A Compendium of articles on the History of Muslim Philosophy. In this book: Early Centuries (From The First/Seventh Century To The Fall Of Baghdad)
A History of Muslim Philosophy Volume 1, Book 3. Edited and Introduced by: M. M. SHARIF. Director of the Institute of Islamic Culture, Lahore Pakistan
- A History of Muslim Philosophy Volume 1, Book 3
- Part 1: Theologico-Philosophical Movements
- Chapter 10: Mu’tazalism
- Chapter 11: Ash’arism
- Chapter 12: Tahawism
- Chapter 13: Maturidism
- Chapter 14: Zahirism
- Chapter 15: Ikhwan al-Safa
- Part 2: The Sufis
- Chapter 16: Early Sufis Doctrine
- Chapter 17: Early Sufis (Continued)
- Sufis Before Al Hallaj
- 1. Hasan of Basrah (21/642-110/728)
- 2. Abu Hashim of Kufah (d. 160/776)
- 3. Ibrahim b. Adham (d. 160/777)
- 4. Shaqiq of Balkh (d. 194/810)
- 5. Harith Muhasibi (165/781-243/857)
- 6. Rabi`ah al-`Adawiyyah of Basrah (95 or 99/713 or 717-185/801)
- 7. Dhu al-Nun Misri (180/706-245/859)
- 8. Bayazid Bistami (d. 260/874)
- 9. Junaid of Baghdad (d. 298/910)
- Al-Hallaj
- Bibliography
- Sufis Before Al Hallaj
- Chapter 18: ’Abd Al-Qadir Jilani and Shihab Al-Din Suhrawardi
- Chapter 19: Shihab al-Din Suhrawardi Maqtul
- Chapter 20: Ibn `Arabi
- Part 3: The Philosophers
- Part 4: The Middle-Roaders
- Part 5: Political Thinkers
- Chapter 33: Political Thought In Early Islam
- Chapter 34: Abu Hanifah and Abu Yusuf
- A. Abu Hanifah
- Life
- Abu Hanifah’s Pronouncements and Opinions
- Al-Fiqh al-Akbar
- Abu Hanifah on State and Caliphate
- The Problem of Sovereignty and Legislation
- Establishment of the Caliphate
- A Caliph’s Qualifications
- The Exchequer and the Public’s Right of Ownership
- Separation of the Judiciary from the Executive
- Freedom of Expression: A Right and a Duty
- The Question of Rebellion against Tyrannical Rule
- Private Council and Codification of Islamic Law
- B. Abu Yusuf
- Bibliography
- A. Abu Hanifah
- Chapter 35: Al-Farabi
- Chapter 36: Al-Mawardi
- Chapter 37: Political Theory Of The Shiites
- Chapter 38: Zizam Al-Mulk Tusi
- Chapter 39: Al-Ghazali
- Part 1: Theologico-Philosophical Movements