This text is a translation of Tashihu 'l-I‘tiqad of Abu ‘Abdillah, Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Nu‘man, Known as ash-Shaykh al-Mufid (336/948 or 338/950 – 413/1022)
- The Emendation of A Shi‘ite Creed
- Preface
- The Author and His Works
- 1. The Metaphorical Interpretation of the Baring of the Shank (Kashfu 'S-Saq)
- 2. The Metaphorical Interpretation of "The Hand (Al-Yad)"
- 3. The Breathing of the Spirit (into man) (Nafkhu 'l-Arwah)
- 4. Metonym and Metaphor (in the Qur’an)
- 5. The Attribution of Scheming: beguiling and Mockery to Allah
- 6. The Attribution of Forgetfulness to Allah
- 7. The Attributes of Allah (Sifat Allah)
- 8. The Belief concerning the Origination of Human Actions
- 9. Concerning Human Actions (faslun fi af‘Ali 'L-khalq)
- 10. Predestination and Free Will (Al-Jabr wa 't-tafwid)
- 11. The Belief concerning Allah's Intention and Will (Al-Mashiah Wa 'l-Iradah)
- 12. The belief concerning destiny and decree (Al-Qada’ wa 'L-Qadar)
- 13. The interpretation of the reports concerning Al-Qada’ and Al-Qadar
- 14. The Natural Religion (Al-Fitrah)
- 15. Concerning Human Capacity (Al -Istita‘Ah)
- 16. Concerning Al-bada’
- 17. Concerning Religious Disputation (Al-Jidal)
- 18. The belief concerning the tablet and the pen (Al-Lawh Wa 'L-Qalam)
- 19. The Metaphysical Meaning of the Throne (Al-‘Arsh)
- 20. Concerning Souls and Spirits (Al-Arwah wa 'n-Nufus)
- 21. What Ash-Shaykh Abu Ja‘far has described about Death
- 22. The Belief concerning the questioning in the Grave
- 23. What Ash-Shaykh Abu Ja‘far has mentioned about Divine Justice
- 24. Chapter on Al-A‘raf
- 25. The Belief concerning the Bridge (As-Sirat)
- 26. Chapter concerning Al-‘Aqabat
- 27. The belief concerning reckoning and balance (Al-Hisab wa 'l-Mizan)
- 28. Concerning Paradise and Hell (Al -Jannah wa 'N-nar)
- 29. The Point of Unbelief
- 30. Concerning the descent of revelation (Nuzulu 'l-Wahy)
- 31. On the Revelation of the Qur’an (Nuzulu 'l-Qur’an)
- 32. The Belief on Impeccability (Al-‘Ismah)
- 33. Chapter on Excess and Delegation (Al-Ghuluww wa’t-Tafwid)
- 34. On Dissimulation (At-Taqiyyah)
- 35. That the ancestors of the prophet were monotheists (Muwahhidun)
- 36. Concerning the interpretation of the verse 42:43
- 37. On Prohibition and Permission (Al-Hazr wa 'l-Ibahah)
- 38. On Medicine (At-Tibb)
- 39. On the Divergent Traditions (Al -Ahadithu 'l-Mukhtalifah)
- Bibliography