Does the Holy Quran talk about Hijab?
When it comes to the Holy Qur'an, there is no question. The Qur'an talks about the form, the concept of hijab, but not with the word of 'hijab'. The word 'hijab', when it is used in the Qur'an, that word is used to mean 'a barrier, barrier.' It is not used to wearing that you know - the scarf and for example, the proper - let's say - Islamic attire or the modestly dressed, you may call it that way.
Allah says 'If you want to ask the wife of the Prophet a question "Fas'aluhunna min wara'i hijab" (33:53). Hijab is a barrier. So that is the word 'hijab'. That is how it is used in the Holy Qur'an. But later on, the word was used to reflect, to talk about this modestly dress.
In the Qur'an, in Surat an-Nur, ayah number 31, where Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala says: Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim, "Wa qul li 'l-mu'minati yaghdudna min absarihin, wa yahfadhna furujahun" (24:31). Until Allah Subhanah Wa Ta'ala says: "Wa la yadribna bikhumurihinna 'ala juyoobihin" (24:31). 'And let them use the khimar to cover their bosoms. What does that mean? Linguistically it is a beautiful explanation. If you put a piece of a scarf on your head, then you have two these dangling, you know, sides. Some of the women at the time of Rasul Allah salla Allahu alayhi wa alih, what they used to do is they used to just keep it dangling like this.
And if she is wearing a necklace, she wanted to show that she is wearing a necklace, so she will wear a shirt but the necklace would be visible on her chest, for example. Qur'an came to say No, "Wa la yadribna bikhumurihinna 'ala juyoobihin" (24:31). 'Let them wear the scarf, but let them cover.' They have to cover their chest and their neck area.
In Surah al-Ahzab, Allah says about 'jalabeebihinn'. "[Fal] yudneena alaihinna jalabeebihinn. Dhalika adnaa ai yu’rafna fala yu’dhain" (33:59). They have to wear jilbab. Jilbab is some loose clothing, loose. In other words, things which may not, which does not show the figure, reveal the figure of the body. That is a Jilbab.
So when you put the two Ayahs together, then the whole body must be covered head to toe, with the exception of the face and the hands up to the wrist. And the clothing must be loose clothing on the body that should not show or reveal the figure of the individual. The head must be covered as well, with the exception of the face.
Imam al-Sadiq alayhi as-salam, also came to clarify it to us, to assert it to us. That this is the definition of the modest dress.
In addition, "Wa la yubdeena zeenatahun" (24:31). 'They should not show their zeena' . Zeena is referred to as any what we call today makeup. Makeup should not be revealed to al-ajnabi, someone who is not a mahram. When a lady goes outside to the public, she must not wear any makeup. At home it is mustahab - highly recommended - to wear the makeup to the husband.
Today inqalabat al-aya [things have turned to the opposite], things have changed today. A woman puts on her best makeup when she goes outside, but when she is at home, no makeup at all. She puts on her best perfume when she goes outside, but when she is at home, no perfume at all. This is opposite to what the Shari'ah says.