Biography of the 8th Imam (a), his characteristics, role, activities, works, counsels and select traditions (hadith). English translation of original Arabic by Yasin T. Jibouri.
- Imam ar-Ridha’, A Historical and Biographical Research
- Introduction
- Preface: Our Belief in Ahl al-Bayt (a.s.)
- Historical Aspect of the Imam's Biography
- His Distinctions and Characteristics
- Lineage
- Birth and Demise
- His Mother
- Offspring
- Personality and Characteristics
- Government's Attitude Towards the Imam
- His Knowledge
- Ethical and Humane Conduct
- His Conduct Regarding His Appearance
- Clemency and Tolerance
- Swiftness of Response
- His Patience and Perseverance
- Generosity
- Equity
- Method of Educating the Public
- Reluctance to Cooperate With the Rulers
- Imam and the Waqfis
- Pioneers of Waqfism
- Objectives of the Waqfis
- Imam Denounces Waqfism
- Advocates of Waqfism Reveal Their Own Nature
- Imam Musa Ibn Ja’far (a.s.) Warns the Waqfis
- Materialistic Objectives of Waqfis
- Imam Reveals the Real Motives of the Waqfis
- A Leading Waqfi Confesses
- Waqfism Spreads and Gains Momentum
- Confusion of Some Waqfis
- Imam and the 'Caliphs'
- The Regency
- Regency Between the Imam and al-Ma’mun
- Why the Imam Rejected the Regency
- Al-Ma’mun Reveals His Intentions
- Al-Ma’mun and the Astronomer Nawbakhti
- Al-Ma’mun's Objective Behind Regency
- Forcing the Imam to Accept the Regency
- Imam's Awareness of al-Ma’mun's Schemes
- Comments
- Abbasides Defy al-Ma’mun
- Naive Analyses of the Regency Issues
- Queries
- Historical Analysis of Its Attribution to al-Fadl
- Al-Ma’mun Determines Imam's Route
- Eid Prayers
- Some of the Imam's Dawah Methods
- Imam's Role in Eliminating al-Fadl ibn Sahl
- The Tragic Ending
- Imam and Alawide Revolts
- Alawide Uprisings
- Zayd and al-Ma’mun
- Imam Rebukes His Brother Zayd
- Imam's View of the Alawide Revolutionary Method
- Imam's Stance Towards Abul-Saraya's Revolution
- Why Did the Imam Refuse to Participate in the Revolution?
- Why Did the Imam Decline From Demanding Caliphate?
- Lack of a Popular Front of Confrontation
- Imam's Main Responsibility was Disseminating Awareness
- Governments' Persecution of Imams
- Imams' Support of Alawide Revolutions
- His Distinctions and Characteristics
- Intellectual aspects of the Imam's life
- His Works
- Altercations
- Al-Nawfali Warns the Imam
- Imam's Debate With the Sabian
- Debating al-Maroozi
- Imam Proves Badaa
- Eternity Versus Transience of the Will
- Al-Maroozi's Argumentativeness
- Imam's Style in Debating
- Al-Ma’mun Rebukes al-Maroozi for Fumbling About
- Imam Debates Ali ibn al-Jahm
- Interpreting the Holy Qur'an According to One's Opinion
- Interpreting Verses Whose Superficial Meaning Suggests Prophet's Fallibility
- An Artificial Argument
- Basic Beliefs
- The Approach Adopted by Ahl al-Bayt
- Exegesis
- Shari'a (Islamic Legislative System)
- Imam ar-Ridha’ (a.s.)'s Hadith Regarding Legislation
- Supplement: Regency Document