entire religion of Islam needs to go out the window. Look at the irony, this is proof, as they say, in the pudding, even those who say that the Prophet made mistakes insist that the Qur'an, this book, is infallible, not a single mistake in it.
Is that not funny? You see, the Qur'an did not come in a package deal like a box, where Jibraeel landed and gave it to the Prophet and said, here, it is all purified, just deliver it. No, Allah delivered it through his tongue. Now, if this man is tainted, even with one, how can you bring pure water out of impure water?
If I have impure water pass pure water through it, try it, you will never get pure water. Impossible. Why is Allah doing that? If the Messenger has made mistakes, even a single one, how can you bring an infallible entity through his tongue? That is ironic. Now, if it is so good to say it is okay, Allah was teaching us a lesson, through the Prophet by his mistakes. Well, why not teach me a lesson about how wrong books are, about how wrong writings are, about how wrong scriptures can be so I can also learn what wrong means in the script of Allah?
No, it goes counter intuitive because I say to you, there is one mistake in the Qur'an, the Qur'an cannot be an integral book, it becomes referential. Do you know what is referential? Let me explain. See, I can quote Bibles. I can quote the Gita. I can quote the Veda. I can quote the Psalms. I can quote the Old Testament. I can quote scientific books. I can quote fictional and non-fictional stories in my presentation. I can bring everything as evidence for my argument.
It is agreed in the world of science, in the world of literature, in the world of logic, I can bring anything forward as long as I substantiated sufficiently as evidential material and it is substantial as something that is referential to my argument. But it is not integral, meaning it is out there somewhere, I can pick it. But the Qur'an is not referential. I revolve around it. It does not revolve around me.
See, the Prophet is the same when Allah in Surat ul-Ahzab says:"An-Nabiyyu awlaa bil mu'mineena min anfusihim" (33:6), Your Messenger has greater right on the believers "An-Nabiyu," the Messenger, the Prophet, has great greater right on the believers than the believers have on themselves. Now, it is not referential, it is integral, meaning I want to do something that I like. The Messenger says - [it is] not good for you, do not do it. Allah says the Messenger wins in this argument. It means that when I want to do something and my Messenger wants to do something for me, I must choose my Messenger. He is superior to me, my own choices.
Imagine! People take great pride when they say I am free and I have a free will and I am the centre of my own decisions. Allah says, when you do your Shahada, your Prophet supplants you. Now, imagine taking such a personality and amplifying to billions of human beings that if this Messenger made even half a mistake, what is the movement away from Sirat al-Mustaqeem? Think about that.
Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala would put a dangerous threat in my soul like that. Allah is Arham-ul Rahimeen. There are people who argue vociferously about how wrong the Prophet was and they are Muslims. They have the audacity in Surat Abasa when they translate: "Abasa wa tawalla"(80:1), they put in parenthesis the Prophet. I said, who authorised you to do that? It does not say An-Nabi, it does not say Ar-Rasul. It says"Abasa wa tawalla"(80:1), "he frowned" Who is this 'he'? Who authorised you? You know, in other verses there are companions of the Prophet who ran away from the battlefield in Uhud. Why do you not put their names in parenthesis when Allah mentions it?
No! That is the one we are working to bring up. You forgot - this one we are working to bring down. I said, what is the matter with you? We Muslims, Sunni, Shia, whatever. I was simply given the Shahadatayn. Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala. La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad ar-Rasul Allah. Salawat Ala Muhammad wa aali Muhammad [Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammad wa 'aali Muhammad].
It is central. We can not play with this. People have played with this because the minute you take it away, religion comes in your pocket. See, I can say when someone says, Hasanain listen, you need to be a good Muslim. I said, yeah I know, but why should I be. So what do you mean, the Qur'an states so. If the Holy Prophet himself was talking directly with Jibraeel he couldn't figure it out, why should I, 1400 years later? Come on, leave me alone. Let me have a good time.
If a Prophet could not get it straight, you want me to get it straight? You must be joking. See what happens - the goal goes out the window. You have no goal. If the Qur'an has a single mistake, you will not know where it is, because if you know you are better than the Prophet, as a matter of fact, Astaghfirulah, you are better than Allah because Allah could not know.
Oh, how about people say: oh, we know when prophets made mistakes. I said, you know, Allah should have chosen you as a prophet because when the Prophet made the mistake, he did not know, but you know. You are better, Allah made a mistake, He should have chosen you. If you can figure out when a prophet made a mistake and he could not, then you should be better. Look at the blasphemy - in the structure of a religion, you corrode it to the core and yet it is all accepted in the spirit of holiness.
And we fight for it, Allah says what is the matter with you? This Messenger has been purified with his Ahlul Bayt when He said: "Innama yureedu Allah li yudh-hiba ankumu ar-rijs ahl-al-bayt wa yutahhirakum tathira"(33:33) [Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammad wa 'aali Muhammad wa ajjil farajahum] I say to you the Qur'an becomes a referential if there is a single mistake, and I say to you, the Holy Prophet becomes referential if he makes a single mistake and if he is referential, then he has violated this verse from Surat ul-Ahzab, verse six: "An-Nabiyyu awlaa bil mu'mineena min anfusihim" (33:6), the Prophet has greater right over the believers than the believers themselves.
I can continue a lot ab
out this, but this is just a brief introduction for us to understand that prophets of Allah do not make a single mistake. If they do, you will never know what is right. I ask when I speak to people who say, no, no Prophet did make [mistakes], I ask how many rakats are in Maghrib? They say three. I say, mashaAllah, that is good, I believe in three too. But how do you know it is three? He says the Prophet said it. I said, I know he said it because it is not in the Qur'an. The Qur'an does not mention the number of rakats. They say I know since the Prophet said it. How do you know it is three, maybe he made a mistake, maybe it was supposed to be four, but he was not in a good mood that day. How will you know?
And they are done by it. I said, you see the problem, you start falling apart every second of the question, you cannot tell me anything the Prophet said because I keep saying to you, how do you know? How do you know? How do you know? Your whole religion falls apart.