Extremely Painful Death For Sahaba (Prophet's Companion)

You know, there was a man during the time of the Prophet. So, I want you to picture this. He is the companion of the Prophet, which means he probably prayed with the Prophet. He fought alongside the Prophet in the battle fields.

He is on his death bed. He is a young man. The Prophet, salla Allahu 'alayhi wa' alihi, comes to his death bed. What an honour, right? You are on your death bed. You know if you are in the hospital, you are excited if a regular scholar comes and visits you. Imagine you are on your death bed and Rasul Allah comes to see you. The Prophet sits beside him and he says to him 'Qul La ilaha illa Allah - say there is no God but Allah.' He is not able to speak. Fa'taqala lisanu. He is not able to speak.

And the Prophet, being a spiritual physician, he knows why this is happening. He knows when someone can't speak because of a physical ailment, and he knows when someone can't speak because of a spiritual disease.

Immediately, the Prophet salla Allahu 'alayhi wa alihi, he says to him 'Hal li haza Umm?' Does he have a mother? Subhana Allah! The Prophet doesn't say, does he have a father? The Prophet could look at him and he could tell that this is what happens when someone mistreats their mother. Specifically, the mother. Talk about diagnosing the illness with precision. He says 'Hal li haza Umm?' Does this young man have a mother?

Rasul Allah hears a female voice behind him. She says 'Na'am Ya Rasul Allah, ana Ummuh.' I'm his mother. She was there in the same room. The Prophet asked her 'Affa sakhitatun 'alayh? Are you angry with him? Are you upset with him?' She says 'Yes, Ya Rasul Allah.' She says 'Ma kalamtuhu mundhu sitti hijaa - I have not spoken to him in six years.' You know, we are shocked. But believe me, there are people that get into arguments with their parents and they don't talk to them for 16 years, right? And you may think that Oh sometimes I get into an argument with my mum or my dad and I just don't talk to them for a week, yeah? What if Malik ul-Mawt comes to you that week? Is that how you want to meet Allah?

So, the Prophet salla Allahu 'alayhi wa alih, he tells the mother 'Forgive him. Be pleased with him.' Even the Prophet salla Allahu 'alayhi wa alih, he doesn't make Du'a for him. He knows, the Prophet knows that I can't even help you unless your mother forgives you. Imagine that. He says 'Forgive him.' So, this woman, she was very pious. She says 'Radhi Allahu anhu bi ridhaka Ya Rasul Allah - for your sake Ya Rasul Allah, I'll forgive him.'

The Prophet then sits beside this man. You know, he is dying, he is gasping. He says to him arepeat after me, Yaa man yaqbalu li yasir, wa yaqfu an il-katheer. O The One, who accepts the little that we offer.' Because, brothers and sisters, anything we do in life, it is qalil, it is yasir. 'Yaa man yaqbalu li yasir, wa yaqfu an il-katheer.' O The One who accepts the small good deeds that we offer, He accepts it from us. And He pardons the katheer, the many sins that we commit.

'Iqbal minni yal yasir wa'fu anni al-katheer. Accept the little that I offer you, O Allah, and forgive the many sins that I have committed. Innaka anta al-Ghafur ar-Rahim.' We have to be careful, brothers and sisters, because this young man, he was a companion of the Prophet. None of us were companions of the Prophet. This was a man who prayed with Rasul Allah. None of us can say that we prayed Jama'ah with a Ma'sum. We can't say that. He fought alongside the Prophet in battle, but even Rasul Allah was not able to help him until his mother forgave him.