

Jesus descended from the mount, and passed alone by night to the farther side of Jordan. He fasted forty days and forty nights, not eating anything day nor night, making continual supplication to the Lord for the salvation of his people to whom God had sent him.

When the forty days passed, he was a hungered. Then appeared Satan unto him, and tempted him in many words, but Jesus drove him away by the power of God's words. Satan having departed, the angels came and ministered unto Jesus that whereof he had need.

Jesus, having returned to the region of Jerusalem, was found again of the people with exceeding great joy, and they asked him to abide with them; for his words were powerful, and touched the heart, not as those of the scribes.

Jesus, seeing that great multitude of them who returned to their heart for to walk in the law of God, went up to the mountain, and abode all night in prayer. In the morning, he descended from the mountain, and chose twelve people, whom he called apostles. Their names were, Andrew, Peter his brother, a fisherman; Barnabas, Matthew the publican, who sat at the receipt of custom; John, James, sons of Zebedee; Thaddeus, Judas, Bartholomew, Philip, James, and Judas Iscariot the traitor.