Golden Advice
One day, Jesus called together his disciples and went up on to the mountain, and said, "… Verily I say to you, that it is impossible to love both God and the worldly life, as no man can in any wise serve two masters who are at enmity with one another. You cannot serve God and the world, for the world lies in falsehood, greed, and wickedness. You cannot therefore, find rest in the world, but rather persecution and loss. Therefore, serve God and despise the world, for from God your souls shall find rest.
Hear my words for I speak to you in truth. Verily, blessed are they who mourn this earthly life, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the poor who truly hate the delights of the world, for they will abound in the delights of the kingdom of God.
Do not weigh down your hearts with earthly desires, saying, 'Who will clothe us?' or 'Who will give us what to eat? Behold the flowers and the trees, with the birds, which God our Lord clothes and nourishes with greater glory than all the glory of Solomon. He, who created you, is able to nourish you."
When Jesus said this, Philip asked, "We are content to serve God, but we desire, however, to know God."
Jesus answered, "God is everywhere. He has no equal. He has no beginning, nor will he ever have an end, but to everything, He has given a beginning, and to everything, He will give an end. He has neither father nor mother; and He has no children, nor companions. He is so good and He loves goodness."
Then Jesus said, "You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, that you may be my disciples. If then the world shall hate you, you shall be truly my disciples; for the world has been ever an enemy of servants of God. Remember the holy prophets that have been slain by the world, even as in the time of Elijah ten thousand prophets were slain by Jezebel."
Jesus continued, "Behold the sparrows and other birds, how Almighty God take care of them. Shall God, then, have more care of the birds than of man, for whose sake he has created everything? Is there any man, perchance, who care more for his shoes than for his own child? Assuredly not, so do not think that God would abandon you, while taking care of the birds! Know that even a leaf of a tree falls not without the will of God. Believe me, because I tell you the truth that the world will greatly fear you if you observe my words…"
Then Jesus advised them to be patient and said, "Do not render evil for evil, for so do all the worst animals; but render good for evil, and pray God for them that hate you. Fire is not extinguished with fire, but rather with water; even so, I say to you that you shall not overcome evil with evil, but rather with good.
Behold God, who causes the sun to come upon the good and evil, and likewise the rain. Therefore, you ought to do well to all, for it is written in the law. Verily, I say to you that the servant, who wants to please his master, does not put on any garment that is displeasing to his master. Your garments are your will and your love. Beware, then, not to will or to love a thing that is displeasing to God, our Lord. Be sure that God hates the lusts of the world, and therefore you should hate the lust of the world."