A text highlighting the directives given by Allah (swt) in the Holy Qur’an in context of various subjects that touch the day-to-day lives of every Muslim in particular and for that matter every human being in general.
- Excerpts from the Holy Qur’an, an Eternal Guidance to Mankind
- Dedication
- Preface
- Allah (swt)
- Allah (swt) is most Gracious - The Dispenser of Grace
- Allah (swt) is Omniscient (Knowing Everything)
- Allah (swt) is Omnipotent and Omnipresent (Having infinite power and being present everywhere)
- Declaration of Allah’s (swt) Perfection and Absolute Oneness
- Attributes of Allah (swt)
- Allah’s (swt) Justice (‘Adil)
- A Supplication for Allah’s (swt) Unlimited Mercy
- The Innumerous Blessings of Allah (swt) Bestowed upon Mankind
- How to earn Allah’s (swt) Mercy
- Certain Knowledge is only with Allah (swt)
- Taking Refuge With The Almighty
- Allah's (swt) Creations
- Allah’s (swt) Creation
- Creation of the Universe
- The Creator’s Way of Creating Anything
- Magnificence of Allah’s (swt) Creation
- How Man & Jinn have been Created
- Purpose of Creation
- Purpose of Allah’s (swt) Creation of Man & Jinn
- Allah’s (swt) Manifold Creation
- Allah’s (swt) Manifold Creations of Nature
- The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S) & his Ahlul Bayt (a)
- The Holy Prophet (S) Made the Medium of Revelations and Path to Self-Surrender
- The Holy Prophet (S) is “Rahmatul Aalamin”
- The Reciting of Salwaat on The Prophet (S) is Made Incumbent on Mankind
- To follow Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (S)
- To Disobey Allah (swt) And His Prophet (S) can Erase Man’s Good Deeds
- The Holy Prophet’s (S) Responsibility Towards Mankind, as Directed By Allah (swt)
- What The Holy Prophet (S) expects in Return of His Services to Mankind
- Etiquette in The Holy Prophet’s (S) Presence, as Commanded by Allah (swt)
- Annoyance of the Holy Prophet (S)
- Characteristics of the Choicest & Closest Companions of the Holy Prophet (S)
- Mubahila and its importance in Defining Who are The Ahlul Bayt in Surah 33 (Surah Al-Ahzaab) Ayat 33
- Directives to the Holy Prophet’s (S) Wives and his Holy Ahlul Bayt (a)
- Assurance (To Holy Prophet (S)) of Tranquillity & Happiness after Trials and Tribulations
- Reasons stated by Allah (swt) for making the Prophet (S) sign the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah
- The Holy Qur'an
- The Holy Qur’an, Revelation from Allah (swt) only
- God’s Unique Way of Sending His Messages to Mankind
- The Holy Qur’an, a Book Complete in Every Aspect and Sent as a Grace From Almighty Allah (swt) and a Guide to Every Believer
- The Holy Qur’an, a Book of True Guidance but, only for the Believers
- The Holy Qur’an : Its Protection Against any Distortion is Promised by Allah (swt)
- Allah’s (swt) Challenge to Mankind to Produce a Like of The Qur'an
- Surah Baqarah, 2:23
- 23. And if you are in doubt as to what we have revealed from time to time to Our servant, then produce a Surah like there unto; And call your witnesses or helpers (if there are any) besides Allah, if your (doubts) are true.
- The First Revelation of the Qur’an
- Night of Qadr , The Night of Destiny , better than a 1000 Nights
- Parents
- Man, His Nature
- Human Cycle
- Evolution of Man from Dust
- Men not created without a purpose
- Allah (swt) has granted Man free will to choose between good and evil
- Man advised not to be pompous
- Man is himself accountable for his own actions
- Man’s selfish mentality
- Man always makes hasty decisions
- Ungrateful nature of Man
- Most men are ungrateful, except for a few who have certain distinct qualities
- World, Materialism
- Life span of this world as compared to the span of the Hereafter
- Man’s obsessment and attachment to this life
- Consequences of Man’s attachment to the materialistic world
- Man will always be a loser due to his worldly attachments
- Worldly attachments should not deter Man from remembrance of Allah (swt) and in giving charity
- Good deeds weigh heavier than worldly adornments (wealth & children)
- Allah (swt), His Apostle & Jihad are more important than all worldly relations, pleasures & possessions
- Punishment for hoarding of wealth
- Hereafter , Day of Judgement , Paradise, Hell Fire
- Day of Judgement
- Repeated warning of the Day of Judgement
- Signs to proclaim the arrival of the Day of Judgement
- State of Mankind on the Day Of Judgment
- State of Mankind when the Trumpet is blown
- This Life will seem like an hour on the Day of Judgment
- State of affairs on Day of Judgement
- State of the Believers and Non Believers on the Day of Judgement
- Man’s limbs will be his witness on the Day of Judgement
- Division of Mankind into three groups on the Day of Judgement
- Intercession will be permitted by Allah on the Day of Judgement
- Intercession will be accepted from His selected people
- The inheritors of Paradise
- Hell-Fire - the final resort of the evil doers and the unbelievers
- Condition of unbelievers in Hell
- Death , Martyrdom
- The Righteous , The Pious
- Definition and attributes of a pious (Muttaqi) person
- Equality is on the basis of piety, before Allah (swt)
- Prerequisites of a true servant of Allah (swt)
- Allah’s (swt) Grace on to the true Believers
- Privileges and status enjoyed by the true believers in Paradise
- State of righteous people in this world and the Hereafter
- State of the righteous people on the Day of Judgement
- The virtuous people and their rewards in Paradise
- Etiquette to be adopted between Muslims
- To slaying a believer for any but lawful reasons is like slaying entire Mankind, and to save the life of a believer is like saving the life of entire Mankind
- The Non-Believers, the Hypocrites
- Shaitan (Iblees) given respite and he in turn vowing to mislead all, but a few human beings
- Allah’s (swt) respite to the evil doers
- Non-Believers are Unclean (Najis)
- Worshipping of deities along with God by the non-believers
- Good deeds of a non-believer will be of no avail on Day of Judgement
- Fate of those who do not believe in God’s Revelation
- State of the non-believers on the Day of Judgement
- Fate of the non-believers on the Day of Judgement
- Fate of the hypocrites on the Day of Judgement
- Arguments to the non-believers convincing them to believe in the One God
- Must live in harmony with the non-believers unless they transgress and oppress
- Commandments, Advice
- Commandments of Allah (swt)
- Advised to seek refuge with God, from Satan
- Advice of Prophet Luqman(a) to his son
- To die as Muslims
- Men to adopt chastity
- Women to adopt chastity and veil (Hijab) before a non-Mahram
- Hijab
- Trust
- Fasting
- Jihad
- Man must not postpone the doing of good deed and worship of his Creator
- Essential to defend against oppression but not to the extent of being an Oppressor
- Spoils of ‘Fie’ i.e. Property - Wealth etc. obtained without a fight
- The Forbidden & Unlawful
- Forbidden to make or change Islamic Laws (Shariah)
- Directives of Allah (swt)
- Avoid Major Sins and Minor Sins will be forgiven
- Do not envy others
- Forbidden to usurp the right and property of orphans
- Punishment for killing a Muslim deliberately
- Islamic Akhlaq: Forbidden to enter others houses without permission
- Punishment for Adultery and Fornication
- Intercourse forbidden during women’s menstrual period
- Forbidden to marry Non-Believers
- Punishment for those who wrongfully accuse women of adultery
- Abolishment of the Age-Old practice of ‘Zihar’
- Unlawful Food, its Consequences
- Forbidden to Consume
- Food made Unlawful to the Jews
- Intoxication and games of chance
- Forbidden to pray in the state of intoxication and impurity
- Evil of having a negative attitude upon the birth of a female
- Prayers, Supplications
- Directive for Prayers (Salat) with stress on the Morning (fajr) and Midnight (tahajjud) Prayers
- No excuse for refraining from daily Prayers (Salat)
- Prescribed Prayers (Salat) at particular times
- Salat ordained along with patience in adversity
- Common supplication in Qunoot of Prayer
- Recitation of “Bismillah” and seeking refuge from Satan, before reciting the Qur’an
- The Sustainer’s assurance to accept the prayer of all who call upon Him sincerely
- Assurance of acceptance from Allah when asked from Him through the Medium of Dua
- Supplication (Dua) recited by Prophet Sulayman (a)
- Advised to mention “If Allah wills (Insha Allah)” before intending to do any deed
- Charity
- Marriage, Divorce, Inheritance
- Trails, Patience
- Repentance
- Sustenance
- Miscellaneous
- Disobedience of Iblees (Shaitan) and his vow to misguide Mankind up to the Day of Judgement
- Free Will To Mankind
- A pre-warning of Allah (swt) to Mankind
- Anecdote from Allah (swt) for a blissful life in this World and the Hereafter
- Salvation rests only from nearness to God
- Warning given to Mankind to amend their wrongful doings before Allah (swt) destroys the entire Community
- Types of friends to have
- Unreasonable promises, oaths can be broken
- Refuting the Christian doctrine of atonement of one’s sins by another
- Jesus Christ was exalted unto God and not slain
- Ablution (Wudhu - Ghusl - Tayammum)
- 12 Months in an Islamic Year, 4 are sacred
- Significance and importance of Ritual Sacrifice (Qurbani)
- Following Saints and alleged Divine Personalities
- Index
- Allah (swt)
- Allah’s (swt) Creation
- The Holy Prophet (S) & The Ahlul Bayt
- The Holy Qur’an
- Parents
- Man, his Nature
- World, Materialism
- Hereafter - Day of Judgement - Paradise - Hell Fire
- Death - Martydom
- The Righteous, The Pious
- The Non Believers – The Hypocrites
- Commandments, Advice
- The Forbidden – The Unlawful
- Prayers - Supplications
- Charity
- Marriage - Divorce - Inheritance
- Trial - Patience
- Repentance
- Sustenance
- Miscellaneous