The First Person to Argue with God

An Excerpt from Night 8, lecture: Reasoning And Arguing With God, Part 2 - 8th Muharram 1442/2020 

Link to the full lecture:

The first person to start using this type of approach. That when Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala makes a command clear on him, that then he starts reasoning and arguing with Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala, which by the way, we do all the time, was nobody but Shaytan himself.

When Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala told Shaytan to prostrate to Adam, what was the response of Shaytan? What was the first thing that Shaytan said? He said, no, I'm not going to do that, "Ana khayrun minhu" (7:12). I'm better than him. Why should I prostrate? Why should I go to Sajda for someone that You have created from dirt? If anything, he is supposed to be the one prostrating to me.

This is the reasoning and the arguing with Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala. After His command has already become clear for us. When His command becomes clear for us brothers and sisters, there is no more room for us to sit there and say, well, this is what I think. That is what think.