The Demons
Jesus went up to Capernaum, and as he drew near to the city behold there came out of the tombs one that was possessed of a devil, and in such wise that no chain could hold him, and he did great harm to the man.
The demons cried out through his mouth, saying, "O holy one of God, why did you come before the time to trouble us?" they prayed him that he would not cast them forth.
Jesus asked them how many they were. They answered, "Six thousand six hundred and sixty-six." When the disciples heard this they were affrighted, and prayed Jesus that he would depart. Then Jesus said, "Where is your faith? It is necessary that the demon should depart, and not me." The demons therefore cried, "We will come out, but permit us to enter into those swine." There were feeding there, near to the sea, about ten thousand swine belonging to the Canaanites. Thereupon Jesus said, "Depart and enter into the swine." With a roar, the demons entered into the swine, and cast them headlong into the sea.
Then, those who fed the swine fled to the city and recounted all that had been brought to pass by Jesus. Accordingly, the men of the city came forth and found Jesus and the man who was healed. The men were filled with fear, and prayed Jesus to depart out of their borders. Jesus accordingly departed from them and went up into the parts of Tyre and Sidon.
A woman of Canaan with her two sons, who had come forth out of her own country to find Jesus, saw him coming with his disciples. She cried out, "Jesus, son of David, have mercy on my daughter, who is tormented of the devil! Jesus did not answer even a single word, because they were of the uncircumcised people. The disciples were moved to pity, said, "O master, have pity on them! Behold how much they cry out and weep!"
Jesus answered, "I am not sent but unto the people of Israel." Then the woman with her sons went before Jesus, weeping and saying, "O son of David, have mercy on me!" Jesus answered, "It is not good to take the bread from the children's hands and give it to the dogs." Jesus said this, due to their uncleanness, because they were of the uncircumcised people.
The woman answered, "O Lord, the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table." Jesus being seized with admiration at the words of the woman, said, "O woman, your faith is great." Then having raised his hands to heaven, he prayed to God. Then he said, "O woman, your daughter is freed. Go your way in peace."
The woman departed, and returning to her home, found her daughter was blessing God. Wherefore, the woman said, "Verily, there is no God but the God of Israel." Then, all her kinsfolk joined themselves unto the law of God according to the law of the book of Moses.