- Brief History of Fourteen Infallibles
- Preface
- The Spiritual Message of Shi'ism
- The Glorious Qur'an
- Islam and Muslim
- The First Infallible: The Holy Prophet Of Islam, Muhammad Ibn `Abdullah (Peace be on him and his progeny)
- The Second Infallible, The Daughter Of The Holy Prophet Fatimah Az-Zahra' (Peace be on her)
- Twelve Apostolic Imams
- The Third Infallible The First Imam, `Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Amir Al-Mu'minin (Peace be on him)
- Marriage:
- Death
- The Imams And Leaders Of Islam
- The First Imam:
- M. A. Shakir writes:
- Birth
- Successor and Caliph
- Happy Days
- Persecution
- Hijrah (Emigration)
- Warrior
- Badr
- Uhud
- Khandaq
- Khaybar
- Statesman
- Marriage
- Hadith
- Death of the Prophet
- Abu Bakr
- `Umar
- `Uthman
- 'Ali
- Murder
- Chief of the Friends of Allah (Sayyid Awliya'Allah)
- The Fourth Infallible The Second Imam
- The Fifth Infallible The Third Imam
- Al-Husayn Ibn Ali Sayyidu'sh-Shuhada' (Peace be on him)
- The Day of `Ashura (10th of Muharram):
- Some Sayings of the Holy Prophet During his Lifetime with Reference to Imam Husayn:
- Ibn Sa'd narrates from ash-Sha'bi:
- Anas ibn Harith narrates:
- Sir Muhammad Iqbal says:
- Khwaja Mu'inud-Din Chishti says:
- Brown in his A Literary History of Persia writes:
- al-Allamah at-Tabataba'i writes:
- al-Imam al-Husayn ibn `Ali, peace be on him, said:
- The Sixth Infallible The Fourth Imam
- The Seventh Infallible The Fifth Imam
- The Eighth Infallible The Sixth Imam
- The Ninth Infallible The Seventh Imam
- The Tenth Infallible The Eighth Imam
- The Eleventh Infallible The Ninth Imam
- The Twelfth Infallible The Tenth Imam
- The Thirteenth Infallible The Eleventh Imam
- The Fourteenth Infallible The Twelfth Imam
- A Chronological List Of The Fourteen Infallibles the Holy Prophet, His Daughter and The Twelve Holy Imams