
Blessed Food

When the greater part of the crowd had departed, about five thousand men, women, and children remained. They were very tired because of the journey. Longing to see Jesus, they had forgotten to bring any bread, and for two days, they ate raw herbs. Therefore, they were not able to depart like the others.

Jesus, when he perceived this, had pity on them, and said to Philip, "Where can we find bread for them that they do not perish of hunger?" Philip answered, "Lord, two hundred pieces of gold could not buy so much bread that each one should taste a little." Then Andrew said, "Here is a child who has five loaves and two fishes. However, what will it be among so many?" Jesus answered, "Make the multitude sit down." They sat down upon the grass by fifties and by forties.

Jesus took the bread, and prayed to God. Then he gave it to the disciples, and they gave it to the multitude; and so, did they with the fishes. Everyone ate and was satisfied.

Afterwards, Jesus when he had given thanks to God dismissed them. However, seventy-two men did not want to leave him. Wherefore, Jesus perceiving their faith chose them as disciples.

Jesus, having withdrawn into a hollow part of the desert in Tiro near to Jordan, called together the seventy-two with the twelve, and when he had seated himself upon a stone, made them to sit near him. Then he said, "These days we have seen a great wickedness in Judea and in Israel such that my heart trembles within my breast for fear of God. Therefore, you must go through Judea and Israel, preaching the truth to the twelve tribes that they may be undeceived."

Then he said to them, "Barnabas and John will stay with me, and others go through all the region of Samaria and Judea and Israel; preaching penitence and make prayer over the sick, because God has given me authority over every sickness."