Spiritual lessons on the love of Allah (swt) from the life of the 20th century spiritual exemplar, Shaykh Rajab Ali Khayyat. Includes anecdotes from his life and practical ethical advice for living a spiritual life.
- The Elixir of Love
- Foreword
- Part 1: Traits
- Part 2: A Leap Forward
- Divine Training
- Help from the Unseen World
- Spiritual Perfections
- Absorbed in Monotheism
- The Station of Fana (Annihilation)
- The Lover of God
- The Greatest Status
- Finding Way into all Worlds
- The Shaykh at the Age of Sixty
- The great Difference Between our Knowledge and his
- Helping out the Hard-Working Laborer
- "You Lose Temper too quickly!"
- "I See the Hair on his Head and Face is Growing Grey!"
- Contact with the Souls of Dr. Farzam's Parents
- How a Relation was established between Dr. Shaykh and Shaykh Rajab Ali
- "The Automobile is All Right, Move on!"
- Your Request is granted
- The Effect of Humility toward People for God's Sake
- Talking to Plants
- The Reward for the Inventor of Electric Fan
- Conditional Fulfillment of Supplication
- Helping the One Who Had Lost his Properties
- The Scent of Red Apples
- The Reward for Abstaining from Unlawful Look
- The Fire within the Unlawful Property
- How the Gramophone Stopped Working
- The Appeal by the Youth in Love
- "Do not get Furious!"
- "His Beard is of no Concern to You!"
- Responding Satan's Temptation
- Part 3: Self-Building
- The Ways of Self-Building
- "For Sixty Years I Treaded the Wrong Path"
- Self-Building by One's Manners
- Educational Methods
- 1. Public Sessions
- Emphasis on Obeying God and Refraining from Carnal Desires
- Recognition of Internal States
- Putting the Shaykh to Test
- The Presence of an Informer
- "First Please your Father!"
- 2. Special Guidelines
- The Importance of a Perfect Instructor
- Sins and Calamities in Life
- "We Sell on Credit even to you!"
- Annoying the Child
- Annoying the Wife
- Annoying the Husband
- The Displeased Sister
- Unkindness toward the Sister
- The Displeased Mother
- The Broken-Hearted Aunt
- Annoying the Employer's Son
- Annoying the Employee
- Usurping the Old Woman's Right
- Offending others (with foul language)
- Cruelty to Animals
- The Basis of Self-Building
- The Elixir of Self-Building
- The Real Elixir
- The Shaykh's Greatest Art
- Shirin and Farhad
- "Write for the Love of the Beloved!"
- "God Has no Clients!"
- "Teach Lessons of Love!"
- Fundamentals of Love of God
- Attaining Intuitive Knowledge
- The Pitfall of Love toward God
- The Inward Aspects of the Worldly-Minded People
- The God-Displaying Heart
- "What have you Done?"
- "What Do I see in you?!"
- Men who had turned into Women!
- "What's that Table?"
- Attaining Divine Mysteries
- The Status of the Intellect and that of the Soul
- Worship Based on Affection
- Everything for Oneself, even God!
- The Highest Levels of Piety
- The School of Love
- Opening up the Heart's Eye
- The Inward Aspect of Heart
- The Heart to which Everything is Present
- The Man who Performs Godly Acts
- The Way to Love God
- Sincerity of Friends of God
- All Deeds for God's Sake
- Eating and Taking Rest for God's Sake!
- Stitch for God's Sake!
- Come Over for God's sake!
- Blow into Fire for God's Sake!
- Love them for the Sake of God!
- What have you done for God's Sake?
- Woe to me! Woe to me!
- To Become Good for God's Sake
- Go on a Pilgrimage for the Sake of God!
- Fruits of Sincerity
- Divine Guidance
- The Fragrance of God in Deeds
- Overpowering the Satan
- Opening up of the Heart's Eye
- Material and Spiritual Blessings
- I taught them for God's Sake
- God Tackled our Problem!
- The Dhikr of the Friends of God
- Perpetual Presence
- How to Liberate from Carnal Soul and the Satan
- Take your Hands Off me!
- Remembrance of God in Sleep
- On Overcoming Carnal Desires
- Suppressing the Satanic Temptations when Encountering Women other than our Next of Kin
- For the Love of God
- For Attaining the Honor of Meeting Wali 'Asr (aj)
- 2. How a Shopkeeper found this Honor
- For Solving Problems and Curing Illnesses
- For Averting Heat and Cold
- Supplications of the Friends of God
- Supplications of the Shaykh
- His Regular Supplication
- "Find a Pretext to Seek 'Him'!"
- The Value of Weeping and Whispered Prayer
- A Penny in Response to "Ya Allah!"
- The Way to Proximity to God
- What should we implore from God?
- What Does a Lover Want from the Beloved?
- "Complain of being Forlorn!"
- The Real Reason for Appealing to the Ahl al-Bayt (a)
- The Ziyarat of 'Ashura
- The Condition for Getting Answers to Supplications
- "First, Pay for the Salt!"
- The Capacity of the Worshipper
- Courtesy of the Worshipper
- Benevolence of the Friends of God
- The Mystery of Creation
- Giving Alms while in Poverty
- "Fast and Give Alms!"
- Benevolence to a Jobless Person Encumbered by a Large Family
- Benevolence to the Sister
- The Shaykh and Rendering Service to People
- Recompense to the Prayer Leader as Ordered by Wali al-'Asr (aj)
- Recommendation for Serving Meals
- "God Willing, it will be Sufficient!"
- The Blessings of Rendering Service to People
- The Blessing of the Taxi Driver's Service
- Assisting the Blind Man and the Luminosity of the Heart
- Giving Meals to Forty People and the Healing of the Patient
- Rain in a Drought
- Giving Victuals by the Father to Beget a Child
- The Blessing of Feeding a Hungry Animal
- Benevolence Based on Love of God
- Words of Imam Khomeini (ra) on rendering Service to People
- Prayers of the Friends of God
- The Hajj of the Friends of God
- Recommendations of the Shaykh to the Hajj Pilgrims
- 1. Endeavor to Visit Hazrat Wali 'Asr (aj)
- 3. Complete Orientation towards God While Circumambulating Ka'bah
- 5. Killing the Carnal Soul in Mina
- The only Place where they Displayed Affection!
- The Banquet for Returning from Hajj
- The Mysteries of Hajj in the Sayings of Imam Khomeini (ra)
- The Secret of Circumambulation
- Allegiance to God
- Friends of God's Fear
- The Ways of Self-Building
- Part 4: Passing Away