Rulings of Hajj according to Grand Ayatollah al-Uzma Ali Al-Husayni Al-Sistani
- Hajj Rituals
- Obligation to perform Hajj
- Conditions which make Hajjatul Islam obligatory
- Making a will regarding pilgrimage
- The rules on pilgrimage by proxy (Niyabah)
- Various kinds of Umrah
- Optional Pilgrimage
- Types of Hajj
- Meqats for wearing Ihram
- Ihram procedure
- Prohibitions during Ihram
- 1. Hunting
- 2. Sexual Activity
- 3. Kissing a Woman
- 4. Touching a Woman
- 5. Looking at and Playing with a Woman
- 6. Masturbation
- 7. Marriage Contract
- 8. Use of Perfume
- 9. Wearing Sewn Clothes by Men
- 10. Applying Antimony (Surma)
- 11. Looking in the Mirror
- 12. Wearing Shoes, Socks or Stockings
- 13. Outrage (Fusouq)
- 14. Quarrelling
- 15. Killing of Insects Found on the Body
- 16. Self Beautification
- 17. Applying Oil
- 18. Removal of Hair from the Body
- 19. Covering of the Head for Men
- 20. Ladies' Face Cover
- 21. Remaining under Shade by Men
- 22. Removal of Blood from the Body
- 23. Cutting Nails
- 24. Extraction of Teeth
- 25. Wearing of Arms
- Matters forbidden within (The Haram)
- Tawaf
- Obligations of Tawaf
- Stepping out of the Bounds of Tawaf
- Irregularities in Tawaf
- Tawaf Prayer
- Obligations of Sa'y
- Taqseer
- Ihram for Hajj
- Wuquf at Arafat
- Wuquf at Muzdalifah
- Mina and the obligations there
- Tawaf-Un-Nisa and its prayer
- Wuquf at Mina
- Rami of Jamarat
- Persons prevented from performing Hajj
- Recommended acts and supplications
- Recommended acts in Ihram
- Matters discouraged in Ihram
- Matters recommended on entry into Haram
- Countries on entry into holy Makkah and the Holy Mosque
- Courtesies during Tawaf
- Courtesies of Tawaf prayer
- Courtesies in Sa'y
- Courtesies in Ihram during Wuquf at Arafat
- Courtesies of Wuquf at Arafat
- Courtesies of Wuquf at Muzdalifah
- Courtesies of Rami the Jamarat
- Courtesies during Hady
- Courtesies of shaving the head
- Courtesies of the Tawaf of Hajj and Sa'y
- Courtesies of Mina
- Courtesies of Makkah
- Farewell Tawaf
- Greeting the Great Messenger (S.A.W.)