How Shaytan Blamed God For His Mistake - 30 Verses For 30 Days 8/30

Tafsir of the Verses: 7:12-16

Assalamu alaykum, dear brothers and sisters, Inshallah today we'll continue with the Tafsir clips and in today's Tafsir clip we're going to delve into one of the verses of the Qur'an that is situated in the 8th Juz of the Qur'an. These are verses 12 through 16 in of Surat ul-A'raf. When you look at these verses, these are verses that have to do with the story of Shaytan and that famous conversation that he had with Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala, after God asked him to do Sajda. But if you pay attention to what Shaytan told Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala, it gives us an indication. It helps us understand why Shaytan ended up being who he is.

The reality is that after Shaytan, he did not do Sajida, the reality is that he never owned up to the mistake that he made. So the verses of the Qur'an go like this: "Qala ma mana'aka alla tasjuda idh amartuk" (7:12). Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala asked him, Why is it that you did not do such that to Adam? "Qala ana khairun minh, khalaqtani min narin wa khalaqtahu min teen" (7:12). He said, I'm created in a better way, You have created him from dirt, and You have created me from fire.

And Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala told him that he has to leave. And Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala told him that he could live until the Day of Judgment. And then verse number 16 says this. And this is really now that point where Shaytan knows he is going to continue to live, and Shaytan declares to Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala that he is definitely going to misguide the individuals who come after him. But pay attention to what he says at the beginning of verse number 16.

He says: "Qala fabima aghwaytani la aq'udanna lahum Sirataka al-Mustaqeem" (7:16). Because you misguided me, I'm going to sit on their paths, right? I'm going to sit on the path so that when they are walking by, I start to whisper in their ears. The important point here is this. That after this conversation that Shaytan had with Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala, still he sits there and says: "fabima aghwaytani ", because of the fact that you disobeyed me, or rather misguided me, I am going to now do this.

So what we take away from this is that even after this conversation that Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala had with Shaytan, he still walked away and he did not take responsibility for his own mistake. He still, even at this point puts the blame and the fault on Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala.

Sometimes we end up doing the same thing as well.

For example, when we're talking with brothers, sisters, parents, in the household, how many times do you find that a person will spend hours and hours to argue, but he simply won't take on the fault, he won't take the blame. He won't simply say, you know what, I made a mistake, I apologize, and move on with life and learn from the mistake? If we ever find ourselves in a situation like this, we have to understand this is exactly how Shaytan would go about things. That's the main characteristic of Shaytan. He never takes responsibility for the deeds that he did.

At the end of the day, he still said, Ya Allah, You misguided me.

So let us not be like that. When it comes to Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala, if I make a mistake, it's on me. When it comes to my family, my loved ones, anyone that I'm interacting with, if I make a mistake, instead of arguing and spending hours and hours, let me just own it. Let me just admit that I made a mistake and Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala's Mercy will then encompass me, and the mercy of those who are around me will also encompass me as well.

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